Way of the Devil

Chapter 1071: War one

"That said. Ann Freddy and his father should be one of the pillars of the world's roots of resistance to nothingness."

Although this super-energy world is not only a country with a magical empire, but as one of the strongest military powers, the status of the magic map is very important.

Being able to serve as prime minister in such a huge empire, its prestige position, it is self-evident.

Lu Sheng quickly positioned Anforetti's position right, probably knowing where the blue starlight is.

"Whether, start the emergency rescue program first. The planet has been pumping too much magma for me to fight against the strong enemy, which has affected the normal circulation and operation of the entire planet. It must be remedied immediately." Lu Sheng looked down at the ground below.

The city is almost invisible, with only a few residual man-made architectural wrecks, still swaying on the black ground that splits and floats.

The wind whizzed through the sky, and the strong black smoke that floated the ground was slanting.

Lu Sheng can smell a lot of odors and a lot of unknown gas inside the crust.

All the odors are mixed together to form an extremely unpleasant odor.

"Go, go search and rescue survivors. Every life should not be abandoned." Lu Sheng Shen Shen.

"Yes!" Several black shadows spiraled toward the bottom.

Lu Sheng gently shakes his wings, hovering around to overlook, and his eyes are constantly glanced down.

Soon, he saw a sloping boulder far away, and a small group of black spots were struggling.

The huge crustal movement caused the boulder to turn over almost completely, and they will be completely pressed down.

Lu Sheng wins a stroke with his right palm.

An invisible twisted air knife screamed and flew down, slammed on the overturned boulders, gently knocked it back to the original, and lay flat.

He only took back his hand. Flying all the way, rescue all the people who have suffered because of him.

It flew in the sky for more than two hours.

He took a break in a temporary floating base nearby.

The military bases around them were destroyed in the recent war. The survivors were rescued by thousands of people in the search and rescue of the ninth cadres.

Too many civilians die from the huge crustal movement.

Jiu Mingtang, despite the mad search and rescue, still can't change the tragic facts.

Lu Sheng was in the floating base, and the emergency department contacted the General Defense Department. However, General Amphora, who was informed of the blue starlight, had led the army to use the extraordinary means to quickly take over the entire defense department of the entire Stargazing.

Large-scale crust oscillators and plate stabilizers began to slowly start, quickly pacifying the various earthquake volcanoes and tsunami that were stirred up by the war.

This war is not only the suffering of the city where the Group is located, but the entire surrounding state will be seriously affected.

The province of Arnos was affected on the other side of the planet. The earthquake caused many civilians to die because of the collapse of old houses.

Coastal cities have been destroyed by nearly a half of the city by a huge tsunami, causing countless deaths and injuries.

The entire double star quickly fell into chaos, in such a chaotic situation.

Lu Sheng received an invitation to meet with Blue Star Angela.

As a pre-remember, he is theoretically at the same level as Ann Fleet, but in fact, Amphora is far above him, regardless of strength or prestige, so he can only be regarded as an initial newcomer.

And Anfuletti is the real big man.

However, what surprised him was that when he received the invitation, Anfuletti in the video call did not feel any arrogance, but he was very flat and invited him to discuss the meeting.

In response to the upcoming measures of the Imperial Army, discuss the response strategy.

This feeling is like the taste of a business.

For the strength of Anfuletti. Lu Sheng probably estimated that if the fluctuations in the periphery of the huge fleet were her full strength, then she could wrap the entire fleet's Anfuletti in her own way.

Its strength is most likely a level with his body.

After all, those are not ordinary warships, each one is a giant ship equivalent to several ordinary planets. Dozens of giant ships are marching at the same time. Even if they win the road, they dare not have absolute control and can completely control their flight trajectory.

But Ann Freddy can actually.

She took the main ship as the core and pulled the entire fleet to hit the Imperial Fleet at high speed. The whole process of the series, Lu Sheng was clearly aware.

This is equivalent to smashing dozens of planets into the enemy with their own strength.

He can easily destroy a planet, a galaxy, but it does not mean that he can bring such a huge mass in one breath.

For this meeting, Lu Sheng is also very much looking forward to it.

As a preparatory member who promised to join the Blue Star, he can learn more about their level of information in conversations with each other.

Suspended in a giant ship over the base of the General Defence Department.

In the cold and cold battleship conference hall.

Lu Sheng has a black trench coat and a huge nine-character print on the back. Followed by Ansha and red thorns.

The huge body shape of the red thorns also converges as much as possible, but she still has more than three meters of body, which is still too large in the battleship passage.


The automatic sensing door is separated from the sides in front of the road win.

Lu Sheng walked slowly into the conference hall.

There is only one large elliptical long table in the whole conference hall. The ground is sparkling with a deep blue fluorescent line. The surrounding walls are inlaid with a picture frame similar to oil painting. There are various kinds of pictures in the changing and beating.

There are deer running in the forest.

There are white clouds floating in the sky.

There are also giant elephants that are struggling in the glacier.

Unknown giant beasts roared toward the sky.

There is also a fleet of warships fighting each other. Some numerologists manipulated the armor of the noble and religious temperament, and fought **** battles.


Opposite the conference table, a slender dark blue figure slowly stood up.

Lu Sheng was betting on the past and focused on the white-haired woman in the middle.

The woman has flawless facial features and skin, a white hair is slender and pale, like snow without temperature, bright and dazzling.

She wore a set of close-fitting dark blue armor that highlights the body curve. I didn't wear a helmet, but just stood up calmly.

"I am very happy that we can meet in such a peaceful environment." The woman said in a plain tone, "I am Anfuletti, and Blue Star is currently one of the 16 lieutenants."

Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

"I am Wang Mu, prepared for the Cross, and I am honored to be able to formally meet with the legendary powerful empire genius, General Anforetti, one of the Five Holy Stars."

"Polite, say, you enter the parliament, the vote is yes, but I have one." Anfuletti smiled.

The atmosphere suddenly eased and was no longer as serious as it used to be.

"That would have to thank you for your affirmation." Lu Sheng also laughed.

The two quickly approached and reached out and held them.


A circle of light transparent ripples blew away from the moment when the two men shook hands, and the nearest metal floor under the shock was also slightly sunken.

"Good power." Annfetti showed a hint of appreciation.

"I appreciate the tough guy like you, compared to the horoscope of the Imperial aristocracy." She reached out and told Lu Sheng to sit.

The two merged with the surrounding genus.

Anfuletti didn't mean anything, and spoke quickly.

"This war, you have to leave with us."

"I understand." Lu Sheng nodded.

"You understand it. I understand the truth that the homeland is hard to leave, but there are things that I have to do. The double star has become the front line of our confrontation with the Empire Nianneng, and it may collapse at any time."

Amphora is calm.

"In this universe, every minute and every second, there are countless planets that are destroyed. Double Star is just one of them. Look at the opening point. Our world cannot be confined to one planet."

“Thank you for your comfort. I am just worried about how to find the place to place my next loved one.” Lu Sheng said calmly.

"This is easy to handle. You have two choices.

One is to find a place to place yourself. The two are sent to the core headquarters of the organization. ”

"I think about it." Lu Sheng frowned.

"The headquarters is located in the Black Sakura Galaxy. Although I know the name, even if I am, I don't know where the galaxy is. It exists in the anti-space. It is a small micro-galaxy constructed by the organization using some mysterious technique in the anti-space. ""

“Is there really anti-space?” Lu Sheng is not very familiar with this aspect.

"Of course. The most basic entry condition for anti-space is the speed of light. Once it is raised to the speed of light, it can enter and exit freely. Mastering the anti-space technology, it basically grasps the law of time particles." Anfuletti smiled.

"It's like me, guess, how old am I?" She raised an index finger and "give you a small tip."

How old is it? Lu Sheng carefully looked at the other side and slowly said.

"One hundred years old?"

"Do you think I can still be like this at the age of 100?" Annfetti was not as dissatisfied as an ordinary girl. Just smile.

“Please forgive me for being too poor.” Lu Sheng only learned a part of the technology from the book of Wenda Library. But most of those knowledge systems are backward systems that are outdated.

For the most sophisticated technology such as anti-space, it is naturally impossible to have any records.

"19 years old." Ann Freddy replied with a smile.

"For two thousand years, I am still 19 years old. I spend half of my time each year living in anti-space. The time particles are backflowing, so my tissues and cells are always in a nineteen-year-old equilibrium.

Therefore, I am always 19 years old. ”

Ann Freddy smiled.

"It's amazing" Lu Sheng praised.

This kind of thing, in the universe before he came, can never be seen. Even the high-energy world of the demon and the world of evil spirits, only some of the methods involved in the impact of time, but they are far less than here.

These large-scale popularization of anti-space technologies have risen to the concept of manipulating time.

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