Way of the Devil

Chapter 56: Red whale four

I talked for a while, and the three of you had a cup of me, and they all had a bit of awkwardness before they went back.

When Lu Sheng returned home to rest for one night, he was fine at home waiting for the position of the red whale. In fact, he can also guess that the so-called elders help the time to discuss the time, mainly to touch him to see if there is any possibility of being a spy to the head.

After investigating the relevant situation, he can really count on joining the red whale.

So he is not in a hurry.

Time passed by, and it was three days later.

This time, the old man of the Red Whales, Ouyang Elder, under the leadership of a deputy lord, personally came to visit.

Chen Ying, the deputy gang, is the brother of Wang Lao, and the second master of the red whales.

This person is kind and eye-catching, and must be white, but his body is as strong as a strong and strong young man. A pair of big hand joints are green and black, like wearing a pair of metal gloves, some scary.

When he entered the door, he gave a gentle smile to the road.

"There are many disturbances! The little brother of the road, Chen is coming to the door, is to send a notice about the arrangement of your position."

Lu Sheng let Xiao go to tea, and he accompanied everyone to sit down.

"I don't know what kind of arrangement position the deputy lord brought to Lumou?" He did not realize that the other party would come to such a high standard. After all, Wang Lao was a housekeeper. Although martial arts was not as strong as the foreign affairs, he was also a master of general level. It was so easy to be overturned by a few tricks.

In the face of this level of masters, any gang can not ask for it, not to mention the age of this master is still small and terrible.

"With the strength of the road brothers, we have unanimously arranged for you to serve as a foreign minister. If you can, please ask the brothers to go to the headquarters together, see the elders, internal and external affairs, and help the Lord, then you can take office." Chen Ying is very polite Road.

Before he came, he also investigated the information of Lu Sheng. This investigation made him dismiss the idea of ​​collecting people.

In the experience before Lu Sheng, one of them clearly stated that the ghost of the night of the road family was crying, and he was solved by him and a tourist priest.

Although it did not inquire about too much information, but it can survive in the black disaster, or this dangerously high black disaster, the strength is so strong.....that is really incredible.

"Going to the headquarters? Is it okay now?" Lu Sheng is too lazy to talk nonsense. He joins the red whale gang, mainly to learn better exercises, and the scholastic method must enter the Xuanwu Pavilion. To enter the Xuanwu Pavilion, you must establish a meritorious gang contribution. The necessary condition for reaching a gang contribution is to take up the position first and then make a contributional nature.

"of course can."

Chen Ying naturally promised that a group of people immediately got up and went out of the road to go home, and went straight to the red whale outside the city to help the headquarters.

On the carriage, Lu Sheng and Chen Ying sit alone.

Chen Ying leaned over his face and looked at the car all the way, without saying a word. Lu Sheng is not a person who likes to talk, and he is also beginning to practice his inner air.

He can see that Chen Ying is also a person who is both inside and outside, and his eyes are superb, and he can see that he has a good atmosphere. Just don't know what it is, Lu Sheng plans to find a chance to try his hand with him.

"I don't know the little brother, what do you think of this big Song today?" For a long time, Chen Ying suddenly asked.

"Great Song? View?" Lu Sheng shook his head and chuckled. "There is no opinion. I am very puzzled by the present court. To be honest, I have experienced a black disaster in Jiulian City. From then on, I will Seeing clearly, the so-called Tuen Mun government is not useful."

Chen Ying looked at Lu Sheng and shook his head slightly.

"This is actually a little brother, you are wrong."

Lu Sheng did not change his face: "How come?"

Chen Ying coughed a few times, calmed down and said slowly: "I don't know if the little brothers have heard of it, strange."

“Strange?” Lu Sheng’s face was slightly different. “I have seen ghosts, very strong, very surprised. Is this the blame that the deputy gang said?”

"No..... In fact, let's be honest, ordinary ordinary things are different, we have handled a lot of red whales. But those can only be called ghosts, or black disasters." Chen Ying eyes slowly quiet Down, it seems to start falling into memories.

"Remember that I had a year, and when I went to the Central Plains to participate in the Wumeng General Assembly, I came across a road. I met a Taoist. The people and the helper talked about it and told us about it."

He paused and continued.

"The person said that ghosts and demon ghosts are just ghosts. These dirty things, ordinary mortals who practice to a very high level, can also be solved.

But above the ghosts, there is something called strange. This is the point that mortals cannot reach. He warned the lord that the ghosts are the same things as the demon, weak and savvy, and even ignorant, but the ghost is followed by the blame. The blame and the devil are the powerful existence of mortals who can't fight in any way. After the encounter, the first time you have to escape! ”

"Weird...and the devil...." Lu Sheng’s heart is in awe, he feels that the two, perhaps the demon mentioned in Duanmu’s mouth, the word of the demon, this is a general term, but he remembers Duanmu said In the words, only the demon is mentioned, and there is no blame. I don’t know if she said it is missing, or what other reasons.

"Yeah....Our red whale help looks strong? But it can handle things like ghosts and demons. Strange and demon, until now, I have only met once." Chen Ying looks twitching Now, it seems that there are still some horror.

Lu Sheng said: "What is the result?" He also seems to anticipate that the result will certainly not be very good.

Chen Ying’s face flashed a bit of pain and looked at his eyes. Muran said: “There are four deputy gangs in the red whales.”

Lu Sheng’s heart sank, and he also knew that the current red whale gang had only two deputy lords.

"Helping the Lord, his old man also... was hit hard, slipped down from the peak period, and now he is riddled with illness.... Ridiculously, in this way, several sons are still fighting for power, trying to master the true red whales. Forces. How can they know, even if they master the whole power of the gang? What is the blame that caused all this, even what is it, we have not figured out so many people who died." Chen Ying reluctantly.

Lu Sheng is silent. This is not something he can do now.

The two were relatively speechless, and after waiting for a while, the driver outside was speaking.

"Chen Bang, go to the headquarters!"

Chen Yingzhan Yan Yixiao, adjust the mood, pull the car door and get off first.

"Let's take a look. The red whales help the headquarters. It may not be what you think. It's a style, it's a bit weird."

Lu Sheng followed and got off the bus, and it was actually the Songbai River.

At the center of the river, an extremely large black and red ship, like a huge whale, quietly crouched on the river.

The white water is blue and the sun shines straight down. It falls on a huge ship and completely illuminates the white flag at the top of the ship.

There are two blood red characters on the banner: the red whale!

The entire vessel is oval, and the deck is an eight-story giant pavilion. The surrounding hull is full of thick black thigh chains, which are locked in dozens of pieces. These chains are like big ships, like a slender hair, and they are unremarkable.

"This is the red whale, is it enough?" Chen Ying said at the side.

"The style is a style, but it can't be counted too much. This stuff is not open at all." Wang Lao also ran out and got close.

"The river is ten miles wide, and the ship's hull accounts for one-tenth. Even if you turn around, you are afraid of hitting the reef in the shallow waters. What kind of strength is it?"

Lu Sheng is also the first time to see such a big ship, which is bigger than the aircraft carrier. He measured it when he was fine. The one that is commonly used here is about six hundred meters, and Wang Lao said that the width of the ship is six hundred meters, which is really big.

"This is actually not a ship used for repair, but a directly created water fortress." Chen Ying smiled.

"Let's go, the people inside have come out to meet."

On the aisles linked to the big ship and the dock, all the way there are guards, divided into two rows, and there are sword guards at every distance.

At this time, there are already ten men and women out on the inclined ladder on the ship.

Chen Ying laughed and walked with the crowd toward the other side.

"See Chen Bangzhu." This group of people have been saluting. "Helping the elderly, his old man has been waiting for a long time."

Chen Ying did not delay, with a road to win a group of people, he quickly climbed the inclined ladder, under the lane of the road to help the public, on the deck, into the cabin hall.

The hall is about the same as a large hall, with an old man with a sick face and gray hair sitting at the top.

The old man was dressed in a black and red suit, and his right hand was wearing a dark gold glove. Although it looked like a bad body, the momentum was still strong, and a pair of tiger eyes were full of brilliance. At first glance, it was a person with strong internal strength.

When Lu Sheng came in, he felt that there were at least five sights and he fell straight on himself.

In fact, there are still many people in the hall who look at him, but those people are far less refined than these five people.

These five eyes are sharp and abnormal, which makes people feel that the skin is slightly numb and itchy, and there is a sense of acupuncture, which is obviously a master of both internal and external repairs to achieve high achievement.

Lu Sheng binoculars are no longer concealing their gaze, and they look back at the past.

He was a little excited in his heart, and he saw so many masters of the same level. In theory, he is a god, these five are also condensed, playing, strength and weakness depends on the exercises, skills, experience, and strategic means.

It seems that I noticed the warfare and excitement in Lu Sheng’s eyes. The five glaring moments killed three times. Three people quickly bowed their heads and didn’t look at him. The most annoying thing in the gang was the madman.

In the past, a deputy gang in the gang was this kind of personality, and he was looking for experts to learn from all over the world.

Unexpectedly, it seems that there is another sign of a madman.

In the hands of the top five, there are two people who are the main lord Hong Mingzi, and the deputy lord Gong Lan Zhang Lan. The other three are foreign ministers, and they are also three people who have quickly avoided the sight of Lu Sheng.

After Lu Sheng’s line of sight greeted, there were three fewer moments, which made him a bit uncomfortable, but it didn’t matter, and two more could be found.

He looked straight at the top of the main lord Hong Mingzi.

"It's really heroic, people are dragons and phoenix!" Hong Mingzi's voice was a little weak, but he was still full of gas, happy and laughed.

"My red whales help, because the talents like the little brothers of the road keep joining, they can always dominate the North, and stand up."

"You have all seen people, please talk about it?" Deputy lord Chen Ying also went up and sat down to his position.

Specially, someone led the road to a seat on the side.

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