Way of the Devil

Chapter 1055: Progressive one

Mine Cloud Group.

Up to 350 floors of skyscrapers, like a silver knife, straight into the sky.

The scenery in the whole city of Moyun is unobstructed at the top of the building.

The white clam was lying lazily on the sofa, holding a cup of pink crystal fruit wine in his hand, gently swaying the wine, his eyes calmly looking at the wide view below the floor-to-ceiling window.

She is a woman who will enjoy it.

This is the point before she enters the Lord God space. After being lucky in a special task, she was lucky enough to get a special ability.

A special ability to enter the consciousness space of others through spiritual diligence and to plant a bond of slavery.

The space of consciousness is not a spiritual space. It is a special place that everyone has, and it has nothing to do with the strength of the spirit. Only related to willpower.

A lot of powerful, powerful, and mentally strong masters, but the intensity of the consciousness space may be only slightly stronger than the average person.

She used her unique talents, carefully designed, and finally accumulated the first starting capital.

Thus began her strong career.

"Captain, the afternoon ticket has been booked." A red-haired short-haired middle-aged man walked slowly into the low-pitched voice.

His unsightly sneak peek at the perfect body of the white disc.

The full body wrapped in the black cheongsam, the towering breasts, the slender soft waist, are so tempting.

From his point of view, you can see the cheongsam hem split to the root of the thigh, the mystery is looming. Snow white legs are as flawless as white jade. Slender and round.

The white disc is placed on the side of the sofa with a small foot and lies slightly on the side. A long, soft black hair hangs down the sofa.

"Nine lives are destined to be shattered, but they do support a lot of time between the two organizations. It shows that they still have some strength. After the thorough acceptance, it will help me a lot."

"Captain, you can rest assured." The man looked up and respectfully looked at the perfect white face in front of him, and his eyes flashed a fascination.

“Do you need us to accompany you?”

"Milo, let him be together. It’s been a long time since I didn’t taste the white ice cream he made.” The white scorpion dish smiled softly, and the man’s eyes were straight, and he almost never returned.

"I understand it." He slowly retreated.

The white scorpion dish stood up from the sofa. Her face is similar to the oriental one. There is a kind of pure and pitiful, just looking at other people, it can make people feel that she is crying in pity and tenderness.

It is impossible for anyone to refuse any of her requests.

But when her pink cherry lips are slightly glimpsed, this pure temperament will instantly turn into a charming.

Every smile has different appeals.

This is her strongest weapon.

"Jiu Ming Tang, Wang Mu. Juyi Group, Li Shaozong. These two people must be in the palm of their hands anyway."

Gently rubbed the wine in the cup.

Her eyes are somewhat blurred. This time, with the Angels Magic Team game, since she is in a weak position, she must first gather all the advantages that can be gathered.

The overall strength of the Cross Swords team is not strong, and all the remaining teams that can be eliminated must be absorbed first. Concentrate all power, whether it is a reincarnation or an npc. Yes.

First control Wang Mu, then go directly to Li Shaozong, according to speculation, the planet's biggest opportunity should be in Li Shaozong.

It’s silly to wait for the protagonist to time to trigger the chance, and then to **** it, like everyone else.

"Tree King, this time, it depends on you again." She whispered.

"Give it to me." Behind her, countless translucent branches entangled and weaved into a tall, black monster.



Jiu Ming Tang Branch.

The top floor of Yanbei Hotel in Anming City.

In the disc-turned restaurant built on the top floor of the hotel, Lu Sheng was slow to eat a black buffalo that was baked.

The huge piece of meat piled up in the plate in front of him, and the volume was even bigger than his whole.

He used a knife to gently slap everything, and suddenly the slap-sized beef was cut, stuffed into his mouth and chewed, and he swallowed easily.

A large piece of beef is rapidly decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The disciples around Jiu Ming Tang were scattered outside the restaurant, alerting all the movements around.

Hey, hey, hey.

The electronic clock on the wall gives a full reminder.


The restaurant door opened, a sly woman with a black veil, and the money was escorted by the two people next to him and walked into the hall.

The woman's veil covered the lower half of her face, revealing only a pair of pitiful, seemingly talking elves.

The black cheongsam on her body perfectly highlights its bumpy figure. The slender white legs are looming under the cheongsam.

"You are a white disc?" Lu Sheng squatted in his seat, picking up a silk scarf and wiping his mouth gently.

"Exactly. The little girl has a white disc and has seen the master of the nine-story hall." The white disc is slightly bent and bowed. The line of sight was overwhelmed by the exaggerated beef on the road, and my heart was slightly surprised.

"For the prestige of Jiu Ming Tang, the little girl has always been a longing for her heart. Since the beginning of the trip, I have always heard the name of the owner, so this time I came to see, I hope that I can join the mine cloud group as a whole. His business system." She whispered.

"Oh?" Lu Sheng was a stranger. There are such good things in this world. Are there people running at home to send money to him?

"Just, I checked your information. A few months ago, you were just an opportunity for an ordinary college student. Can you let you rise to the present level?" Lu Sheng said bluntly.

He would like to see how this woman answered in front of her eyes.

The white scorpion dish smiled slightly.

"It is love."


Lu Sheng did not understand that she was talking.

"Just kidding." The white scorpion dish looks the same and naturally changes its mouth.

"The fate of this kind of thing is so uncertain. If you are interested, we have time, you can talk about it alone, it is really strong."

Her eyes are somewhat blurred, and the pureness suddenly becomes charming.

"Yes, let's talk about it for a while." Lu Sheng also has this intention.

Soon the White County City came in, and the two professionals around the Baisui dish began to negotiate asset transfers, equity swaps and other proposals.

The white disc was invited to sit down and have a drink. She was very talkative and knowledgeable. She said that many things can be easily quoted.

Even if you don't understand, you can give suggestions from the side, and the realm and height make the road win a little surprised.

Soon two hours later, Lu Sheng ate the huge beef in front of him and gently wiped his mouth. The white county and the other party on the side also signed the contract, and all other documents were processed.

"Wang Zongshi, I have the same secret treasure, I want to ask the master to taste, I wonder if you can show your face? Find a quiet and quiet place." The white scorpion dish finally couldn't help but sing.

Lu Sheng also has this intention, nod.

"No problem, there is a VIP room for rest in the back hall."

"I know, I have seen it before."

The white enamel discs got up and Lu Sheng followed. The two men took the lead of the restaurant waiter and soon came to the front of the VIP room behind the restaurant.

The white plaque twisted the door handle, and a little green light flashed away.

Lu Sheng followed her into the door and then gently reversed the door.

There are only two of them left in the entire VIP room.

The "owner" slammed the white plate and softly turned to the road.

Lu Sheng gently caught her, and the two were opposite each other.


A trace of invisible force suddenly flew out of the eyes of the white scorpion dish, drilling into the road to win the eyebrows.

Her spiritual power is a powerful parasitic force called the illusion tree, which can invade each other's consciousness space in an instant, devour the other's self-will, and replace themselves. Instead of self-will, become the master of the other party.

The illusion tree is actually a special force that she has been swaying. This power ignores the physical strength of the body and only looks at the defensive power of the consciousness space.

And the general intrusion, the most difficult, and most likely to risk, is the initial intrusion moment.

Once the other party is vigilant, or the consciousness space practice has some special corresponding skills, it may fail.

So far, she has failed three times in total. And that is the three times, she almost lost her life. It can be described as dangerous.

At this time, the illusion tree easily breaks into the other's eyebrows, and sees the white plate of this scene, and knows that the overall situation has been fixed.

The most difficult thing about the magic tree is to break the outer layer. Now that you can easily get in, there is almost nothing going on, and it is easy to control this person.



A space of consciousness.

The spider-like illusion tree has eight sharp spikes, and its black, large body passes through the weak layer of thought and greedily rushes toward the small group in the distance.

As soon as it came in, it saw that there were other things here.

Generally speaking, there is a darkness in the space of consciousness, and most people will not have anything left.

Under normal circumstances, it should be like a desert. When the consciousness falls, it is a desert storm. When consciousness is separated, it is calm and quiet.

But at this time, a group of small black hair **** are scattered in this space in twos and threes.

These little hairballs look cute, full of furry, and only one-tenth of the illusionary tree, very short.

The illusion tree does not know at all, this is the kind of ruthlessness that Lu Sheng practiced in the body.

It slowly approached and walked to the edge of a nearest small ball, just about to start.


An extermination species suddenly rushed him to a tentacles.

It has a pair of big eyes that flicker and flicker. It looks like a small black thread. Several small tentacles are as soft as the wool, and they are a bit sprouting.

“叽??” The illusion tree is stunned with a spike. I don't know what it means.


The **** species squirmed and erected another tentacles.


The magic tree is awesome.

The extinct species retracted the tentacles.

Hey! ! !

It slammed into the face of the magic tree.

The tentacles popped up like lightning, and the rapid expansion became larger, and the eyes turned into more than ten times the volume. A slap in the face of the magic tree.

Hey! !

The power of terror shook a circle of translucent ripples at the beginning, and the magic tree was turned a few times. The fangs of the fangs spurted out and broke most of them.

"I told you that your **** is up!! Idiot!"

The rest of the tentacles of the extinct species expand rapidly and become a giant volume that is several times larger than the body.

Huge shadows completely cover the illusion of falling trees.

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