Way of the Devil

Chapter 1087: Hands-on

"Why don't you go to heaven?"

Lu Sheng endured the idea of ​​killing his son with a slap. There is no one to be realistic and to be down to earth.

I didn’t learn my own skills, but I didn’t know where to learn.

"I have done it, don't say it." Lu Sheng was afraid that he couldn't help but listen to it.

"I will give you a practice in a while, you go back and practice well. In addition, arrange the people of your family here. It will be dangerous if you don't have a long time."

“Dangerous?” Lu Ning sighed. “Is there a veteran? Is there any danger?”

"I am not invincible." Lu Sheng sighed. "There are many things in the world that are stronger than me, so"

"I understand." Lu Ning nodded. "No wonder you have to wait until now to come to me. It turns out that after you have completely solved those strong ones, come back to me. So, now you should have a superb against those who are strong." strength"

"I didn't find you at the beginning!" Lu Sheng finally couldn't help but slap on the head of his son.

"Where are we going?" Although very awkward, Luning squinted and quickly accepted the meaning of Lu Sheng to let them leave.

"Go to a very safe place. Black Sakura Galaxy, don't worry about safety, that place is my people." Lu Sheng faint.

"I understand. I am going to go back and prepare, right, daddy, is there a limit on the number of people?" Lu Ning asked quickly.

"Can't exceed one hundred people." Lu Sheng gave the answer.

So far, the simple communication between the two fathers and sons, Lu Sheng lost a load fighting technique to his son, let him exercise his body first. The basis of this goods is too bad, and the face is blowing big words.

When he was as old as this guy, he was a local tyrant. Where is it so big and still so fat.

In addition, a good manpower is arranged to protect Lu Ning and Zhou Jia. Lu Sheng left the planet overnight and went directly to the planet Neystar, where Amphora was held.

Netherstar is one of the 109 prison stars of the Motu Empire. It is one of the top stars, specializing in the most dangerous and troublesome prisoners.

A large number of dark mines and guards of jailers are placed around the planet.

Lu Sheng got the news from the organization in advance, and the blue starlight will organize the strong men to surround Neystar, and dispatch the manpower to be the direct subordinate of the Paren family, the Aurora. The rest of the organization is assisted by the side.

"To put it bluntly, is the Parrion family saving people independently, has the contradiction been intensified to this point?"

Lu Sheng sat in the spacious spaceship main control hall, watching a lot of information flashing in front of the screen, some speechless.

"But it's good, since other people don't do it, Parrion plus I should be enough. Just test it, how good I am now."

Since the breakthrough into the brain, Lu Sheng has a deeper understanding of the seventh life.

In other words, the brain's life is an extremely crucial part of the entire spiral nine-life method.

Lu Sheng feels that as long as there is enough power to send himself, he can easily enter the seventh life, the internal organs.

"This world should be one of the frontline forces that resist the roots of nothingness. In a short period of time, I am afraid that there is no way to quickly improve and reach the peak of the spiral nine-life method.

If you simply study hard, it will take at least many years to reach the peak.

The purpose of Lu Sheng to come to this world is mainly to find a son. Now that his son has found it, his main wish has been fulfilled. It is also time to be ready to leave.

"It's too dangerous here. With my strength, there is no way to completely guarantee the absolute safety of the people around you. If you can, it is best to transfer Lu Ning and others to my own small world."

Lu Sheng’s thoughts flowed and his eyes were dark and uncertain.


The main entrance of the hall was suddenly opened.

"Adult! The situation is not good! The Imperial Corps actually ambushed nearby in advance, and unlike our prediction, it is not the normal three, but twelve!" The blue stellar organization cadres screamed.

"Twelve?" Lu Sheng slammed and settled down. "It seems that someone has revealed the time that Parion will be rescued. It is really unexpected."

Lu Sheng guessed that there might be a lot of trouble, but I didn't guess that the opponent's action would be so big.

"Can you make a few secrets? Do you know the specific information?" He whispered.

"The surface is known to be eleven, but in fact, it is not clear" the cadres quickly said.

Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

Some tricky.

The fleet of the magic map empire is not a mess, in some circumstances, the dark can face the giant fleet, may be sweeping invincible.

But if it is the fleet's targeted cofferdam, the installation of enough restraint equipment, and the rest of the dark energy, then the situation will be completely different.

The dark power of the magic figure empire is not a fool, and the fleet operation is so big and unreasonable. If it is useless, isn’t it completely wasted?

"Know it, you go ahead." Lu Sheng faint.

"Yes!" Although the cadres were anxious, they quickly obeyed the order and turned away.

The hall door was closed and it soon recovered.

Lu Sheng’s palm was slightly clenched and slowly released, seemingly hesitant.

He looked at the camera and looked at the corner of the hall.

"Since it is here, do you have any suggestions? Suddenly, I don't remember to have your own independent base nearby." Lu Sheng whispered.


A vague figure quickly condensed in the corner of the hall.

"I am here to remind you that it is best not to intervene in this matter." The figure is quick and clear, and it is a white-haired old man with a ruddy complexion.

"I will consider your proposal. But Annfetti is affectionate to me, I will carefully consider the feasibility of this action." Lu Sheng calmly answered.

"See the opportunity, don't be impulsive. I don't want us to review the new members who passed the exam, so soon."

"I understand what I want to do, respect the poison arrow." Lu Sheng is not okay.

"Good self-sufficiency." The poison arrow member's body shape slowly disappeared.

The hall is back to peace.

Lu Sheng stood up.

"It seems that they don't want to add extra variables, remind me once, it's already added to my eyes."

Speaking of it, the blue starlight is really interesting to him. It’s a pity that no one can change the decision he made.

After the spacecraft sailed into the star field near Nesser, it landed on a secluded tourist planet.

Lu Sheng was a play, and lived on the planet for more than ten days.

During the period, the planet where the loop was located was once disguised as an ordinary businessman and visited the Zhou family once.

The rest of the time is to occasionally point to the progress of Lu Ning. In this respect, you can only rely on Luning himself.

He can't use his own blood to implant Luning. That is the opponent, this method does improve quickly, but it completely eliminates the individual's potential.

Such an individual has completely become a parasitic body attached to his road victory, and the future development is meaningless.

Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, it was more than half a month passed.

Lu Sheng was bored on the planet to search for the whereabouts of the scales, while watching the dynamics of Nesser.

The Magic Empire did not let him wait for a long time.

The execution order was quickly conveyed from the Central Empire Star. The responsible officer was the Chief of the Fifth Army, a powerful man named Kuidian.

And Lu Sheng gradually passed through the huge self-information network, faintly aware that the power of the blue starlight is gathering.

Parrion, the former prime minister, did not take the initiative to contact him, perhaps he did not want to drag him into the water, or perhaps that his power did not work in this rescue battle.

However, in any case, Lu Sheng finally rushed to Lu Ning with Zhou family and the future prospective son-in-law, and left the time to complete the layout.

Next, it is a quiet wait.

Time passes, and it’s more than a month


The black pieces slowly landed on the board and made a crisp sound.

Lu Sheng retracted his hand and looked at the coldest sweat in front of him as the strongest player in the planet. Such a number of paragraphs is just a simple pattern in front of him that is not as good as ordinary people.

The difficulty of coping is not as difficult as the newcomers.

Although the strongest player looks like an ordinary person, it is actually a blue star.

"The strength of your chess is strong, only for your life. You are not as good as yourself!" The chess player wiped the sweat on his forehead and bowed his head.

"You go ahead." Lu Sheng waved boringly.


Looking at the chess player's squatting and running, he ran away, almost not taking care of his own demeanor, and the calmness of the initial arrival was completely in stark contrast.

Lu Sheng could not help but shook his head slightly.

Suddenly a fine microwave wave traveled far from the distant starry sky.

This wave is long and undulating, as if the waves are so low and majestic.

Lu Sheng’s original lazy gesture, as soon as he felt the volatility of the wave, immediately swept away.

He quickly straightened his body and pressed his finger on the right armrest.

A translucent illusory image suddenly appeared ten meters in front of him.

In the middle of the image is a huge purple planet that slowly rotates. There are several black chains around it, and even with more than a dozen huge spaceships, it is enclosed in all directions.

The whole planet is like a gift **** by a blockade, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression and disgust.

"Is it finally?" Lu Sheng’s line of sight fell on a chain around the planet.

It’s not a boring time to spend time at this time.

This detailed display of the planet's simulated image is not the result of the blue starlight.


Suddenly a warship on the side of the planet exploded suddenly, and the latter half quickly turned into a golden flame, just like a long, thin paper roll.

The burning of the battleship seems to be a beginning signal.

Soon, a little bit of distortion around the scene emerged, and a spaceship marked with a blue starlight symbol quickly emerged. Rushing towards Nesser.

Underneath the spaceship is like a fish, and it is constantly swimming out of small bombs.

At the same time, there is a silver spot.

These spots are actually Nian Neng, and they are all Wienerga-level numerologists.

Lu Sheng looked at it, about a dozen or so, but there was no former Prime Minister of Parrion. It seems that this is just a temptation.

Soon, at the same time, the surface of the Nesse Planet also slowly floated fine silver spots.

The light spots on both sides crashed and the surrounding fleets began to face each other. But this time it was not the main gun, but a special beam of pale gold.

"It's time" Lu Sheng stood up, and the figure jumped forward one step at a time.


He brought out a series of afterimages that appeared directly at the gate of the hall.


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