Way of the Devil

Chapter 1044: Wave 2

"You also know that my identity is not enough to have so much space....." Nesian tried to explain.

"It’s useless, the messenger won’t listen to you for any reason, he just needs the result.” The sharp voice continued.

"It is harder for the superior messenger to kill us than to pinch an ant. Their patience is limited, so we must do our best and do our best!"

After a pause, the voice went again.

"In addition, the little planet you have played before, press the business down as soon as possible, everything is calm and best."

Nessiah was upset and asked, but was stopped by the other side.

"Don't ask, just do it."

Neissuan gritted his teeth and nodded slowly.

"I....I understand." Before he expelled the strange blood in his body, he spent a full-body gene therapy.

Now, the upper side actually wants him to give up revenge! ?

Nesian’s heart was filled with anger that could not be suppressed. But only patience, no one knows better than him, what kind of horrible power the superior has.

"Okay. Go on," the voice said.

Nesian was silent. Unwilling to slowly retreat, fly away.



The devil world.

Star Alliance headquarters.

Thousands of countless silver planets, surrounded by a white gold giant fireball, emit a terrifying high-energy radiation under intense energy response.

On the surface of the fireball, a translucent, pale red palace is slowly floating on the endless flame planet.

Inside the palace, the three beams of light are in a triangular opposition, and each beam of light has a vague outline of the face.

This is the core of the Star Alliance, and it is also the pilgrimage and yearning for countless stars.

It is where the silver heart gathers, and the end of the universe is born.

"I am going to be unable to suppress it!" In one of the beams, an old silhouette shivered.

If anyone can see him through the light column, then you can see that at least half of the person at this time has been dyed black.

And the part of the black body is vaguely translucent.

"Keep on, Galen! We have no retreat! If you fall at this time..."

"We have to ask for help!"

In the other two columns of light, different voices were heard, and the opinions of one man and one woman were divided, but they all showed that the situation had reached an extremely urgent level.

"The only beasts that can ask for help are the ancient beasts, but the ancient beasts are not much better than us! Nothing erodes them, even earlier than us!" The female voice shook with a trace of wire.

"If I really can't hold it, I will break it down. You don't stick to the Star Alliance defense line. It is the key to save the core strength." The old man said, "The root of nothingness is now surfaced, no matter the contradiction of the essence of power." Look, or we have suppressed them for so many years. They will never let go of this opportunity."

"Don't be lucky."

"They are coming!"

Suddenly, the old man blew a large black dense fog, and the dense fog was like ink, and quickly spread the whole body up and down.

No one knows that the real reason for the cease-fire between the Star Alliance and the Ancient Beast is not the so-called victory or defeat, but the secret attack by third-party forces.

Both the Star Alliance and the Ancient Beast have lost a lot of backbone power in silence.

"Gallen!!" The other two beams of light can't be used, and they can only watch the third beam of light turn black and faint.

"I can't support it.....you, don't forget... I have been there.... Oath!" The old man was almost completely infected with black.

Hey! !

Suddenly, he exploded on the spot, and the black air that flew out disappeared into the air.

At the same time, nearly one-third of the territory of the Star Alliance.

It has been shrouded in these territorial universes before, and the faint floating ancient deterrent atmosphere has slowly dissipated at this moment.

Countless galaxies are slowly dimming, and hundreds of millions of powerful stars lose their light at this moment and cool rapidly.




Lu Sheng opened the projection TV hanging on the wall and quickly pressed the news channel with the remote control panel.

The TV flashed and quickly jumped to the screen of the afternoon news.

A beautiful host is full of face-to-face reports of various major events that have appeared in recent days.

Lu Sheng licked the wet hair, threw the towel aside, took a bucket of iced nutrient solution from the refrigerator, and took it up and drank.

It has been more than three months since the last Nesian incident.

During the past three months, the combined forces of the three provinces, after arriving in the province of Arnos, did not investigate them at all. They just grabbed some scapegoats and hurriedly closed the case and then left.

A series of preparations before Jiu Ming Tang became all useless and in vain.

Zheng Huan also led the team back again, lurking.

In this incident, the entire Jiu Ming Tang became a representative of outstanding private enterprises for the country.

Others are completely unclear about the details of this matter. Only Lu Sheng, the heart understands that this is the condition that the mysterious old man promised.

The old man from the Blue Stars terrorist organization seems to be able to withstand higher than he thought.

In other words, this mysterious organization called the blue starlight, its foundation and power, is even stronger than Lu Sheng’s imagination.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Sheng looked at the TV while checking the extent of his physical changes.

In three months, the transformation of the fifth life is nearing the end.

The physical strength has once again risen to the point where it is unmeasurable. The strength and speed are not well measured at all. There is no reference object that can make Lusheng fully capable.

In order to prevent inadvertent damage to the surrounding area, Lu Sheng re-released and sealed himself twice.

All properties are sealed at about one percent of the original. This will quickly return to normal life.

"Strength is brought up, but now the most important thing is that the power is not enough." Lu Sheng looked at the dark blue interface and only a million levels of power.

"The consumption of the fifth life has reached hundreds of millions of units, so the sixth life, perhaps at least a billion or even billions of units of power. But now the veins of Arnos are not necessarily enough to support me. Next step."

Lu Sheng is troubled by this.

A large number of scales can provide a lot of power. But the speed of mining is far less than the speed of his consumption.

He needs to open up more new channels to accumulate power.

After drinking a whole bucket of nutrient solution, Lu Sheng would have to get up and take another bucket.

Suddenly the phone rang.

He popped a slap in the air and pressed the phone answer button precisely.

"Master, you said before, the person holding the black triangle, arrived." Wei Handong whispered on the phone.

"Come on?" Lu Sheng’s eyes glimpsed. “How many people are there?”

"Not much, just a hundred people."

"Let them wait in the venue near the main building, I will be there soon." Lu Sheng snarled.


The phone is disconnected.

Lu Sheng quickly changed his clothes and picked up his mobile phone to go out.

From the location where he lives to the headquarters, it is only less than fifteen minutes.

When Lu Sheng drove to the gate, the disciples who had been waiting for a long time at the headquarters quickly rushed forward to open the door to him.

When Lu Sheng just got off the bus, he saw the mysterious old man he had seen last time.

The old man stood neatly behind a large group of people, men, women and children. It seems that it is a newcomer to recruit. What is dressed up.

The group stood on the open space on the left side of the headquarters and was led by the old man.

"Long time no see, dear Wang Muzong." The old man blinked and smiled at Lu Sheng.

"Go in and talk." Lu Sheng Shen Shen. The last thing was handled very well. Under the retreat, he has a good attitude towards the other side.

"No, this hundred people will be handed over to you. No matter what you train them, we allow 20% of the death rate, and the elimination rate can't be higher than 50%. No problem. "The old man is quick and precise."

"Yes." Lu Sheng nodded.

"If the training results are good, we may be able to cooperate for a long time." The old man smiled.

"Hope." Lu Sheng also hopes that the other side can help him get more time. Jiu Ming Tang has a strong potential, but the development time is too short.

"In addition, all of our internal cadres appreciate you very much. This time we organized a big event and invited you to go to the ceremony." The old man looked and said good.


"Yes, about the morning after tomorrow. If you promise, we will send someone to pick you up. It only takes one day to come back." The old man whispered.

Lu Sheng blinked and looked at the old man carefully.

Nowadays, he has been able to sense the bottom of this person.

This old man is always ignoring the power of horror. These thoughts can help him to distort the light and skillfully construct a vivid image of the human old man.

That's right.

This old man is not a true body at all, but an image formed by the ability to weave and distort light.

"Okay, I promised." Lu Sheng nodded.

He also wants to see how strong this blue star is.

"Actually.... Our blue starlight is not just a division in this world." The old man suddenly said a word.

Lu Sheng’s heart is a glimpse.

"Oh? Do you still have a stronghold in many worlds?"

"Not a stronghold....our strength, you are still unable to understand now." The old man smiled and explained. "But you may, in the future, hear about our name in other worlds."

"What name?" Lu Sheng hearted.

"The root of nothingness." The old man smiled and said a name that Lu Sheng was very familiar with.

"The moment of emptiness is coming, we need more sacrifices, more ceremonies... to meet the wave of eternal. This event, I believe will impress you."

Lu Sheng still wants to ask, but the old man's body gradually fades and disappears directly in front of him. Only one hundred people left in a mess, standing in the same place.

"Hey! Which group are you from? What do you want to do with this ghost place!?"

The old man disappeared, and in the crowd, a short man with yellow hair slammed his body and screamed loudly.

As if they were all in a rigid state before, they didn't know anything.

Hearing the sound, it was just a very ordinary word, but Lu Sheng was shocked and stunned, staring at the man straight.

He actually heard it from the other side...

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