Way of the Devil
Chapter 1167
“World is in a state of collapse, and our faith is unchanged. God will save everything, will redeem everything, and will accommodate everything. The believer, born out of the world, will eventually go to the mysterious kingdom of the unknown….”
In an empty abandoned classroom, a large group of black dresses are sitting quietly on the bench, listening to the prayer ceremony being held by the middle-aged man.
Everyone who sat was solemn and solemn, completely absent-minded. On the faces of people in rows, some are just piety.
Suddenly the classroom door was knocked open by a huge force.
A team of soldiers wearing black machine armor rushed into the classroom with a gun.
Two men and women with the red hook sign of the Heroes Federation slowly walked into the classroom.
“You are Hubble?” One of the heads asked coldly, looking at towards the top of Archbishop.
“Yes, I am Hubble, and a servant of my loyalty.” Middle-aged man complexion A soft answer.
The black robe he wears is different from the rest. The black robe has a huge silver-like pattern resembling a magical shape on the back and in front of it. It looks like a diamond and a disc.
He opened his arms as if to hug something.
“Are you also coming to pray for the magnanimity of my Lord?”
“Go to your mother! Let’s die!” The two heroes simultaneously pulled out the pistol and pointed at the Archbishop.
“Kill my brother, I want you to pay for it!” The male hero complexion 狰狞, crazy continuous pull trigger.
This seemed to be a signal, and the surrounding soldiers also raised their guns and sat on the crowds around them.
Tú tú tú tú ….
After a dense burst of fire.
The bullets shot into the body of the believers and Archbishop without any hindrance.
Blood Splash, but the strange thing is that Archbishop and the surrounding believers, no one has moved.
The bullets that shot them into the body, like one after another, were quickly forcibly squeezed out of their backs.
“Under the power of my Lord, no one can hurt the believers of God….” Archbishop Hubb slowly lowered his arms.
Hū!! !
In a flash, a white shadow flashed and rushed out from behind him.
It’s a huge, translucent tentacles with countless suction cups on the top.
When the tentacles slammed, the soldiers who rushed in the two teams did not have time to react, and they were smashed by giant force and exploded.
When the two heroes of the head were glaring, the male hero stepped forward, the muscles of the upper body flew up and became huge, and the surface of the body showed a faint silver gray.
what! !
He glared at a huge tentacles.
Very thrilling is that he succeeded. The huge tentacles were stuck in their arms and held in their arms.
But unfortunately, more dozens of huge tentacles have already flown from behind Archbishop. The shadow of densely packed has already entangled the heroine behind it and lifted it up.
“Frank! Pagan!” Archbishop sang loudly.
At about the same time, the two heroes were torn into pieces.
“Flesh Evil God teaches to develop so fast?” Lu Sheng is somewhat surprised to see the information just sent.
鍦╓orld 鍙 <竴绔纴涓 涓亸杩滃湴鍖 涓亸杩滃湴鍖 涓亸杩滃湴鍖 涓亸杩滃湴鍖 閮 閮 閮 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃 塃啿绐佷 銆
琛€塃塃 塃 God God 绉 绉 绉 绉 绉 傝縿浠娄 傝縿浠娄 傝縿浠娄 傝縿浠娄 傝縿浠娄 傝縿浠娄 傝縿浠娄 傝縿浠娄 姝纴宸茬粡鍙戝睍鍑 姝纴宸茬粡鍙戝睍鍑 鏁 鏁 粬浠 粬浠 粬浠 粬浠 粬浠 粬浠 粬浠笉鍏夋槸榛戦 锛岃缮 锛岃缮 chain 夊亸 夊亸 诲亸杩 诲亸杩 殑钖勭璐┓钀 殑钖勭璐┓钀 殑钖勭璐┓钀 尯銆 尯銆
杩欑煭鐭嚑涓湀镞堕棿锛岃揪鍒 殑 Attachment Force 灞呯劧宸茬粡瓒呰 浜嗘 浜嗘 浜嗘 澶╂暟锏 澶╂暟锏
瑕佺煡阆撹 鍏夋槸瀹冧竴涓暀浼氭彁渚涚殑 鍏夋槸瀹冧竴涓暀浼氭彁渚涚殑 Attachment Force 锛屽 ammonia杩欎箞澶氥
Lu Sheng 镒熺煡镌€闾h actually Archbishop 浼犳潵镄勪俊鎭€
琛 鏁椤彧 鏁椤彧 chain 堿 rchbishop 锛岃 umbrella 鏄渶楂樼骇鍒纴璧 爜鏄幇鍦ㄧ殑 chain 楂樼骇鍒 傛暀浼氱殑镵屽姟锛屾槸涓嶅彲浠ヨ嚜灏佺殑锛屽彧鑳界璋曟仼璧愩€效洜涓洜涓笉钖岀殑绾埆锛屾槸 chain埆锛屾槸
Archbishop 宸茬粡鑳 summon Star God 娈 Level 3 镄勫 澶 瓨鍦ㄣ 瓨鍦ㄣ 系 tar Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng岀骇鍒垎鍒搴旇祼浜堜俊寰抯ummon 鏉冦€
钖屾椂杩欎簺淇” 濡傛灉瓒 濡傛灉瓒 濡傛灉瓒 铏旇瘹锛岃缮鑳 铏旇瘹锛岃缮鑳 铏旇瘹锛岃缮鑳 鎱 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤 竤拰镐︻墿鐩镐簰褰卞搷锛岀浉浜掕瀺钖堬纴娓愭笎澶у箙搴 “彁鍗 倝韬拰绮 倝韬拰绮 锛屽彉鐩 垚涓篜 垚涓篜 owerhouse 銆
璁mmu Sheng 暗囧姩镄勬槸锛屽垰鍒氲鏁欑殑涓€涓狝rchbishop 锛岀粓浜巄reakthrough 粬绉 粬绉 镄凙 镄凙ttachment Force 锛屽凡缁忚揪鍒 忚揪鍒 summon Level 4 镐︻墿镄勫眰娆°€
Key 岃 涓狝 涓狝 rchbishop 锛屽垰涓 杈 杈 杈 杈 夋嫨 Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng壒娈婃€︻墿鈥斺€旀硶宁濇仼銆
呰锛屾槸€呰锛屾槸Heart Semblance World 鐗堟湰镄凥evaenly Demon 娉曞笣鎭┿€
杩欎 鐗堟湰镄勬硶 鐗堟湰镄勬硶 鐗堟湰镄勬硶 濇仼锛屾仮澶嶅姏 濇仼锛屾仮澶嶅姏 村 村 村 锛屽姏 锛屽姏 锛屽姏 锛屽姏 锛屽姏 锛屽姏 忓拰阃熷
镓€浠s it should be by rights 镄勶纴缁揿眬灏 槸鍓嶅幓璁ㄤ紣镄勮嫳 槸鍓嶅幓璁ㄤ紣镄勮嫳 勮仈浼 勮仈浼 勮仈浼 纴涓や 绾 绾 绾 绾 嫳 嫳 嫳 嫳 嫳 嫳 嫳澶Hydraulic kettle 姝”Mecha 澹叺锛屽叏鍐涜娌★纴涓€涓﹄笉鍓┿€
鈥 粓浜庢湁浜 粓浜庢湁浜 鈥 Archbishop 涔嫔悗锛屾槸鏋 (2) 満涓 暀銆 暀銆 箣钖庢槸瓒呰秺 箣钖庢槸瓒呰秺 箣钖庢槸瓒呰秺 箙搴 箙搴 箙搴 瀺钖坰 瀺钖坰Ummon 镐︻墿镄剆trength 锛屾敼阃犺嚜韬纴寮哄ぇ绮 drama 銆傜劧钖庢墠鏄渶缁堣兘summon Level 5 瀹屾暣浣揝tar God 娈挎€︻墿镄勬暀镄囥€傗€
Lu Sheng 镞╁凡鍒掑垎濂戒灞傛銆
鈥滆鏁欑殑杩涘 姣斿叾浠栨暀浼氶珮涓 镣癸纴杩欎 镣癸纴杩欎 镣癸纴杩欎 镣癸纴杩欎 涓岖畻浠 涓岖畻浠 涔堛 涔堛 涔堛 殑鏄拰鑻 殑鏄拰鑻 殑鏄拰鑻 殑鏄拰鑻 殑鏄拰鑻 殑鏄拰鑻 殑鏄拰鑻敓鍐茬獊 chain夌偣澶棭浜嗐€傗€
浠栬捣韬粰镊繁璋冧 鏉煚妾 button
鈥滃鏋滃彲浠ョ殑璇濓纴鎴戞洿宁屾湜杩囦竴骞村锛屽啀姝e spinning 勮仈浼氭帴板勮仈浼氭帴瑙〕€傗€
Four Great Sects 浼氶噷锛屽叾涓儴鍒嗛珮灞傦纴宸茬粡寮 濮嬫寮忓惛绾 濮嬫寮忓惛绾 搴滈儴闂ㄥ畼 搴滈儴闂ㄥ畼 搴滈儴闂ㄥ畼 搴滈儴闂ㄥ畼 搴滈儴闂ㄥ畼 €
杩欎唬琛ㄧ潃Four Great Sects 浼氭娓愭笎浠庨潪娉旷粍缁囷纴杞寲涓篖aw Completion 缁勭粐銆
鑻 泟鏄瀬灏戞暟镄勫彉寮傝 咃纴浠栦 咃纴浠栦 澶╃敓 innate talent 杩囦 锛宻 锛宻 trength 笉灏戣嫳 笉灏戣嫳 勫叾瀹炴湰璐ㄩ噷閮Mustard aloof and remote
Key 宱rdinary person 鐢熸椿鍦ㄨ 涓 涓 鐢熺伀鐑殑 World 锛屾 ュ垏镄勯渶瑕佸姏 ュ垏镄勯渶瑕佸姏 忓畧鎶よ嚜韬纴 忓畧鎶よ嚜韬纴 浠ヨ嫳 浠ヨ嫳 浠ヨ嫳 浠ヨ嫳 浠ヨ嫳 勮仈浼氭 勮仈浼氭墠寰椾 墠寰椾
Key 岀幇鍦纴杩欎 岀幇鍦纴杩欎 勮仈浼 勮仈浼 湴浣嶈秴鐒讹纴 湴浣嶈秴鐒讹纴 湴浣嶈秴鐒讹纴 湴浣嶈秴鐒讹纴 湴浣嶈秴鐒讹纴 绋 浐澹ぇ镄勬牴鍩 浐澹ぇ镄勬牴鍩 纴琚洓澶 纴琚洓澶 浐澹ぇ镄勬牴鍩 鏁欐挰锷ㄤ 鏁欐挰锷ㄤ 鏁欐挰锷ㄤ 鏁欐挰锷ㄤ 鏁欐挰锷ㄤ
绁炴暀 鎭愭 鎭愭 栫殑鍦 栫殑鍦 鍦ㄤ簬锛屽彧瑕佷綘瓒 鍦ㄤ簬锛屽彧瑕佷綘瓒 鍦ㄤ簬锛屽彧瑕佷綘瓒 鍦ㄤ簬锛屽彧瑕佷綘瓒 鍦ㄤ簬锛屽彧瑕佷綘瓒 鍦ㄤ簬锛屽彧瑕佷綘瓒 鍦ㄤ簬锛屽彧瑕佷綘瓒愪 绁炰箣浣垮 绁炰箣浣垮 绁炰箣浣垮 莅 莅 莅 莅
澶ч噺镄勬皯浼楀洜涓噺镄勬皯浼楀洜涓俊浠 Dress up the key 屽缑鍒 笉钖岀殑鐗 畩 innate talent 銆
琛 鏁欑殑姘戜紬浠纴寰楀埌镄勬洿 鏁欑殑姘戜紬浠纴寰楀埌镄勬洿 鏁欑殑姘戜紬浠纴寰楀埌镄勬洿 ュ悍镄勮 ュ悍镄勮 浣掳纴鍏岖柅寰埚绉嶅 浣掳纴鍏岖柅寰埚绉嶅 浣掳纴鍏岖柅寰埚绉嶅 佺柧鐥呫 佺柧鐥呫 傛仮澶嶅姏鎻愬崌銆 傛仮澶嶅姏鎻愬崌銆傛牳蹇 殑涓 浜涚妫 浜涚妫 浜涚妫 ′ ′ ′ 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊Exchange
杩欑鑳 杩欑鑳 姏鍦ㄧ┓鑻 惤钖庯纴楗卞 惤钖庯纴楗卞 惤钖庯纴楗卞 惤钖庯纴楗卞 鐤 梾鎽 梾鎽 镄勫湴鍖 镄勫湴鍖 镄勫湴鍖 镄勫湴鍖 镄勫湴鍖 纴鏋佸 纴鏋佸 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧辫兘涓嶅悆 笉浣忛櫌锛岃缮鑳 笉浣忛櫌锛岃缮鑳 殑寮哄ぇ鎭 殑寮哄ぇ鎭 殑寮哄ぇ鎭 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一
Key 屽崈棣栫嫾绁炴暀锛屼 寰掑彲浠ヨ幏寰楃殑鐗 寰掑彲浠ヨ幏寰楃殑鐗 畩 innate talent 锛屾槸寤剁紦琛 侊纴涓岖晱涓ュ瘨銆 侊纴涓岖晱涓ュ瘨銆
In 劧鍙湁杩欎箞涓や in innate talent 锛屼絾涔熸瀬鍏跺 鍒 鍒 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四瀹桡纴绠€鐩翠笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 澶 澶 皯銆傜煭鐭椂闂 唴锛屼 唴锛屼 ╁睍浜嗘瀬涓哄 ╁睍浜嗘瀬涓哄 ╁睍浜嗘瀬涓哄 ╁睍浜嗘瀬涓哄 ╁睍浜嗘瀬涓哄 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑
姣旷珶闀 姣旷珶闀 敓锛屾槸浠讳綍鐢熷懡閮 敓锛屾槸浠讳綍鐢熷懡閮 敓锛屾槸浠讳綍鐢熷懡閮 棤娉曟嫆缁濈殑寮哄ぇ璇 棤娉曟嫆缁濈殑寮哄ぇ璇 儜銆傜壒鍒槸褰 儜銆傜壒鍒槸褰 儜銆傜壒鍒槸褰 儜銆傜壒鍒槸褰憜鍦ㄥ 岋纴镞犳硶鍑 岋纴镞犳硶鍑 棬镄勮 佷 佷 佷 锛屽湪 ′ ′ ′ ′ 鍗冮镫 鍗冮镫 鍗冮镫 鍗冮镫 鍗冮镫 鏁椤悗锛屽眳鐒堕 鏁椤悗锛屽眳鐒堕 鏁椤悗锛屽眳鐒堕 鏁椤悗锛屽眳鐒堕 鏂 鏂 鏂纴鑳 嚜宸卞嚭闂ㄨ嚜鐢辫繍锷ㄣ
铏 劧渚濇棫涓嶈兘鍓 儓杩愬姩锛屼絾鍗冮镫 儓杩愬姩锛屼絾鍗冮镫 儓杩愬姩锛屼絾鍗冮镫 儓杩愬姩锛屼絾鍗冮镫 儓杩愬姩锛屼絾鍗冮镫 鏁栾 鏁栾 鏁栾 鏁栾 鏁栾 绉岖 绉岖 绉岖 绉岖 绉岖 绉岖 姹犲 姹犲 姹犲 姹犲 ′ ′ ′ Lifespan 忥纴寮曞彂浜嗗 忥纴寮曞彂浜嗗 澶 渿 渿 渿 纴鍙楀埌浜嗗 纴鍙楀埌浜嗗 纴鍙楀埌浜嗗 纴鍙楀埌浜嗗 纴鍙楀埌浜嗗 纴鍙楀埌浜嗗 笂灞 笂灞 笂灞 笂灞 笂灞 笂灞 澹殑涓 澹殑涓 澹殑涓 澹殑涓 澹殑涓 澹殑涓
涔嫔悗鏄疭even Colored Dragon 鐜嬫暀銆
杩欎 鏁欎 Lu Lu Sheng 璧愪篑镄勪 Jun 寰抜 nnate talent 锛屾槸寮哄. 銆 澶 澶 澶 澶 熷 熷 熷 熷 ena ena ena ena ena ena ena ena ena ena ena ena ena ena ena
杩欎 鏁欎 鏁欎 旋 镄勬槸鍦ㄥ啖阒燂纴 镄勬槸鍦ㄥ啖阒燂纴 cultivation key 咃纴 Martial Dao 瀹讹纴镙 瀹讹纴镙 枟瀹 箣绫荤殑棰嗗 箣绫荤殑棰嗗 箣绫荤殑棰嗗 娆 四 四 四 四 四 四
Chain 钖庣殑鏄疨hoenix 鐜嬫暀銆
杩欎 鏁欎 鏁欎 镄勪 寰抜 寰抜 nate nnate talent 锛屼 瑕佹槸骞 瑕佹槸骞 瑕佹槸骞 鍜屽潎琛 纴韬綋绱犺 纴韬綋绱犺 纴韬綋绱犺 纴韬綋绱犺 纴韬綋绱犺 纴韬綋绱犺 纴韬綋绱犺 搴 搴 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一剁紦琛 侊纴鍏岖柅鐤 侊纴鍏岖柅鐤 梾wait/and so on 锛屽悇绉嶈兘锷涢兘 chain 夌偣锛屼絾閮 笉寮 笉寮 笉寮 傜畻鏄ぇ鏉傜倏銆 傜畻鏄ぇ鏉傜倏銆
Key 岃 岃 浜沬 nnate talent 锛屽叾瀹 兘鏄渶瑕佹寜镦 寰掔殑涓嶅悓绾 寰掔殑涓嶅悓绾 寰掔殑涓嶅悓绾 寰掔殑涓嶅悓绾 埆杩涜璧愪篑銆 埆杩涜璧愪篑銆
浠庢渶鍒濈殑浣庣骇cultivator 锛屼 濂 纴鎱 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽 浣昽屾垚涓篢ranscender 镄刡road and open road 銆
旋村埆璇存媴浠 暀浼氲亴锷 悗锛岃缮鑳 悗锛岃缮鑳 悗锛岃缮鑳 缑鍒皊 ummon Star God 娈垮搴 绯 绯 ︻墿镄勫 ︻墿镄勫 ︻墿镄勫 澶 澶 兘锷 € €
Lu Sheng 绔捣鏉瓙锽濅简鍙f锛屼粩缁嗘劅鐭ヤ笅锛屽浠婅窛绂讳粬闄崭锛屼粩缁嗘劅鐭ヤ笅锛屽浠婅窛绂讳粬闄崭锛屼粩缁嗘劅鐭ヤ笅锛屽浠婅窛绂讳粬闄崭宸茬粡涓骞骞骞简锛孎our Great Sects 镄勫娍锷涘彂灞曪纴涔熷埌浜嗘瀬鍏跺じ寮犵殑绋嫔害銆
鈥滀篃鏄纴杩欎 勬 勬 勬 涔熻鍒 涔熻鍒 涔熻鍒 涔熻鍒 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 欎 欎 欎 欎
Dong Dong Dong.
蹇 劧涓 阒佃 阒佃 阒佃 阒佃 寰殑鏁 寰殑鏁 寰殑鏁 粠澶 粠澶 粠澶 粠澶 粠澶
鈥滆皝锛熲€滚 u Sheng 绮剧镒熷簲杩呴镒熷簲杩呴熷熷浼浼
Lu Sheng 蹇冨康涓€锷纴澶ч棬阌侀】镞闲嚜锷ㄦ墦寮€銆
Ka-cha 涓 澹 澹 澹 剢鍝嶏纴搴楅摵闂ㄥ紑浜嗭纴鐢 缂撴璧 繘鏉ワ纴鎶捣澶磍 繘鏉ワ纴鎶捣澶磍 繘鏉ワ纴鎶捣澶磍 繘鏉ワ纴鎶捣澶磍 ookook towards towards Lu Sheng 銆傛贰娣$殑white 鐏厜镦 浠栫殑闱 浠栫殑闱 浠栫殑闱 (1) 銆傛潵浜 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 槸镫勬仼銆傞偅涓渶鍒濆缑鍒 槸镫勬仼銆傞偅涓渶鍒濆缑鍒 崈棣栫嫾绁炴暀 崈棣栫嫾绁炴暀 ㄩ洉镄勫瘜璞﹃ ㄩ洉镄勫瘜璞﹃
鐜板湪镄勪粬镞╁凡鎴愪 鍙 妯 妯 °C 牱銆 鏋滆涔嫔墠鏄瘜璞纴闾 箞鐜 箞鐜 箞鐜 湪鐪嬭捣鏉ワ纴 湪鐪嬭捣鏉ワ纴 儚鏄 儚鏄 儚鏄苘璇氲€岃缁冩湁绱犵殑澶х瀹朴€
“Respected mediator. I am Dean, a humble lamb under the bathing grace.” Dean closed the door and whispered.
“Of course, I recognize you. Are you coming here?” Lu Sheng asked calmly.
“The friction between the Church and the Heroes Federation is getting bigger and bigger. I foresee that they will start to us sooner or later. So, this time I came here, I hope to get the joint union of the other three churches. If I can contact other churches, Only you, the mediator.” Dean said solemnmnly.
“Of course.” Lu Sheng nodded. “I am very glad that you can think of me at the most critical moment. I can help you contact the other three churches.”
“I have some concerns.” Dean said solemnly. “The strength of the Federation of Heroes is so powerful, and the church is still very young…”
“Don’t worry, I will come out if necessary.” Lu Sheng laughed. “God, I expected it. I don’t have to worry about everything.”
“Yes…..? So I am relieved….” Dean gave a little worry.
After all, the League of Heroes not only has a hero, but also the strongest ten s. Although the heroes are not obeying the federation, they have too many ways to incite the power of the heroes.
“Right, the last time you asked me to help find two people. I got a little clue a few days ago.” Dean suddenly said.
“Well?” Lu Sheng startled, he did not get any information in the four major gods.
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