Way of the Devil

Chapter 1033: Contact

Two newcomers to Wang Cheng soon arrived at the toasting session, and a table was filled with a toast.

After the wine is finished, it is a variety of local rituals. Under the command of the master of ceremonies, the two are like a marionette. They will continue to squat for a while, and they will swear for a while.

After more than half an hour, the whole content was finally finished, and the wedding banquet was barely finished.

Everyone started to eat and eat, and the carefully selected dishes were constantly coming up. They were all popular dishes with low price and good taste.

Wang Cheng also came to the table to eat.

While eating, I also persuaded Lu Sheng to quit his job and do it. He and his wife sat on the other side of the road, and no one could hear it.

It’s just that Lu Sheng’s root is to complete the original wish of Wang Mu, so he has been working as a librarian for a part-time job. It is naturally impossible to change jobs.

It took more than an hour to eat the meal, and the whole wedding banquet was finally over.

The guests got up and left, and in the big wedding banquet hall, only the immediate family members of their royal family were left.

"Come and come, we have dinner with our family!" Wang Junhao took a few people who were planning to leave, and looked at Lu Sheng, who had just got up.

"Don't go, let's have a drink with our family! How many years haven't they got together so well?" He is actually a very traditional person. He has a very sense of belonging to the traditional family and family concept.

For the younger brothers and sisters of the Wang family, and the children they have born, he is treated as a family member.

A group of kings were pulled by him to a table. Except for Wang Mu's father, the rest of the people have arrived.

The uncle let the hotel people return to a table, then a variety of drinks.

"This time is really thank you for your help! Before, I was very busy with Huizhi. I would like to thank the three brothers!"

The uncle Wang Junhao stood up against Wang Mu’s Sanbo, and his head was a cup of white.

"Big brother said what to do!? Is a family, we don't help anyone to help you!? We will definitely be the first time to help you! Not to say!"

Sanbo is a teacher who teaches at school. His glasses are tall and thin, and he looks very gentle. However, it is quite cool to talk about things. Picking up drinks is also a drink, a boring one.

A group of people lamented that the family was valuable, and they blew for a while, and they talked about the eldest daughter Wang Yunyun.

“What kind of professional is Xiaoyun going to report?” Erbo asked casually. "As I said, I will report on fashion design. Now, do girls all like these things? If you are interested, you can make a name for yourself. Don't be like Xiao Jing, you can't get it right now."

Xiao Jing is his dear daughter. He is twenty-six years old. He has graduated for several years, but he is still looking for a job everywhere. It is not suitable to find a lot of books because her major is too biased. The type of salary is too low.

Now Wang Ruojing has become a negative textbook for the family to name directly. The rest of the people followed Wang Ruojing to Wang Haoyun as a negative example.

The girl is also sitting at the table, a pretty girl who looks pretty, a simple white shirt and black skirt, looks a bit more beautiful, has been said several times in a row, and her face is also somewhat unsightly.

"There is also Amu is also" Erbokou did not cover, and began to name the road victory.

The rest of the people also took him a few counts, and the treatment was as good as Wang Ruojing.

Wang Ruojing looked at him quite sympathetically, and he had a taste of the same illness.

"Xiaomu, you are not too young, but you are really not looking for a wife in this profession. I have asked you a lot of people everywhere, but when people listen to your salary, they turn their faces." Uncle is also troubled. .

Wang Mu’s salary can also barely support himself. Don’t say a wife, there will be a baby in the future, even if others are willing, then when a child comes out, who raises?

"I know, my business is in my heart." Lu Sheng smiled back.

To be honest, apart from the opening of Wang Mu, the immediate family members here are actually not bad, and they get close together.

"Then have you considered it later? Your salary is now no problem, but in the future? Not married? No children? Milk powder diaper toys, what do you want money?"

The aunt also began to give Lu Sheng brainwashing and persuasion.

On the other hand, Wang Ruojing was also carefully talked by Erbola, which is also said to be similar.

The two people's topics have basically become the center of the family feast.

Xiaotangmei Wang Xiaoyun took the mobile phone and felt that she became a marginal person. It is obvious that she should be the protagonist.

She stared at Wang Ruojing and Wang Mu, and she was not happy.

Lu Sheng, no matter what others say, just smiles and nods.

The uncle looked in his eyes and was in a hurry.

He looked at Wang Mu, who had been smiling, and always smiled, and gradually decided to make a decision.

He has some relationship with his son Wang Cheng's winery, plus Cheng Cheng is also well mixed inside, there is a built-in staff library, just looking for people to manage.

He intends to find his son and give a gift to the leader in charge of this part to see if there is any chance to stuff Wang Mu.

This is also a book, presumably this time Wang Mu will never deny.

At the end of the feast, Lu Sheng went to the bathroom, went out the toilet and washed his hands.

Just like the Wang Ruojing who came out like the same.

For this girl who only has one more name than Wang Jing, Lu Sheng’s impression is okay, it seems to be a very strong girl. No matter how you don't help your family.

Both of them are the targets of concentrated fighting. At this time, they face each other and feel the same kind of pity.

"Would you like to listen to the uncle?" Wang Ruojing came over and opened his hands to wash his hands.

"They are kind, but I have my own plans." Lu Sheng smiled and shook his head.

"Also, I have been around for a while, I am going to try a new industry. The original water conservancy project is really no longer mixed up," Wang Ruojing sighed.

In fact, she is slightly stronger in personality and wants to stick to the direction she is interested in, but the reality gives her a few slaps.

"More attempts." Lu Sheng nodded. "I don't have much income now, but one person is enough. As the uncle said, I never thought about it later. I wanted to find a common pass. Good girl, have a good time together."

"It will be very difficult." Wang Ruojing shook his head.

"Maybe, I am the kind of person who has no ambitions?" Lu Sheng smiled. "I just want to live with my loved ones, find something delicious every day, and just stroll around." I am very satisfied with doing what I like to do."

In his mind, he slowly recalled the appearance of Chen Yuxi and Wang Jing.

This is his real thought.

When everything settles down, find an unknown universe and live with Wang Jing.

It is best to eat every day, just stroll around the universe and travel.

Don't worry about killing people when you love, don't worry about eating races when you eat.

This is actually the biggest ideal for Lu Sheng.

"Then you are really easy to satisfy," Wang Ruojing admired.

"Yeah, I am such an easy-to-satisfied person." Lu Sheng nodded. "In fact, many times, when things are in trouble, I have always chosen to be a good person, but the last person to be forced is me."

"Tolerance is also for a calm life, I understand you." Wang Ruojing deeply felt the contact head.

"Yeah, who will be fine to find trouble everywhere?" Lu Sheng recalled many things he had encountered before, and his feelings were inexplicable. "I just want to find a good woman to marry quietly, then give birth to a child, every day is plain, and every day has a small warmth of my own."

"Big brother! Not good! Zheng Huan was cut!!" Suddenly a few strong and powerful brawny rushed in, face anxiously against Lu Sheng.


"Big brother!"

"The owner!"

"When Huan Ge was discovered, there was only one breath left. We couldn’t make up our mind and wait for you to save your life!"

Several newly joined members of the Jiu Mingtang were anxiously sweating.

"You" Lu Sheng looks pretty, and looks at Wang Ruojing, who is also in the same face.

"Two dead! Big Brother, it’s too late to leave!!" The man who took the lead was so anxious that the sweat had completely wet the vest.

The vest was soaked, and suddenly it clearly showed that he had a pulse gun on his waist and a jagged electric blade with a jagged blade.

Four or five strong big men came around, and they also wore weapons and tattoos. They didn’t look like good people at first glance.

"Forget it, let's go." Lu Sheng sighed. Why is there always someone who wants to force him, he just thought about the ordinary life of a normal person. Is this also wrong?

He walked out of the bathroom first, and behind him was Wang Ruojing.

"Go away! Don't stand with me! I don't know you!" The roar of the road was not far away.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Wang Ruojing squinted his eyes and felt that he had just had an illusion.

She quickly lowered her head, opened the tap and licked her face.

"Wang Mu's every day is very ordinary." I don't know why, she remembered the expression of Wang Mu when she spoke, inexplicably want to laugh.


The toilet door on the side opened, and Wang Xiaoyun walked out from the inside. Just like the same face color abnormal Wang Ruojing.

The two eyes of the two men groaned and did not know what expression to use at this time.



Hey! !

Lu Sheng kicked the big man who reported the news and flew more than ten meters away.

"How did I remind you before?? Well!?"

He squeezed the neck of another strong man, regardless of his life's struggle, dragging him to the door of the special emergency private hospital of Jiu Ming Tang.

"Looking at me in front of my family, I still wear it like this? You think that what I said before is a whisper, right?"

Hey! !

He directly slammed the strong man on his hand to the door, and the hospital door was smashed on the spot.

A lot of stone powder and dust were shaken off the cracks, making the surroundings slightly awkward.

Lu Sheng did not look at the big man who was mourning at his feet and strode into the hospital.

"The owner!"

"The owner!"

A group of black vests have their own weapons and daggers, and respectfully greet Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng did not look at this group of people, and at a glance saw Zheng Huan, who was wrapped in a mummy.

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