Way of the Devil

Chapter 17: Change two

Lu Sheng put down the bowl and thought about it.

He has a feeling that the old road is full of security and seems to be worried about it, so he wants to take him to a farther place, so it is safer.

It’s just that Duanmu has not always appeared. Jiulian City does not have the soil for him to grow up again. It’s a way to go a long way along the prosperous city of Jiulian.

"Alright, I will go back quickly. If I can learn something from a famous person, I will send someone a letter back."

Lu Sheng gave a little thought and agreed.

Along the mountain city, it is far and far away from Jiulian City, farther than the two Zihua City.

It’s only two days and a night to get there, not to mention the carriage.

Lu Sheng promised to go down.

After a few days, I was lurking at home every day to practice martial arts.

The road is light and daily, and I often hear that she has caught someone and returned.

Lu Sheng couldn't help her, and no one in the house managed her. The second mother said that she had no use, she could only let her go.

A few days after Lu Sheng’s cultivation, he was ready to start raising a few more efforts.

Among those few martial arts, under the condition that he had the black tiger knife and the jade crane, he easily grasped the broken heart with the modifier and modified it to the third floor.

The rest of his efforts have not been moved for the time being, and he intends to wait until the blood is completely restored.

There is also an eighty-four Swallow chasing knife, he just intends to slowly practice and compare.

So repeated, when he was about to leave, there was something strange in the city.

Several hunters living near the city were inexplicably missing on the day of Wanqing Festival.

Someone in the past few days saw that they brought wild animals such as fox fur to the city to sell.

Then there was no shadow.

They all disappeared in the city of Jiulian. When the family reported to the official, the matter was noisy.

What is important is that one of the hunters, his cousin is a catcher in the door. The case was not pressed casually.

Can not check and do not know, a check, suddenly found awkward.

The hunters only walked one by one from start to finish, and finally disappeared in the street near the goldfish restaurant.

People have seen them along the way.

Then the catchers ran to the street near the Goldfish Restaurant.

But there was a big fire there, no one was smoking, how many hunters went to sell wild animals, how could they run to that place?

Just when Lu Sheng was in doubt, he ran in a hurry and told him that the road was gently going to the street near the goldfish restaurant in the middle of the night.

I haven't seen anyone coming back during the day.

Lu Sheng’s heart snorted and he knew that something was wrong.

"When is it going to go there gently?" he hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, but it should be the time of midnight ugly. On the weekdays, Miss II will come back before dawn, but this time she didn't return. Her maid Xiaohong told me that Miss asked her to wait for the hot water for her in the room. , ready to bathe.

As a result, she waited for a long time and did not see the lady coming back, so she was in a hurry! ~" Small and hurriedly answer.

Lu Sheng is resting in the garden, which is a relaxation before practicing the knife.

I didn't expect to suddenly come up with such a thing.

"You will immediately tell Zhao Bo and his family, let me go and see!"

"Small eight has already taken people to check the situation first, that is, he sent back the news that Miss is missing!"

Small and hurry.

"Small eight...." Lu Sheng double eyes. He remembered the guard in the house. "I know."

He quickly put on a coat, took a long knife at home, took a horse from the stable, and hurriedly rushed toward the goldfish restaurant.

The whole road was up and down, and Lu Quanan immediately ordered it, so that Zhao Bo took people to the goldfish restaurant, and also let people go to the prefecture.

A large number of human resources have quickly expanded.

First make sure that the road is not really missing, not temporarily disappearing.


Lu Sheng rode on the horse and quickly galloped on the deserted street. The morning time was very early. There was no one on the street, which made it easy for him to hurry.

In the middle of the city, the horse runs wildly. If it is normal, even if he is, he will be blamed.

But now is an extraordinary period.

Xiao Ba Chuan came back and said that the road was missing gently. This is just an introduction that makes Lu Sheng nervous. What really made his heart urgency was the strange thing he had encountered in the street near the Goldfish Restaurant.

Huang Haoma soon arrived at the gate of the Goldfish Restaurant.

The door of the restaurant is locked, and now it’s just bright, not completely white.

On the street side of the restaurant, a piece of black and messy.

A wooden house was not completely removed because of the fire. It was only half cut, and the remaining half was together with the construction waste piled up on the ground. It looked very desolate.

Lu Sheng turned over and walked into this black street.


The boots under the feet are stepping on the ground, and I don’t know what **** is being stepped on, and it makes a crisp sound.

Lu Sheng reached out and held the handle. He had two battle experiences and he settled a lot.

A pair of eyes are shining and looking around.

Soon he discovered the clue.

In the middle of the black street that was burnt into coke, there was a deep sword mark on the wooden pillar at the door of a house.

There are also messy steps on the ground, and fresh black soil can be seen in the footprints.

Lu Sheng reached out and touched the sword marks on the pillars. The black pillars on the outside were still pale yellow and were not burned.

This sword mark just cut out the yellowish wood inside.

"It should be near here."

He slowly pulled out the knife and stepped forward into the wooden house in front of him.

The roof of the wooden house has been burned brightly, and it has entered the gate, where there are messes everywhere, charred furniture, cloth that has been burnt into a group, and some melted things that don’t know what it is.

A few steps into the house, Lu Sheng found a second trace.

The charred wooden table fell to the ground, with two deep sword marks on the edges and a bit of steel fragments.

"Great strength."

Lu Sheng pinched the pieces and guessed that this should be a steel sword that was gently carried by Ermei Road.

He looked down at the footprints on the ground, speeded up and walked toward the backyard of the house.

Walk out of the cabin and enter the backyard of this family home.

In a gap in the backyard wall, a one-eyed dragon is wearing brown leather and his hair is messy. He is carrying a thick-backed knife and sticking to the wall.


Lu Sheng had just entered the backyard, and the man immediately noticed that his eyes were fiercely focused on Lu Sheng.

"Who? I want to ask who you are?"

Lu Sheng looked at the other side a little.

The man is one meter tall and eighty-nine, which is about eight feet tall.

The muscles of the whole body are like the little mice. They are full of bulging, silvery hands in their hands, and thick-backed machete with blood stains. The body is faint and has a beastly fierce momentum.

"I?" Dahan laughed. Lose the paper in your hand.

"It seems that you are the family of the little girl's family? The baby actually dared to kill me two of my disciples. My brother and I shot her, but unfortunately you came late, the girl has been sent back to the cottage by my eldest brother. Enjoy it slowly."

"Girl baby?"

Lu Sheng’s eyes gradually became gloomy.

"Look at your imposing manner, shouldn't it be a nameless generation? In this Jiulian City, I must have heard of the reputation of my road family. It is better to say a few numbers. Everyone has something to discuss."

"Consult a fart! The road home is your baby?"

The man sneered and stared at Lu Sheng.

"People are behind." Lu Sheng is nothing to hide, the other is old oil, it is useless to tell lies.

Simply as good as telling the truth.

"As long as you are alone, you dare to catch up, have courage!"

The man smiled.

"Two heads, three heads, take him, go back and let the road family take money to buy life!"

His voice just fell, and the other gap in the backyard, and jumped into the two men, are the strong men wearing brown leather armor, two with a long handle and one with a eyebrow stick.

"Just a small baby, Lao Tzu can solve it alone, dry up, what do you want us to come out together?" One person called bitterness.

"Whoever catches him first counts credit!"

The man laughed.

Both of them heard the words, and their eyes were unwilling to stare at Lu Sheng.

"Hey, a handsome younger brother, grab it back and just go with the girl, and enjoy it every night. It's not bad."

Two eyes stared at Lu Sheng’s lower body.

"Enjoy a fart, let it dry first!"

Three heads vomited in the palm of his hand.

"Break his legs, don't get too much blood, it doesn't look good to affect the sex. The last time, you were cut off by your axe, the blood spray was everywhere, and the whole person was loose!"

"Kuan Laozi's fart! You are not a stick on the back of the man. When it is our turn, people are almost out of breath!"

The two argued.

These two are twin brothers, who grew up to be physically strong, and then an accidental teacher from the Jiulian City Black Wind Ridge Ghost Head knife broke the knife under the door of the Lin family brothers.

The broken-headed knife forest flood is also the man carrying the thick-back machete.

The ghost head knife forest double fire and the broken head knife forest flood, the two were murderers who committed crimes in Jiulian City more than ten years ago. At that time, the two men slaughtered two caravans overnight and robbed a lot of money and jewels to escape.

The two separate students are the two great weights of the machete, and two sets of powerful and powerful swords.

The boss of the old devil has a double fire. In the pursuit of catching fast, he has created a knife that will make one person live and be called a two-stage metamorphosis record.

This is the first time that Lu Sheng has played against each other and is still working with three people.

He lifted a long knife and slowly looked at the two heads and three heads coming to the front.

"Try to cut a knife first. There are a lot of people. If you can't, you can withdraw first."

He is a bit embarrassed, after all, what strength he is now, he is not clear, there is no comparison position.

Hold this idea.

Lu Sheng did not use the black tiger knife method, nor did he use his heart.

Instead, I used the eighty-one swallows that I practiced on my own. Can't be seen through the bottom from the beginning.

He held the handle in a semi-tight and semi-loose position and looked at the two heads.

"Come on!" The two grinned and the big axe waved. Pointing at your own brain.

"The little baby is still decent, cut here! Here!"

"Your grandfather, I am standing here and still not letting you...."

Hey! !

In a flash, a silver flash of light flashed past.

The long knife in Lu Sheng’s hand turned into a light-skinned swallow, suddenly crossing a few meters away, and crossed it from the two heads.


A human head suddenly flew up.

The blood sprinkled on the ground.

The whole yard was silent.

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