Way of the Devil

Chapter 12: 蛰伏二 (thanks to the first lord of the burning Xiaoxiaomei paper)

Lu Sheng heard the words, but also a bright spot.

He can't find any good and complete martial arts cheats. If you can't find a good one, you may be able to make up for the quality.

Anyway, the modifier is in, the speed of his practice of martial arts is extremely horrible, and he can repair Dacheng in a few hours.

It takes a lot of effort to do this, and it should be possible to achieve the goal.

This world, monsters and ghosts may appear, not if you do not seize the opportunity to quickly and powerfully, when the real crisis, what to stop at that time?

Thinking of this, Lu Sheng’s eyes are also bright.

He understands the meaning of Zhao Bo.

In Jiulian City, there are also many old guys who practice martial arts, like the patrols of the former squadrons. They have a very strong heart and are very old. Now they are old, no children, no heirs.

He left behind a lot of family wealth, and his days were too tight, and he couldn’t make ends meet, and he often wanted Zhao Bo’s old friends to help.

If you can use financial resources and friendship to pull the relationship, it is easy to get a broken heart from him.

To know that Zhang Zhang is young, but he is known as the first master of Jiulian City.

When I was old, I was caught up by the rest. He is much older than Zhao Bo. He has eighty-eight in this year and his legs and feet are not flexible.

When Zhao Bo and others had some fame, he had long since retired.

Such a master, Ji Liancheng is not a minority.

Lu Sheng’s heart is alive. If he can learn from these people, then it will pile up, even if it is a third-rate martial arts, it will be extremely high, and it will be extremely powerful.

"How? Dagongzi, if you are interested, I can give you some old friends with the right conditions."

Zhao Bo wanted to come to help take care of his old friends, and perhaps he couldn't bear to see his old friend's ability. He still had a hard life in his later years.

Lu Sheng thought about it carefully.

"Zhao Bo said very much, just don't know, which few players can you contact?"

"You don't care which of the good hands, greedy and chewed, broken heart, eighty-four swallows chasing the wind knife, I can guarantee you.

My two old friends, Zizi, were harmed by the enemy in their early years. Now they are helpless and have a hard life. They have long intentionally sought to find their disciples.

It’s just a poor man and a rich man. This is a martial arts thing. There is not enough nourishment. Even if you practice hard, you will lose your life. They will not pass on to the children. ”

Zhao Bo said with emotion.

"It seems that I have won the talents of the brothers, and the qualifications are extraordinary. Although we can't ask for the superior martial arts of the big gates, these two skills, if you practice well, it is also a skill.

Can meet the requirements of Sheng Ge, and can take care of a few friends. Both are the best. ”

Lu Sheng saw that he had put his plans and plans out, and his face was awesome.

"Since Zhao Bo is insured, the two predecessors are the masters of the younger generation. The government gives them twenty-two dollars a month as a teacher."

Zhao Bo heard words, could not help but smile.

"In the end, Sheng Ge is a homely man....."

In fact, like the general owner of a martial arts museum, it is necessary to teach the talents of the real talents.

But Lu Sheng directly sent twenty-two per person, which is to give him Zhao Dahu face.

Speaking out, he is in the circle, and in front of many old friends, there is also light on the surface.

"Sheng Gea will practice first, I will pass the message to a few friends."

Since things are fixed, Zhao Bo can't wait any longer. I have to hurry to find Zhang’s patrol.

Zhang Zhang provoked the cold before, the original iron hit man, because he did not understand maintenance when he was young, too much injury, now the blood is defeated, and no money to nourish.

The medicine he used to see before was still paid by him.

Otherwise, he could not think of recommending a master to Lu Sheng.

It’s really... I really can’t bear to see my friends fall so badly.

"Zhao Bo is free."

Lu Sheng arched the knife with his hand.

After watching Zhao Bo leave, Lu Sheng stood alone on the school ground.

Lifting a long knife and practicing a set of black tiger knife method.

The Tigers and Tigers and the Tigers, the three moves were split, and they were three sets of combinations with ten strokes.

Although the three major tricks are separate and independent, in fact, each trick contains a lot of independent knife tricks.

For example, the tiger is divided into a knife to deal with the front, to deal with the knife on the back, and to deal with the knife and the left and right, as well as to deal with the sneak attack weapon, to deal with the long-handle weapon, to deal with heavy weapons....

There are many variations and so on.

It’s not just that one trick can be practiced.

I was practicing the knife, and suddenly there was a small squat on the side of the school. Standing on the side waiting for him to finish, there seems to be something to say.

Lu Sheng brows a wrinkle.

Get a quick fix and look at that little sister.

"what's up?"

"Returning to the big son, there was a carriage outside, a young lady who claimed to be a Duanmu girl, saying that she was making an appointment with the Dagongzi and came to visit."

Xiao Yan respectfully answered.

"Duanmu.... Duanmu is coming..."

Lu Sheng’s heart is a glimpse.

He got the black gongs and he has been practicing, but he hasn't gotten started until now.

This made him wonder if his internal strength is true. This gnome said before that she can get the secrets of internal strength, and she does not know whether it is true or not.

"But it, or see you first."

Although the other party is a powerful character, he is not the son of the city who has never seen the world. He wants to seduce him to make it worse. In the previous degree, he will not be able to do anything big.

"Please ask her to go to the guest room first, I will come soon."


Xiao Yan left.

Lu Sheng let the maid hit a basin of water, wiped his body a little bit of sweat, then put on a white long dress, and went to the guest hall.

Passing through the school ground, walking through the small garden, and then passing through a corridor, we arrived at the guest house dedicated to the guests.

The door of the guest hall is open, and there is a woman in a purple dress with a woman on the right side. The woman's face is charming, the skin is like white snow, and the moon-shaped earrings are polished with pearls. The temperament is dignified and elegant.

It’s the last time I’ve seen it.

There is also the road of the three brothers of Lu Sheng in the guest hall, and the enthusiasm is close to the Duanmu.

Lu Chenxin’s eyes were staring at the chest and staring at the chest, where the white tube top revealed a deep gully. I almost got stuck in his eyes. Nor can it move.


Lu Sheng coughed twice.

The two suddenly found out that they turned their heads.

"Big brother...."

The road dusty face was red, and it was quite embarrassing to stand up.

"Since Big Brother, you are coming.... This Miss Duanmu is coming to find you...."

He said something stuttering.

"Three brothers, you should go and say hello to the kitchen to send sour plum soup, here I will say hello."

Lu Sheng is quite intelligent at home. He has encountered many things. He also has a role to play, so he has a prestige among his brothers and sisters.

Not as frivolous as the brothers of their peers.

He has a total of two younger brothers and sisters, and the second sister road is light. He has not returned to Xiwu, and the third brother has a hard heart. He also studied the book of sages at home, in order to take the fame in the future.

He won the road. Before he took over some of the business in his home, he showed his talents. He had already let Lu Quanan determine that he would take over the business in the future.

Because Lu Sheng’s future must be in charge of the financial power of the family, so two younger siblings, as well as a family member, can count on him to live in the future.

Everyone has a little respect for him on weekdays.

"Win brother, sour plum soup, I happened to send it, I will give it to you first. The chilled, taste is good."

Outside the hall, the passing Wu Niang smiled and walked in, holding a pot of sour plum soup in his hand.

Wu Niang is the fifth room of the home of the whole family, but not a wife, but a beggar.

Unlike the previous three rooms, Wu Niang and her cousin Lu Yingying, after waiting for the old road to go all the way, but all count on the road to win the day.

Therefore, even if she is nominally Lu Sheng's Wu Niang, many times, she and cousin Lu Yingying also have compliments on Lu Sheng.

After all, once Lu Quan went, Lu Sheng had no obligation to raise their mothers. In order not to be driven out of the house in the future, it is also necessary to make good relations with Lu Sheng, the future homeowner in advance.

"Mr. Niang is too polite." Lu Sheng quickly took the sour plum soup and put it down. "I am here to say hello, you can go back first."

"Yes, yes, win brother, you first call the guests." Wu Niang quickly piled up with a smile and left.

Before she left, she stared at the hibiscus. She was only in her early thirties this year. Although she was well-maintained and beautiful, she was a lot worse than Duanmu.

"I will take a step first."

Lu Chenxin also took the opportunity to leave.

Soon, there were only Lu Sheng and Duanmu.

"Can the son still want a cheat?"

When Duanmu saw no one around, he smiled and smiled.

"Miss Duanmu is really amazing. I hide my identity and I am still coming to you."

Lu Sheng’s face is unchanged.

"Shenggongzi said with a smile. In the whole Jiu Liancheng, it is not difficult to have a relationship with the Zheng family, Zheng Xiangui, and a family with a wealth of money. If you have a pair of tall bodies, it is not difficult to recognize the son."

Duanmu smiled softly.

"That is not difficult for Miss Duanmu. Well, there is not much nonsense to say. I don't know Miss Duanmu. What kind of cheats have been brought to Lumou this time. I will say in advance that the road may be internal."

Lu Sheng is not fast, not slow, and the tone seems calm and calm. It is not because of identity being revealed and lost peace.

"Nature is internal strength."

Duanmu's hand stretched out, took out three booklets from the sleeves, and gently placed them on the coffee table.

The three light green brochures are stitched with stitches, and the cover is clearly marked with large characters.

‘Qingsong Yiyi’, ‘Yuhegong’, ‘Yin and Yang’.

Lu Sheng swept away and his face remained still.

"Miss Duanmu is a big deal, but how to identify the true and false of this cheat...."

"This is simple."

Duanmu smiled.

"These three internal strengths are extremely easy internal skills. You can create a sense of temper when you practice one day. All three are easy to get started. True and false are easy to identify."

Her words turned and said.

"As for whether there is a mistake or not, this depends on the son of the letter or not. Otherwise, even if it is a true cheat, in front of the son, I am afraid that it will be suspected."

"The girl who said it is good." Lu Sheng’s heart is happy. If it is as the other party said, the three cheats are very easy to use. Compared with the black martial arts, these three martial arts are far more suitable for him.

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