Way of the Devil

Chapter 53: Red whale one

From the old man's understanding of the small strongholds of the red whales and the structural characteristics of the helpers, Lu Sheng left the cemetery.

On the second day, Lu Sheng came out to wander around in the morning and planned to explore the point of the red whale.

When passing through a bustling street, a big shop in the city is holding a special offer. The promotion here is not a discount, but a gift.

A large group of children gathered at the door of the shop, where a wooden table was set up, and some people spoke loudly on the top, attracting a lot of pedestrians to watch.

Lu Sheng originally only glanced at it and planned to leave quickly.

However, when passing the high platform, I noticed that there were a lot of people in the crowd watching the yellow skin and thin skin.

"Along the mountain city, people have always lived a good life. I have never seen such a large number of refugees walking on the street. How come so much?"

Lu Sheng did not pay attention to the shops on the wooden platform that were talking loudly. Instead, look closely at these refugee-like people.

They looked bitter and bitter, and there was no hope in their eyes. They just stood by the wooden bench and expected the shops to do something that would satisfy their hunger.

Lu Sheng went a little further and heard a group of people gathered around the front right side. The people gathered around from time to time whispered and talked.

He approached the past and separated the crowd.

A pair of hungry skinny couples, undressed, are holding a little girl who is only three or four years old, kneeling on the floor, hanging a bark on the neck, and drawing a simple pattern on the top with a twisted charcoal. It seems to be a bunch of big money.

"Everyone is good, my daughter is only three years old this year, obedient and sensible, and the five senses are correct. I want to be kind and compassionate.... Appreciate the mouth to eat..." The woman in the sorrow screamed.

The girl standing next to her is still ignorant and knows nothing.

Lu Sheng frowned, squeezed out the crowd, and went a little further, actually saw the sale of his daughter's son. They are all very young children.

"Where are there so many refugees in this city?" Lu Sheng couldn't help but mutter.

On the way to lounging, he saw no less than five people selling children and selling women along the way. This made his heart sink and his mind became more and more confused.

After all, before he came to the world, he had never seen such a horrible thing. He wanted a family to sell and sell women. How much does it take to make such a choice?

When the time is almost up, Lu Sheng returns to the small building where he is located. There is also a young woman at the entrance of the wine shop on the first floor, who is selling himself on the ground. Listening to a foreign accent, I can't hear clearly.

Lu Sheng looked at his eyes and saw the second child of the winery was watching the fun on the side, then he took a few steps and asked a sentence.

“How come so many refugees in this city have come in recently? Is there any disaster outside?”

The little one was a road winner, and I knew that the nobleman who lived in the upstairs of his own restaurant quickly nodded and replied.

"Back to the son, this is not a drought in Yunzhou, I don't know how many people have not eaten, and there are rogues everywhere. The number of people starving to death in the middle is enough to be one-tenth of the population of the mountain city. The miserable along the way... .." Xiao Er shook his head and sighed. "At first, I heard that our city still did not allow these refugees to come in. Later, it was too bad. The master of Tuen Mun was also unable to bear the heart. Then he ordered the passage of the refugees and let a small number of refugees enter. City. In fact, our city is still okay. In the direction of the Central Plains, many cities have been crowded with food prices."

"Yunzhou....." Lu Sheng knows that this place is in the west of the Central Plains. It is a general term for a region. I did not expect that the drought in the place was so serious. Such ordinary people, if you want to come here from such a distant place, do not know how many people are killed or injured in the middle.

"Yeah.... I heard..." Xiao Er looked around and lowered his voice. "I heard that there is a demon disaster in Yunzhou. You said this weather, how can I have a hail for the next ten days? What is the drought for a few more months?"

"Ten days of hail? A few months of drought?" Lu Sheng doubted.

"It is said that the hail is so big as an egg. After that, it is a drought of eight or nine months. There is no rain." Oh, it’s too bad. I heard that people have eaten people." The second is also a slogan. I can't help but open my mouth and say what I know.

"Egg-sized hail, eight or nine months of drought...." Lu Sheng is also shocked, knowing that in his cognition, it does not rain for three consecutive months, even if it is a drought, eight or nine months It’s no wonder that the whole cloud state has collapsed. The crops are estimated to have died, and even the water does not necessarily have to drink.

"Listen to people, whenever it rains, even the black clouds have it, but there will be strange things happening immediately, like the appearance of a whirlpool of clouds, thunder and the like, and then the black clouds that just emerged. There is no shadow." Xiao Er whispered.

I heard the news, Lu Sheng came home, and I was a little surprised.

This unreasonable weather, the first ten days of hail, and then direct drought, completely does not conform to the laws of nature.

He has come to this world for so long, and he probably understands that there is not much difference between the ancient and the ancient times in China. Apart from the differences in customs and customs, the laws of nature are no different.

There are only supernatural phenomena such as monsters and ghosts.

"This kind of weather that does not conform to the laws of nature must be motivated by external forces." Lu Sheng guessed in his heart that his instincts told him that the drought was associated with demon and ghosts.

Going home, Xiao is sewing something, seeing the road into the door, and getting up quickly.

"Don't you come back? Want to bathe, go to the hot water."

"No. How much money is there at home?" Lu Sheng asked casually.

"About twenty-two." Xiaoqiao quickly answered a helpless number.

Lu Sheng is speechless. He even wants to find Song Zhenguo and Chen Jiaorong to borrow, or sell the white jade yin sent by Chen Jiaorong. That is a valuable thing, extremely expensive. There is also a purple jade hairpin, although the yin is absorbed, but the material itself is purple jade, the price is extremely expensive.

"These are just expedient measures, or according to my previous method, maybe even in the same way along the mountain city to create a foundation of my road home." Lu Sheng heart to figure out, began to eat small meals.

The food was bought from the restaurant on the side. It tasted good. It stood small and gave Lu Sheng a drink. He said a few words from time to time.

“How long is the release time?” Lu Sheng asked casually.

"Approximately a month later, when the college will have a notice, Qiaoer will pay attention to see." Small and eager to answer.

"Don't forget it. I may have to go to work during this time. You are alone at home, be careful, and refugees entering the city will inevitably have people who are not in the wrong place."

"You know it." Xiao Qiao answered.

After eating, Lu Sheng went out again, and several points of the red whale help him touched it in the morning.

At noon, it is to see what method has been used to join.

Lu Sheng was slowly taking a ride, took a carriage, and slowly went to the front of a casino.

Golden Seal Casino.

The name of this venue is very tacky, but it is also very appropriate. The entire casino gate looks like a golden seal, square and square, very eye-catching.

Lu Sheng got out of the car, took out a gold-pin folding fan that was pretending to be open, and slowly squeezed into the crowd entering and exiting the casino.

As soon as I entered the scene, there was a lot of noise in the air, and the gambling voice suddenly came in. Large and small gambling tables are placed in the hall, and every gambling table is surrounded by a group of gamblers, screaming red and screaming, and it seems that the sound is big enough to win.

Lu Sheng was not interested in gambling, but swept away. He saw the red-faced middle-aged man standing in the innermost part of the Golden Seal Casino.

The man stood quietly at the inside of the casino's innermost gambling table, watching the lively scenes in the field, faceless, dressed like the surrounding casino guards.

But Lu Sheng knows that this is actually the small face of the Golden Seal Casino, Zhao Jie. It is also the usual caretaker in this field. If you want to join the red whale gang, it is easiest to find him.

He slowly walked straight toward the red face Zhao Jie.

The other party quickly noticed his approach and looked at him with a strange look.

"Wang Xiongtai is not going to be happy, what are you doing in this corner?" Zhao Jie asked casually. Although he also relies on a table, there is no gambling here, just as a regular table.

"Students are students of Dongshan College. They want to join the Red Whales. I wonder if they can introduce one or two?" Lu Sheng directly pointed out the purpose and smiled.

"Dongshan College students?" Zhao Jie a glimpse.

He has been in the gang for so many years, and for the first time, he has seen college students take the initiative to join the Red Whales.

Although his red whale gang is the first big gang, the college students have always been arrogant, and they have joined the top-level relationship, or they have used some special events to force them to join. I have never seen an initiative in peacetime. I want to join the scholars in the gang.

After all, the ambitions of these scholars are not a gang that can be bound, and others are people who want to be officials.

After a trip, Zhao Jie looked up and down and won.

“You said that you are a college student, can you have proof?”

Lu Sheng smiled and took out the nameplate of his college, with his own name and the name of the college.

A huge east character, below is a small road word. The nameplate is made of brass, with some weight, and a delicate pattern covering, it is difficult to make a fake.

Seeing the nameplate Zhao Jie will believe, this nameplate can not get it, even if you want to forge it is difficult. All the craftsmen in the city are not private, and if some of the craftsmen at home are privately making this, it is a big sin, and it is possible to judge the head.

"Why do you want to join us?" Zhao Jie asked again. On weekdays, if you want to join the gang, most of them are the bitter haha ​​at the bottom of the society, or a businessman, or a skilled craftsman. Just like this, there is no need to join the college scholars who have a family. Gang.

"I heard that the red whale gang is the first big gang in the North, helping the middle masters like the clouds, and the exercises are strong. The son, want to practice the best exercises, so I hope to join." Lu Sheng is very direct to his own purpose. Say it, he is too lazy to make any bends, straightforward.

"Wu Gong ah ...." Zhao Jie relieved. The martial arts of the Red Whales are indeed the strongest in the North, and there is nothing in the rest.

"Well, please register your name, age, good at it." He directly pointed to a small door on the right side of Lu Sheng.

"In advance reminder, I want to help my disciples to learn martial arts, they are all learned from Xuanwuge, and to enter the Xuanwuge, you need to assess your level of strength, and the level of contribution to help."

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