Way of the Devil

Chapter 1077: Xinxiangyi


In a crisp applause, the three MPs ended their application review of Lu Sheng.

The blue star is not the value of Lu Sheng’s force. In fact, they mainly invite him because of his ability to teach his disciples.

In just two years, he taught the disciples of the senior numerologist level. At this speed, the entire empire could not find a second place.

After the end of the review, the poison arrow graciously patted Lu Sheng’s shoulder before leaving.

"If you have any troubles, you can contact me directly through this. I will call you Mr. Wang in the future."

"Polite, I still have a lot of deficiencies, I need to learn from a few seniors."

Lu Sheng is modest.

"Young, that's good." The poison arrow's lips are slightly moving, and the sound disappears. It can be converted into a mind that can be introduced into Lusheng ear hole.

"Remind you that Shao and Anfuletti are too close."

Lu Shengwei raised his eyebrows and wanted to ask, but the poison arrow had already turned around and waved, leaving with the other two.

Lu Sheng visually left the three people, the body shape instantly turned into a light spot, and my heart became more and more sure what troubles Anfuletti might encounter.

The plot prediction of the reincarnation, together with the warning from the members here, is that even if he is stupid, he should know who is going to be.

But what about this?

Lu Sheng looked calm, and when Bailian started, he did owe Anforetti once.

Although he certainly can't die, once the ontology is exposed, the final result will definitely be deported.

Moreover, the relatives and friends of Jiaxingwangmu behind him may not be able to survive at all.

And the most important thing is that Anfuletti is not the erosion of the root of nothingness. The nature of nothingness, Lu Sheng was personally taught. The essence of this power is to blur everything, destroy everything, and let everything be nothing.

Everything goes to nothing. The result is not to say that a good person like him, that is, the troll evil spirits cannot accept such an ending.

Evil or justice is based on existence.

Lu Sheng’s heart calmed down and turned and walked out of the passage.

The examination qualifications occupy the special conference hall of the giant ship.

On the left side of the passage outside the hall, a glamorous woman with long purple hair wearing a professional skirt, holding a set of paper bags in her hand, waited quietly on the side.

"I was sent by the general as your exclusive secretary, number g1132. Real name, Janis Taylor. Please take care."

The woman straightened her back and handed the paper bag in her hand to Lu Sheng.

"Well? I have my own people, I don't need a secretary." Lu Sheng frowned.

"The general needs to go out temporarily, so arrange me as a temporary liaison to take care of the private conversation between you and the general."

"Going out?" Lu Sheng stunned.

"It’s a covert operation, please forgive me.” This woman named Taylor quickly refused to drop the way to ask questions.

"Okay. Let me take the test now. I still need some tests to complete this." After the last test of the bow, Lu Sheng only completed a very small part.

It is clear that the growth ability of the bow is clear, but the principle is not clear.

He has been testing the bow in the past when he has time. He needs to test it many times before he can figure out the mystery.

In addition, the reincarnation squad that had been thrown off by him before, actually had another moment, and he also told his men to lose a few times, but these reincarnation squads did not take long before they came out again.

"It seems that this ship is very likely to happen soon." Lu Sheng's heart is getting more and more expected.

"Right, when will the general go out?" He quickly asked Taylor.

"About fifteen minutes ago, you were in the process of eligibility review." Taylor answered quickly.


Lu Sheng slowly walked out of the conference area.

In the internal airship, I shuttled back and forth between the giant ships, and the surrounding buildings gradually became more and more empty.

In the huge space, you can see a large piece of steel pipe extending from the ground to the distance. The sky is a simulated blue sky and artificial sun.

The gray, thick pipes are sometimes smashed on the black plains, sometimes arranged straight.

Sitting in the airship, Taylor came out of the kitchen and had a mashed yellow food in his hand.

“This is a specialty here, and it is also the favorite food of the generals. Please also taste it.”

She didn't know when she changed her dress. The black tight-fitting skirt only reached the crotch. She could see the spring light in the walking room. She had a pure white ribbon at her waist and a thin pair of legs. The shredded pork makes the skin of the legs look smoother and more delicate.

“In addition, you can also taste me. In order to serve you in advance, I will soak three hours of descaling liquid and aromatherapy oil every day a week ago, and with special equipment to remove all dirt inside and outside the body.”

Lu Sheng raised an eyebrow and looked at her up and down.

"You are not a normal person?"

"You guessed it very accurately. I am a special modulation biochemical person who produced it before March. You can rest assured that my gene is taken from several planets and is the most popular female gene for hundreds of women. No matter what posture. Can" Taylor introduces his performance without expression.

"Yes, you can go on first." Lu Sheng interrupted, since Wang Jing, there is not much interest in other people.

Although Wang Jing does not mind, he has always been a single person.

Taylor left.

Lu Sheng side looked over at the vast plain where the high speed receded.


I don't know how long it took, the airship slowed down slowly, and with a jet of air, it slowly stopped.

Lu Sheng got up and slammed the door open.

The gust of wind from the sky above quickly poured in. He didn't care, jumped out and jumped out.

Hey! !

The ground cracked slightly and a small pit of more than half a meter appeared.

Lu Sheng stood up from the pit and looked around.

It was surrounded by an empty plain.

"Open to weaken the barrier." He can directly convey the voice.

A layer of translucent light film slowly emerges on the inner wall of the surrounding ship.

Lu Sheng walked out of the pothole and found another position to stand.

He needs to figure out the role of the bow as soon as possible. This thing should be of great use to the Holy Wheel, not only to increase the power.

Remove the bow from the back waist, he gently throws forward, the ball into a bow, and then grab the bow with one hand, gently pull.

Silently, a little bit of light is like a firefly, gathering around the bow of the bow.

Lu Sheng violently loosened the bowstring.

Hey! !

A white beam suddenly shot, and after flying hundreds of meters, it slowly dissipated.

In the space where the beam passes, all matter, including the air, is completely cleaned up.

On the surface, the naked eye can't see anything, but Lu Sheng's thoughts can be clearly sensed. The trajectory of the bow is like a waterway that is washed out in the garbage dump and is clearly visible.

"Pure purification ability, the degree of increase is between three and five times, the maximum increase can be equivalent to the total amount of Wiener plus grade. More will not work."

Put down the bow, Lu Sheng carefully looked at the lower bow.

When the upper side is faintly able to pass, the subtle silver lines will pass by.

"This seems to be some kind of ancient text or a programming system?" Lu Sheng is a master of linguistics, quickly remembering the lines of flash.

He also recorded this pattern before, but it was only carved out in other places, and it still had no effect.

He often records this pattern, as long as it is not repeated, it will be quickly memorized, and it corresponds to the effect of the sacred bow.

Although this seems to be useless, it is a breakthrough.

Lu Sheng once again began to pull the bowstrings again and again, and a white light continued to fly out. The lines on the bow are constantly flashing, but most of them are repeated.

Slowly, he seems to have some new discoveries.

At this time, the beam emitted seemed to be more powerful than the beam tested last time.

After trying it a few times, Lu Sheng was quickly determined, and it was indeed a bit bigger than the previous power.

With the bow of God, he has some ideas.

"If the Holy Wheel has existed long ago, then the bow should be made for this kind of holy wheel. If it is only a limited power, then manufacturing does not have any effect."

"There are two forms of the **** bow, one is the bow and arrow, the other is the silk thread group, etc.! The silk thread group??" Lu Sheng suddenly felt that he had entered a misunderstanding.

Since bows and arrows can be used to fight, why can't the silk thread group work?

He grabbed his hand and read it, and he suddenly changed the bow into a ball of silk.

"This time to try" Lu Sheng movement can just attach to the silk thread.

Hey! !

The silk thread that had just been suspended in front of him exploded instantly and turned into countless tiny wires, which quickly disappeared into the surrounding air.

The feeling that everything is under control is pouring into the heart of the road.

The thread slowly spread and gradually covered the surrounding three hundred meters and stopped.

"It turns out that" Lu Sheng has a heart.

Hey! !

In his ground ten meters away, he immediately split a deep cut. It seems as if there is any sharp edge to cut from there.

Lu Shengnian can move again.

boom! !

In the entire range of more than three hundred meters, all the substances in the ground air are all out of the air.

Wherever you go, everything is metalized into pieces. It seems to have been cut countless times by countless sharp edges.

At the same time, in the air in front of the road, there is a circle of silky silver symbolic symbols.

"10 percent of the mind can." Lu Sheng increased output.


The cockroaches surrounding him quickly became denser and more and more. A circle of white enamel is clearly visible, and anything that touches the cymbal will flash like a phantom.

The things that have been flashed by it will be crushed directly into powder after a while.

"The power has increased by at least 16 times! Not even seventeen times, twenty times!" Lu Sheng felt the power of this **** bow.

This kind of promotion seems to have no end, as long as he can increase the number of thoughts.

He can increase his output a little bit, and the surrounding cockroaches are getting more and more dense and denser. Soon, it is like a myriad of dense silk threads. I can't see these pure energy filaments.

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