Way of the Devil

Chapter 1069: Confrontation

"Reading the Alliance can do it."

In the icy, empty blue stone hall.

On the throne of the freezing ice, there was a white-haired woman wearing a dark blue.

Her skin is as smooth and sleek as a ivory, long hair shawl, like crystal, slender and pure. The five senses are perfect like sculptures, and the proportions are cut out with the most accurate instruments.

"General, order it." The masked men wearing black and blue armor appeared in the stone hall, kneeling on one knee and asking for the woman.

"Since they are ahead of schedule, we don't have to drag on."

"It's time for them to experience the fear they once had."

"If you can leave their entire fleet, would you think the league will hurt too much?"

Several people are eager to try.

The woman's knuckles gently tapped on the armrest of the seat, giving a crisp sound.

"Do you have our people on the plus star now?" She said.

"Yes, it is the only son of the cross member, Sean, Xixiang, and the quasi-member who has just joined, the nine sons of the sect of the king." One quickly answered.

"Take it up," the woman said faintly. "There are only a lot of dead people, and they will understand how valuable life is."


The following figures have been answered.



The glaring column has not been scattered for a long time.

The whole research institute runs straight from the bottom to the top, from the underground to the sky.

For a time in the world, it seems that the light is completely swallowed up by the black light column. The wind is surrounded by crazy raging around.

"Did you die?"

Two long-haired girls in black one-piece skirts hand in hand and gently landed aside, standing quietly on the side of the institute.

Both girls wore the double-headed eagle logo of the Nianneng League, and the long legs were wrapped in long white stockings.

The small, full-bodied chest is covered in a black skirt with lace to cover the lower half, revealing a dazzling white skin.

The two are almost exactly the same, the only difference is their hair, the sister's hair reaches the waist, and the sister's only the shawl.

"The Shadow Dragon! Clear the field!"

My sister snorted.


A black light burst in an instant, and all the ground ruins above the institute were emptied.

Where the black light covers, all the substances disappear and disappear, and a large circle is cleared.

"The special service unit can be dispatched." The sister gently pressed a small decoration on the clothes.

"Roger that."

A thick magnetic male voice suddenly emerged in midair.


A few black light flashes, and more than a dozen black giants flashed in the air, rushing toward the big hole that the institute was opened.

These giants are all alliances who can manipulate the mechs. They sneaked in from the entrance of the cave, and from time to time issued laser cannon weapons to lift the organs around the breach.

"Rena adults, everything in the institute is normal. Keep in touch at all times." The head of the sneaked troops reported in the Nianneng Newsletter.

"Go ahead." Sister Lena calmly said. "In the middle of my fight, the shadow dragon should be able to survive, but if it is alive, it must be strong enough. You must be careful."


The sky is gradually covered with dark clouds.

But if someone looks at it carefully, it can be seen that it is not a cloud, but a large black machine bee that is countless.

Hundreds of millions of machine bees are like locusts, rushing towards all the human cities on the entire double star.

They cover the sky, change the world, and quickly pick up all the smart devices on the ground.

From time to time on the ground, small groups of sparks exploded.

The TV tower signal tower slowly exploded a large electric fire and turned into a blackened black.

In some electrical stores, all electrical appliances, televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, stereos, and portables all emit blue-yellow arcs and quickly smoke.

One city man who was originally unaware of it, slowly walked out of the store, at home, looking up at the sky, the endless locust-like machine bee covering almost half of the planet.

"Get started." Lena slowly extended her right arm and palms up.

Hey! !

A black light beam appeared in her hand. The beam of more than ten meters is like a black spike, and both ends are swallowed with intense energy sawtooth.

"Go, the dragon thorn."

She squatted on one knee, and the palm of her hand spurred to the ground.

Hey! !

A big hand snapped her wrist.

"Who!!?" Lena was a stunner, and her elbow was reversed, but she was held by the same big hand.

"Don't be impulsive!!" A familiar voice was put into her ear.

Lena looked back and was actually the captain of the ground action, and also her father Andy.

"Listen" Andy whispered, loosened her, and looked dignified.

"What did you hear?"

Lena snorted.

"Nothing, are you scaring me?"

"嘘" Andy raised his finger in front of his mouth. "Listen carefully"


There seems to be some strange vibrations that are constantly coming from the ground.

"This is this!" Lena's sisters changed slightly. They also heard it.

"not good!"

Andy jerked his body behind a white gold cloak, and took two daughters in a pack, and the lightning retreated.

Just at the moment he just retired.

boom! ! !

A red-red magma fire column erupted from the ground and formed a huge lava column of hundreds of meters.

The earth is shaking.

In the sound of humming, it seems that the whole world is shaking.

Booming and banging! ! !

A red fire pillar rises from the ground like a red fountain.

A large amount of magma scattered scattered on the ground.

At the center of the institute, the ground cracked and all the cracks burst into red.

A black shadow slowly rose from the center.

The surrounding buildings collapsed and the machine bees that had been flying wildly in the sky were crushed and crashed by the high temperature.

The whole sky seemed to be black and heavy rain for a while.

Andy hugged her daughter in a row and moved on several cracked boulders, but the magma covered it too fast, and they couldn't find a stable standing point. Can only keep moving.

"My darkness can make the planet have darkness. This is not the Wienerga! What the waste of the intelligence department is doing!!?" Andy saw the slowly from the underground. The twisted figure rises and the heart trembles.

Numerous magma rose like a dragon, and surrounded by the man.

Bang! ! !

In a flash, the magma blasted a ring.

The horrible high-temperature magma is like a blooming red flower, covering thousands of kilometers around.

Andy hugged her daughter and hurried away.


The red round wheel flicked at the lightning under his feet, and almost three people were hit.

"The special service team??! Quick withdrawal! He didn't find you!" Andy screamed and screamed.

There is only a slight current sound in the “嗤嗤嗤嗤” communication channel, and there is no other response.

Andy pulled off the voice-transmitting device, and he knew that the Secret Service team was definitely finished.

"Withdraw!! Withdraw!! We withdraw!! Let all the follow-up ground forces in the back be withdrawn!!" He yelled and spread the sound directly with his thoughts.

At this point the whole city is twisting and tilting.

Countless crowds cried, screaming desperately, they fled around, but could not find any place to escape.

The building collapsed and the basement was smashed and smashed in an instant.

The vehicle is like a toy in the boulder and magma, and it is destroyed when it touches it.

Whether it is holding a group or running around, you can only look at luck.

The machine bee, which was observed from a high altitude, completely monitored the changes in the entire earth.

The whole city was slowly lifted up from the ground and floated, as if something had risen from the center and arched out.

The whole city's land was torn apart.

Below the ground crack, there is an endless red magma sea.

The city is in the middle.

A strong figure with a huge flesh behind the darkness is slowly raising his head. His body was covered with dense dark red lines, and two sharp white sharp corners appeared on the sides of his chest.

A huge lava ball swelled quickly behind him, getting bigger and bigger.

Lu Sheng looked up at the sky, as if he could see the huge innocent terrorist fleet in space through the dense machine bees.

"I am power!"

His eyes turned red and flickered, and the lava **** grew bigger and bigger, and in a blink of an eye they expanded to tens of kilometers, hundreds of kilometers, thousands of kilometers!

"Destroy everything!"

Lu Sheng double wings open, look up and look up.


The giant lava ball rolled, roaring and flew toward the sky. The entire sphere covered almost the entire city, crashing into numerous machine bees and rushing into the atmosphere. Fly towards the fleet.

The lava ball is almost one-twentieth of the diameter of the double star, and is clearly visible in space, like a tiny sun.

It formed too fast, too urgent, and the fleet did not even respond. Only the auto-protected laser network quickly started the reaction, and tens of thousands of laser cannons rushed toward the lava ball.

It seems that countless white small toothpicks pierce a giant mammoth. Useless.

In the foremost giant battleship.

The old man sitting in the main control position stared at the flying lava ball, with no expression.

"This level of attack is definitely a secret."

A black shadow on the side is low.

"Commander-in-chief. It is too late to start the main gun. This energy, the battleship armor may not be able to hold it." Another shadow is solemn.

The old man was wearing a white gold military uniform, with a long cloak in the middle of his body, inlaid with a huge golden double-headed eagle logo.

On his shoulders are two solitary white spikes, two fluorescent white spikes.

This is the unique mark of the core of the Nianneng Alliance, the Star Tower.

He is very old, his white eyebrows are thick and straight, and even the face is full of pure white.

"I am very pleased that the empire can cultivate the elite and genius of such potential." The voice of the old man swayed slowly in the hall.

"But this does not mean that I can tolerate such bad behaviors that are provocative against the Emperor."

"What do you mean?" The shadow of the black shadow seemed to be an extremely dangerous possibility.

"For the purity of the empire." The old man slowly raised his hand, his palm was wide and thick, and there was a white arc-shaped scar on the back of his hand.

"I will impose a capital punishment on the rebellious planet!"

Hey! !

His palm blew a circle of transparent ripples.

The ripples spread out of the battleship, sweeping around the countless cosmic dusts, and instantly turned into a huge white giant, and smashed toward the lava ball.

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