Way of the Devil

Chapter 1046: Storm II (thanks to the lord of Xiaoyu of Lordaeron for the reward)

After a while.

Several people sat in a quiet room in a nearby tea house.

After the waiter took a pot of tea, he slowly and quietly retreated.

The quiet room door is closed.

Su Shi and Lu Sheng sat down face to face, and the other four young men and women of different shapes were scattered behind her.

Unlike her, the other four seem to be quite nervous and seem to be quite afraid of him.

Lu Sheng had a black suit jacket, crossed his legs, and squeezed the cup in one hand to drink.

"You, seems to have known me? Tell me?"

He feels that from these populations, he may get some intelligence that he did not expect at all.

Su Shi cleared the scorpion.

"Please also retreat around and check if there is a monitoring device.

In addition, what I want to say next may have a big impact on you, but please be calm! ”

"Sister Sister!" A man behind her was worried and cried. "Is it coming?"

"Don't worry, I know how to deal with it." Su Shiyan said seriously.

Lu Sheng did not care.

I took out my mobile phone and sent a voice communication. Soon, the nine guards who guarded outside were leaving.

Then he saw Su Shi took out a small cosmetic mirror from his arms and held a circle around him.

"Now, there are no extra devices." Su Shi sighed.

"Let's say, what is so serious." Lu Sheng put down the tea cup and said lightly.

Su Shi bit her lip and took a deep breath.

"Door, if I remember correctly, you should have really started to rise two years ago?"

"Yes. Jiu Ming Tang was also established at that time. This kind of thing can be found everywhere, meaningless." Lu Sheng did not care.

"And the key to your rise should be in the Wenda Library?" Su Shi said again.

"In the library, you inadvertently found a powerful martial art called Qian Locking Dragon Power, which broke through the restrictions and embarked on the road beyond the limits of the human body."

Su Shi sighed and continued.

"You started to slowly accumulate in the way of cram school. After that, you accidentally met your right arm, Zheng Huan. After officially defeating him, he took it and led many disciples under the door to start the real expansion of Jiu Mingtang. ”

"If you don't believe it, then this thousand locks Dragon Power. It should be hidden in the second floor of the Wenda Library, and the second bookcase in the ancient books area is at the bottom.

The surface of the merits is to use the four characters of the geography of geography as a cover. The surface records the knowledge of astronomy and geography, but if it is soaked with oil, it will reveal the real content."

Lu Sheng was only listening to the story at first, but after Su Shi even gave a very detailed and accurate orientation and description, he suddenly hesitated.

"Now, should you believe us?" Su Shi said the information he had in his breath, and his face was still awe-inspiring.

"If you say this, you can say that we are very capable and well-controlled, then I can prove to you that we can help you avoid the biggest trouble."

"What trouble?" Lu Sheng did not know, and his face was slightly abrupt.

"Big Star, will be destroyed in an odd number of dead lights in the Star Wars a year later.

The Nianneng Alliance and the Blue Starlight are in full swing, and the manipulation of both sides makes every star a star. And the manipulation makes it, and there is a stronger existence of darkness.

"If you don't believe it, we can provide a little bit of personal intelligence."

"What intelligence?" Lu Sheng has unconsciously already paid attention to what Su Shi said.

"A disciple under your door, a man named Yao Chong, will be enemies in the day after tomorrow because he is drunk, he will be interrupted by the right hand on the spot, come back for help. You can judge at the time, is the information we provide? Really." Su Shi from the channel.

Lu Sheng was silent.

"I understand. If you say it, I will think carefully. Then"

"So, everything, wait until the day after tomorrow to see." Su Shi stood up, earnestly smashed the road. "Farewell."

Lu Sheng watched the five of them go out of the quiet room. There is an inexplicable weirdness in my heart.

"If you follow this Su Shi, then isn't it that even if I don't come, Wang Mu will be in the Wenda Library, inadvertently finding the one who locked the dragon, and then embarked on the road of painstaking struggle?

Also, how did they know so clearly? Or, it’s hard to say that, as I mentioned in it, I actually lived in a movie or story that someone else watched? ”

Lu Sheng’s heart was full of thoughts.

Leaving the quiet room, the sky is already a bit bleak.

He did not go back, but drove the car and went straight to the library.

The Wenda Library has been re-adjusted under his management, slightly renovated the outside, and looks much newer.

In accordance with what Su Shi said, Lu Sheng went directly to the second floor and entered the library where the ancient books were stored.

In the dark collection of books, a row of bookshelves is sparsely placed with an old book of little value.

The so-called ancient books, in fact, the longest is only 40 or 50 years ago.

Lu Shengjing went straight to the bookshelf that Su Shi said, and he turned it over. Soon she found the old geography book she said.

"Really there!" Lu Sheng was shocked and looked at the book in his hand.

This is the old book of this standard that introduces geography and astronomy. Lu Sheng turned to look at it, the publishing house is the Bethesian Comprehensive Press. The content is also some outdated old version of knowledge.

“Put in the oil?”

Lu Sheng took out the phone and sent a command.

Then he took the book out of the library and went to the lobby on the first floor.

There are already nine people in the hall waiting for it, and there is still a barrel of edible oil in their hands.

Lu Sheng took over the oil and entered the library's staff-only room.

In the sink, he quickly poured the oil down the book.


A subtle buzzing sounded, the book encountered oily water as if it were a chemical reaction, and the entire cover and pages were completely different.

At first, the pale yellow pages became pale and pale after being soaked in oil.

The thickness of the paper is also much thinner.

Lu Sheng picked up and looked at it. The pages full of oil and water have revealed a lot of handwriting and graphics.

The word is a simplified word with signs of excessive simplification decades ago.

The text originally used by the Magic Figure Empire was too simplistic, resulting in many overlapping uses. So the Imperial Ministry of Culture re-established the national dictionary and restored some of the simplified words to traditional Chinese again.

So now I can hardly see this extremely simplified handwriting.

Lu Sheng recognized the words on the top.

“Thousands of Locked Dragons? Is it really?”

His heart moved, and he opened it and scanned it again.

This method of practice, and his spiral nine life method is no match, it is worse than several grades. But in developing its own potential, it is second to none. At least it is far more than the so-called magic fighting techniques of the planet.

It is about the same level as the load fighting technique.

And most importantly, this method is progressing very fast.

Load fighting techniques began to practice, to Dacheng, Ansha red thorns using electromagnetic energy and nuclear energy to accelerate practice, but also spent more than a year. This is still with his help, continuous self-limiting maximum exercise.

And this thousand locks Longgong, according to the above records, as long as you can get started, even the slowest is only three months, you can make a big success.

"Three months?? Is this funny?" Lu Sheng quickly opened the follow-up content.

I quickly understood the nature of this exercise.

This is an uncompromising magical method.

If it is said that it is still in the beginning, it is just the right way, then the follow-up is all kinds of extravagance techniques at the expense of overdrafting the potential of the body.

If you really practice according to the above method, take the medicine. The exercise method can be practiced, but the life expectancy is at least 40 years.

"This is more like a kind of residual that creates an experimental nature." Lu Sheng put together the practice, and his mind has a number.

"The Su Shi, I can master so many intelligences that I don't know. I have a mysterious power that I have never seen before. If the day after tomorrow, what happened to her, maybe." think.

The blue starlight was handed over to one hundred people in Lu Sheng’s hands, and the quality was uneven.

Among them, the strong, straight test is up to standard, there is no need for intensive training. The weak ones are ordinary people, without any training, and even some people think that they are making TV dramas.

After Lu Sheng let Bai County go down a mess, these screaming guys are quiet.

The training was divided into two parts. Lu Sheng thought about it and did not teach them to load the fighting technique. Instead, he directly improved the part, and cut off the shortcomings of the dragon lock, and then simplified it and then gave it to the group to start practicing.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, two days passed.

On the night of Su Shi’s prediction, Lu Sheng’s man who ordered the strict supervision of Jiu Ming Tang actually contradicted the other two in KTV.

And exactly the same as Su Shi said, Jiu Mingtang disciple Yao Chong, the guy who is also a good player in the hall, was actually interrupted by the right hand in the conflict, and then returned to the branch for help.

Today's Jiu Ming Tang, the dominating of the entire province of Arnos, and even the surrounding provinces are helpless, and their influence gradually spread.

Such a behemoth's good hand was actually interrupted on the spot.

A dozen people on the spot, they immediately got up and went to activities and activities.

Unexpectedly, the two people who interrupted Yao Chong’s palm actually took the initiative to find the door.

"The situation is like this. The other party is using the means of reading the teacher, the attack is very fierce and crisp, obviously not the first time to do so." Wei Zhenyu whispered in the phone.

Lu Sheng sat on the sofa and placed a pot of egg tarts on the table. He took a drink and took a drink.

A dozen egg tarts rolled into his mouth like a bean.

Then chew it a little and it's all in your stomach.

"Let Bai Anyi go and see. The investigation is clear why." Lu Sheng put down the washbasin, and the female disciple on the side quickly came up to wipe his mouth with silk.

"And, bring Yao Chong, and the guy who beats, the information image is passed over." He vomited, picked up the mineral water on one side, and threw it into his mouth and bite it like a jelly. I ate a dozen bottles in one breath and it was quenching thirst.

If Su Shi’s words are true, then this beating guy is likely to be a key figure.

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