Way of the Devil

Chapter 26: Vigil

The second night.

Lu Sheng once again lived in the lotus room.

This time he lived in during the day.

Carrying the knife, the entire room was searched without saying a word.

Write down the terrain, orientation, and location of each item. He sat down again in the room.

Quietly waiting for the evening to arrive.

Lu Fu was temporarily stunned by him, and no one dared to leave his mind.

After all, Jiulian City is so big, unless you flee to Zihua City, but under the strict supervision, no one dares to leave the mind.

Everyone is afraid that others will secretly inform the Dagongzi.

After Lu Sheng, it was laid down. Whoever reported the flee, reported one person, and rewarded one hundred and two!

One hundred and two! If it is to report ten people, it is one thousand two!

Many people can't earn so much money in their lifetime.

Lufu was quietly settled.

The uncle also adjusted some soldiers to hold a few entrances and exits of the road, and did not allow them to go out at will.

Those who escaped before, he also issued a wanted order, all to catch back.

So tossed for a while, the sky gradually faded down.


The airflow continues to flow in the house.

Lu Sheng sat in the sister's room, holding a long knife that was sheathed, and seemed to be closing his eyes.

He didn't sleep the night before, and when he was waiting during the day, he sat down and rested.

Yuhegong is really amazing. Even if he doesn't sleep for a night, he is still in good spirits.

The light is getting darker.

Lu Sheng did not light, he was sitting in the dark, intending to imitate the normal state of this room.

The light is getting darker and darker.

Lu Sheng slowly changed to use the sense of hearing and the sense of airflow to observe the surroundings.

Time passes by.

Soon, after the sun went down, the room was dark and there was no finger.

Lu Sheng still sat flat and stable.


Suddenly there was a burst of clothes and noise from the door.

It seems to be the slight vibration of the clothes on the wall and the surface of the wood.

Lu Sheng opened his eyes and vaguely saw a dark white figure in the darkness, slowly coming in from the door.

Because it is too dark, he can't see what the other person is. He can only see that he is an individual, a man in white.

This person is walking very slowly and very slowly.

In the darkness, Lu Sheng feels that the other person seems to be laughing, and clearly can't see his face, but he can feel the other person's strange smile.

"You finally dared to come out."

Lu Sheng stood up and his eyes were fierce.

The black scorpion suddenly ran over the body.

His body temperature increased rapidly.


Suddenly, the white shadow suddenly rushed toward him.

"Give me death!!"

Lu Sheng’s knife flashed in his hand.

The black tiger knife and the tiger violently waved out, and immediately greeted the white shadow.

Just when the blade hit the white shadow, he had a flower in front of his eyes, and his ear suddenly felt silent, and no sound could be heard anymore.

At this time he was empty and there was nothing. This knife actually cut a void.

"Fast speed!"

Lu Sheng didn't want to think about it. The long knife swayed and swayed around his body.


The wooden frame of the clothes was cut off by a knife and dropped to the ground. There is also a chair back, which is also cut into two pieces.

He snorted.

It is necessary to close the knife again.

Then suddenly the brain is cold.

Lu Sheng turned his head violently. He actually saw that the white man was behind him, and he was close to him, and his body was rushing toward him.

"court death!!"

His whole body was full of spurs, and under the rush of blood, the long knife suddenly made the third tiger of the black tiger knife.

Hey! ! !

Under the full force of the black suffocating, the blade clearly sounded a deafening tiger whistling sound.

Hu Xiao shocked the whole room and trembled.

The white screams and screams like a girl, and flies toward the window with a sigh.

Lu Sheng did not say anything, slowed down the blood and rushed to catch up.


He cut the wooden window of the road directly and blasted it.

The whole person is like a tiger, falling into the window.

The white shadow is very fast, and it will go around a few times and pass through some debris piled up in the alley.

Lu Sheng is chasing after.

Hey! Hey! !

Two piles of debris were blocked by his two knives.

"There is movement inside! But Dagongzi?"

There are guards shouting outside.

Lu Sheng’s heart is tight.

I saw the side door, guarding several guards of the night watch.

One of them looked at it and held the knife with a nervous face.

When Lu Sheng didn't have time to say anything, he saw that the white shadow was so fast that he didn't enter one of the guards.

"All are scattered!"

He screamed, and under the rush of blood, the knife in his hand once again screamed like a giant tiger.


Lu Sheng swooped over the whole person.

A knife and a tiger!

clang! !

The guard who was hit by the white shadow, the skin quickly appeared in the blood vessels, and he raised his hand.

Actually, the road victory was blocked.

When the two knives smashed together, Lu Sheng suddenly felt a strong shackle in front of him.

Look at the guard again, his face has turned white, his eyes are black, only a pale.

"With your body?"

Lu Sheng once again smashed out and headed toward the guardian neck.


Also blocked.

The bodyguard who was possessed became a lot of strength, and Lu Sheng took the knife and attacked him.

The two men screamed and slammed into a ball, constantly making a deafening metal crash, which was huge.

The other two guards on the side door were scared to death, and the fart was rushing to escape.

The sound and quiet also attracted a lot of other guards.

Under the victory of Lu Sheng’s black suffocation, the speed of the whole person has increased by a dozen, and the guards who are possessed have played dozens of times.

Gradually, the toxicity of the black scorpion slowly penetrated into the palm of the guard.

His strength is gradually getting weaker.

The second layer of black gongs, the power is indeed as the road is expected, extremely sinister.

"Say! Who are you sent!" Lu Sheng slammed into a fast break and cut it on the blade of the guard.

The tremendous strength shocked the bodyguards who were attached to the body, and the body was numb for a moment, and the movement was slowed down.


Lu Sheng’s other hand hit the heart and hit the ball, and the machine was printed on the guard’s chest.

This broken hand is a good move that he has long planned.

what! !

The guard screamed and was hit by the heart of the heart. He squirted a blood in his mouth, and the body threw it back and fell to the ground.

A white shadow flew out of the guard and flew toward the nearest person who heard the news.

This time this person is actually a maid.

Perhaps it is because she is too close to Lu Sheng, she has no choice but to choose to go in one.

The maid had just been possessed, and the skin was red, and she was deceived by Lu Sheng.

Turning your hand is a knife!


The maid was slashed by the blade and thrown out, and the blood was scattered.

"Everyone is running far! Don't come over!"

Lu Sheng screamed.

But it was still a step late, and several guards rushed in with the knife.

The white shadow flew out and once again fell into one of them.

"Ah!!!" Lu Sheng screamed, the black tiger knife was shipped to the extreme, under the black gonggong's reminder.

There was a huge tiger roar again next to him.

The long knife swayed out like a boulder. Bring a strong wind.

The attached bodyguard quickly turned outside the side door wall and seemed to want to run.


The wall of the side door was actually smashed by Lu Sheng.

He grabbed the knife and rushed out of the broken wall, and cut the head of the guardian guard in the middle of it.

Ah! ! ! !

A woman’s sharp screams sounded.

The guard's head was cut into two pieces, the red and white splash, he actually reached out and slammed his hand on the road to win the belly.

Hey! !

Lu Sheng stepped back two steps, panting like a cow, and there was a lot of sorrow in his body. There was a slight blush on his face.

A trace of blood leaked from the corners of the mouth.

Lu Sheng once again lifted the knife, but he heard the knife slamming and falling off the ground.

He simply threw the knife and swooped it up.

At this moment, he made a broken heart, under the urging of the black gong, the palm of his hand was faintly black.

Hey! !

After two muffled sounds, the white shadow once again floated out of the bodyguard.

She still wants to run.

However, he was grabbed by the palm of the road.

Lu Sheng only felt that he was holding a bunch of ice in his hand.

But the violent blood and black suffocation made him completely afraid of this cold.

The second layer of black suffocating in the body rushed toward the white clothes in his hand.

"Give me death!!!"

Lu Sheng took all his hands and went out crazy.

The black suffocation of the whole body seems to be vented in this palm.

Hey! ! !

what! ! !

The white shadow finally screamed and was hit in the chest. Her whole shadow suddenly twisted, and then the sound of the clothes was shattered like a dress, and it exploded in an instant.

Lu Sheng’s eyes were fierce, and he slammed his voice and slammed into the ground.

A black blood in the mouth suddenly spit out.

He shook his hand, picked up the broken knife from the ground, and slammed it on the ground to support his body.

Both Yuhe Gong and Black Skull are running wildly in the body. Trying to recover the injuries suffered by the body.

However, because I had just taken a handful, and my own output was too strong, the meridians could not bear the rupture.

The two injuries are superimposed together, and the road is full of suffocating blood, so some can't support it.

Waited for a while.

The guards and family members who ran far away dared to come close.

At this time, Lu Quanan and the rest of the people also arrived.

When everyone saw the scene in a mess, everyone was shocked.

Goodbye, Lu Sheng was half-squatted on the ground, his mouth was bleeding, and there was blood on the ground. It was obvious that he spit.

Lu Quanan rushed over.

"Small win! Nothing? Go to the doctor!!" He looked shocked and helped Lu Sheng. Looking back and drinking.

"What are you doing! Help!!"

The rest of the people woke up as soon as they dreamed, and quickly came up to help lift Lu Sheng.

Dabo Luan looked at the broken knife, the body, and the wall that was pierced.

Then look at this time is still full of coziness, asthma, such as cattle roaring, the heart is slightly cold.

Where is this scene like a teenager’s nephew? It’s not much more than the beasts in the mountains.

He once saw a black mountain bear in the mountains. When the black bear broke into the house, the horrible situation was as similar as before.

"Where tonight, no one is allowed to say it! Otherwise...." Dabo Lu Anping looked around in a cold circle.

"Come to, take care of this, try not to leave any traces."

The surrounding guards and family members were seen as cold, and there was still a deterrent on the ground. No one dared to speak.

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