Way of the Devil

Chapter 1188

Lu Sheng waited quietly for a while.

Ten minutes later, Irene had a reply.

“This is the information I found in my family’s library. It seems to be very valuable. The material of this book, I have already tested it, is made from one page of the black goat’s skin, and the cost is very high.”

“It’s amazing!” Lu Sheng showed his own amazing color without hesitation. “I don’t understand what the above content means, but many of the symbols and graphics are very much in line with the beauty of mathematics. Just the construction of the structure, there is a perfect sense of coordination.”

“This is the case. I have secretly searched for a lot of semiotics. There are many knowledge packs from our subordinates, helped me a lot. According to semiotics and language pack translation, this notebook is very likely to really Make something.”

Irene is stopped.

“And, I’ve found some records about combat in the past. The monsters that can be summon, and control, and the battle table of the Knights of the Holy See, are very amazing.”

Lu Sheng soon saw the table above the book, and the creature that summon came out, called the chaotic evil beast. A chaotic beast can at least fight against five fully armed elite shields Knight. Strong fighting.

The reason why they are called chaotic evil beasts is mainly because they have no rationality, but they are only the instinct desires of appreciators, appetite and hunting desire. Once summon comes out, if the summon does not have enough powerful control of the physical force, it will be affected by the tyranny and greed of the chaotic evil beast, and become a murderous mania.

So the album is constantly exhort again and again, there must be a strong willpower to summon chaotic evil beasts. And the number of times must be limited every day.

Lu Sheng and Irene discussed it and agreed that this booklet has a great auxiliary effect on the steel sisters, but only if the information above is true and false.

Lu Sheng thought about it, and soon hanged the booklet directly, letting it stand out in a large number of knowledge packages and hang it at the top. Let everyone see it.

After several months of uploading, the 20 members have accumulated hundreds of knowledge packages of different system types. The knowledge packages of the same nature have undergone collaborative investigations, screenings, and mergers, and there has been no clutter.

Instead, under the guidance of Lu Sheng, the more streamlined and comprehensive, eliminating a lot of spam.

And this newly uploaded chaotic evil monster summon ceremony, also removed many redundant and useless information by Lu Sheng, and then renamed it into: high chaotic summon ceremony, followed by the discoverer Irene, the organizer, himself.

Only then will it be topped.

Just after the top, someone immediately noticed this knowledge pack.

After dinner in the afternoon, Lu Sheng once again entered the mathematics network, and the members of the squad members had already blasted the pot.

Numerous exchanges of information are flying through the math network.

Someone has secretly tried one of them to simplify the summon ceremony, and the horror discovery is effective.

It is a ceremony of the summon chaotic poison. It is only used to test whether the ceremony field is correct and the operation is perfect.

The chaotic poison that comes out of summon does not need to be controlled. After a few minutes, it will automatically be squeezed by World’s air pressure and air.

And this daring member also uploaded the process of summon, let everyone watch together.

This is also the root cause of everyone boiling up the pot.

Many people called Lu Sheng out to guide the analysis. As a leader, Jolin Princess has calmly analyzed that this world should really have a dark World that everyone does not understand. And this dark world is likely to be the shadow power of church confrontation and clearance.

When Lu Sheng was on the line, everyone was discussing in a frenzy.

Everyone thought that he was just an genius who discovered the mathematics network abilities from mathematics. I did not think about the chamon evil beast summon ceremony.

Everyone placed him in the position of a layman who also did not know the Primal Chaos, and asked for his analysis.

“Since we have already done summon, then we must try to consider whether the Holy See has the ability to detect such summon ceremony. What cost does summon need to pay, is it really like what is said in the notes, that is, many sacrifices?” Ask a question.

“The chaotic evil beast has a lot of side effects. Although I only have a small bit of poisonous insects, I still feel my head hurt and I feel a little uncomfortable. It is like being acupunctured.” The girl who tried summon before replied .

“This is our opportunity! We have a mathematics network, the magical network established by this tutor. As long as we gather the wisdom of all of us and gather more disciplinary wisdom, we may be able to find ways to circumvent this danger.”

“Why don’t we simply absorb the content of the Holy See? I have found some interesting things from the memory of several nuns, some similar to the cultivation spirit.”

Soon the topic was directed to how to use this higher summon ceremony to eliminate side effects.

After all, this kind of ceremony is too convenient. It only needs a little blood food sacrifice, plus the engraving of the pattern, incantation, can summon a powerful force.

The cultivation way of the Holy See that came up later was not only slow, but also weak. It takes a long time. Still not sure if there is any effect.

Because according to the memories of the nuns, not everyone in the Holy See has the ability to exorcise evil spirits. It is necessary to have innate talents to be qualified to use this cultivation way to improve themselves. Get strength.

Twenty sisters members continued to carry out a storm of thought, and each and everyone was temporarily collected into the knowledge package of the mathematics network, and they were quickly collected from the memory of the members.

Using these knowledge packages, each of the twenty sister club members, each of them can become a super elite with a variety of knowledge and skills in a very short time.

This is also the key to their inability to leave the mathematics network.

Lu Sheng used this network to weave a very powerful dream for them. A powerful platform that can continuously improve itself.

Until late at night, the opinions on the high summon ceremony were unified.

Lu Sheng integrated the proposal of the owner and finally gave a suggestion. That is to try to use the Holy See’s cultivation will method to counter the side effects of the summon ceremony.

After carefully reading the Holy Spirit’s mental exercise method, he claimed that he saw some strange places from above and perhaps optimized it with great mathematics. And get a special exercise method suitable for steel sisters.

But it takes time.

Many members of the sorority thus expressed their respect and love for Lu Sheng.

In fact, at this moment, they have regarded Lu Sheng as an indispensable spiritual teacher, the biggest reliance that they can no longer be separated.

Because the essence of the mathematics network is Lu Sheng.

If they want to continue using the mathematics network and continue to use the right to use the knowledge package, they must rely on Lu Sheng.

Because the knowledge package of the mathematics network is not directly instilled in the knowledge and skills that they have mastered, they only have the right to use.

Once there is no mathematics network, members of the Steel Sisters will fall into the trough from the cloud in an instant, losing the knowledge and ability of all knowledge packs.

Without the mathematics network, they may be more knowledgeable than their previous experiences, but they are far less knowledgeable than they are now.

After all, the mastery of knowledge and skills, even the original Lu Sheng, the body is extremely powerful, have to withstand the pain and test of Dark Blue. Like these originally weak little girls, for no reason, they can get a lot of knowledge to become elites without any price.

Of course it can’t be that simple.

Early the next morning. Lu Sheng uploaded his optimized mental exercise method.

The chaotic evil beast from the higher summon ceremony summon was originally considered to be the creature of the Negative Space, but after careful study, it was found that it was just the ordinary wild beast wandering outside the Negative Space.

Their names are chaotic, but they are actually only beasts contaminated by Negative Space Gray Fog. Really want to summon the Primal Chaos Demon of Negative Space, Lu Sheng can take this opportunity to enter.

This made him a little disappointed.

However, it can be understood that Primal Chaos Demon is a clan that has a lot of jealousy in the alliance and Nihility. It may be somon to be so easy.

If it is easy to succeed, this world estimate has long since disappeared.

After all, every Primal Chaos Demon is absolutely powerful in any World.

Therefore, in order to achieve his goal, he must cultivate a summon division who can summon a very powerful chaotic evil beast.

According to Lu Sheng’s calculations, there must be a more advanced summon ceremony after the higher summon ceremony, and there should be a method for summon Primal Chaos Demon.

After getting the optimized mental exercise method of Lu Sheng, the members of the Steel Sisters began a tentative practice for each and everyone.

After a week, the entire core squad members were completely blown up.

It’s not that mental exercise is useless, but it’s so useful!

The one with the worst progress, according to the standard test of the Holy See, has already trained the spiritual force to the Level 2 level of Reach the Higher Level.

The highest level of the Holy See 9 classification, Level 1 is only a preliminary condensed mental will, able to resist minor mental pollution and interference.

Level 2 is Reach the Higher Level, which is effective against a lot of mental pollution, and the low-intensity interference has been able to immunize.

And the steel sisters, even the powerful has reached Level 3.

That is to say, the vitality can be shocked with a certain degree of spiritual will. The effect is obvious.

In the Holy See, cultivation to Level 1 takes one year normally, four years to Level 2, and six years or higher for Level 3.

As for Lu Sheng, it has naturally been promoted to the first level 9.

However, he sorted it down a bit and refined the exercise method into a ten-level 5 layer. Compared with the limit level 9 of the Holy See, it has been pushed back six levels.

He only released Level 5’s exercise method content to the Sisters. After all, it was easy to cause suspicion by releasing too much in one breath.

At this moment, after the progress of the horrible practice, the entire mathematics network boiled.

A new round of higher summon ceremony is about to begin. This time is the real attempt to summon chaos evil spirits.

In order to ensure safety, Lu Sheng also repeatedly checked the security of this summon ceremony. After confirming that there is no problem, let the sisters start summon.

According to his calculations, after this summon, if it is perfect, then let all the members of the Sisters unite, gather everyone’s spiritual will, summon a high-level ceremony, and make a good sacrifice, you should be able to open the Negative Space channel. Summon has a Primal Chaos Demon.

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