Way of the Devil

Chapter 823: Test one

The university has a large number of public facilities, benches, chairs under the trees, small round tables arranged from time to time, occasionally visiting some boxed paper towels on the table, and a copper trash can with a closed lid on the side.

In some places, the roadside trunks have a sun-like emblem, which is said to hide a story that has been circulating in the university. As long as someone can unlock the hidden secrets of the emblem, they can find the former seniors to stay. The treasures under the inheritance.

This is the tradition that has been passed down by the University of Misska. Every graduate student will unconsciously leave a gift to the younger generation.

Some of these gifts are just some of the used daily necessities, and some may be reading notes.

But there are exceptions. There are very few students who will prank like enough to make any student rich enough to survive the university for four years. Or really some real secrets.

"So, this is the reason why we are now running around this ghost place?" Michael looked helplessly at Sisley, because they came together, so the kind school leaders assigned them to a dormitory, anyway, the girls dormitory There are not many people, and there are many empty rooms.

There are two people walking alongside, one is Lu Sheng and the other is a thin-eyed glasses boy.

Naturally, they are not coming to worship the forest. The legend here is that the sun is the most densely packed forest, and it is also the examination point for applying for adult written test in the school.

"I don't just listen to Uncle Jack. This is where he took the exam. Since we are all here, we must cheer him up together!" Heathley clenched his fist and shouted.

But her clever and curious eyes betrayed her. This cargo is rooted in the sun's emblem.

"Okay, okay, let's go play first. Every sun emblem here, there is a puzzle in it, to decrypt it." Lu Sheng shook his head and smiled.

"Then we will take a step first?" Sisley quickly pulled Michael's hand and looked forward.

"Go and go." Lu Sheng waved his hand.

The two girls cheered at once, trotting away toward the jungle not far away, it seems that although Michael said it is not necessary, his body is very honest.

Lu Sheng shook his head without a word, and looked at the glasses man who was also eager to try. It seems that not everyone is like him, not interested in the treasures left by the seniors.

Lu Sheng no longer said more, walking straight along the cobblestone path, walking out less than two hundred meters, a two-story black stone small building appeared in front.

The edges of the floor are decorated with bone-like patterns, and the two kings squirrels are vividly carved on the main entrance.

The normal Devil Squirrel has a fluffy hair, but it still belongs to the category of squirrels, but the two squirrels on the black door have different expressions, like two treacherous adults, who are looking down and smiling at the invitation station. Everyone outside the door enters.

The door was slightly open, and there was a vaguely heard voice.

Lu Sheng walked in front and the first one squeezed in from the door.

Inside is an oval courtyard with a lot of tables and chairs. Many people have sat down and are being assessed. Most people are thinking hard with paper and pencil, and it is obviously difficult to test questions.

A thin, middle-aged woman with glasses, with a serious, positive hand, walks around the aisle in the middle of the table and chairs.

"If you are new, go to the random papers and sit down and start answering. Remember, the time is from the moment you sit down, and you will answer the time for two hours. When the time comes, the table will automatically pop up the red metal card." The introduction of the woman's voice indifference.

Lu Sheng nodded and walked to the small window on the side of the inner door. He extended a hand from the darkness in the window and handed him a set of test papers and draft gel pens.

"Thank you." Lu Sheng took over the things, sat down in an open space and quickly began to answer questions.

The title is very difficult, even if it is the brainpower of Lu Sheng, it took 40 minutes to finish it completely. These topics are not only difficult, but also require a lot of calculations and calculation steps. If you can't find the right way to calculate the first time, there is absolutely no second time to correct it.

Forty minutes later, Lu Sheng checked and confirmed that he had not missed the mistake. Then he stood up and handed his test paper to the small window.

He walked out of the door, and the two girls, Sisley and Michael, could not see the figure.

"After the interview."

Lu Sheng looked at the timetable paper he received, and the interview time was three hours later. It's still early.

Taking advantage of this time, he can just go around and find out about this mysterious university.

Judging from the reaction of the former painter, this university has absolutely unknown mystery.

Lu Sheng quickly found an old bronze display on the roadside, which portrayed the topographic map of the entire university.

The entire University of Misskaska is not large, only a small town, with a total of 18 buildings, which can accommodate more than 50,000 faculty members and students.

In addition to faculty quarters, student dormitories, teaching buildings, office buildings, experimental buildings, etc., there are similar libraries, logistics areas, and some weird buildings without listing names.

Many of these unnamed buildings are hung with blood red signs on behalf of dangerous warnings, with headlines such as idlers.

Lu Sheng has been a little wandering around. The whole campus is very green. There are trees and bushes everywhere, but it is sparsely populated.

He came back and forth, and all the pedestrians who saw it added up, only a few hundred people.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, it was the interview time.

Lu Sheng quickly found the interview location, the fifth office building, a weird building that looks like a starfish.

There are dozens of people in the queue at the entrance of the building. They are all adults. There are men and women, and Lu Sheng will soon join.

No one spoke, everyone's expressions were serious and dignified. Obviously, everyone who came here saw this opportunity very seriously.

Lu Sheng’s wearing a pair of black t-shirts, grey jackets and denim trousers before him looked like a normal attire of this age, but compared with other people’s suits and dresses, it’s not a style. .

But Lu Sheng doesn't care. The interview can be passed without any clothing. His previous written test and initial test passed, and now in the third game, if there is no accident, even if the score is low, the scores of the first two games are enough for him to enter the college.

Lu Sheng glanced at the team and saw all the adults, apparently interviewing the two sides where the young students were separated.

"Charlotte Angie."

The moustache man who was shot in front of Lu Sheng was called to the name, slowly sorted out the tie and walked into the front door of the first floor.

It took about two minutes.

"Jack Townsend." Soon there was another voice inside the door.

Lu Sheng took care of the collar and stepped forward.

"I am Jack Townsend, the mentor, good afternoon." The door behind him automatically bounced off.


Suddenly a cold sound spread from behind his back, a cold and hard thing against the road to victory.

"Now your head is hit by a short-range, powerful shotgun. The person behind it is a desperate man. He can pull the trigger at any time. So what should you do?" asked a low voice.

"Do nothing." Lu Sheng smiled and looked at the three interview instructors sitting in a row in the lobby on the first floor.

"Oh? Why?" A tutor was slightly a bit strange.

He has heard a lot of answers, but no one has answered like Lu Sheng.

The other two are also a bit curious, I don't know why Lu Sheng will answer this.

Lu Sheng’s eyeball turned slightly.

"Because, against my gun, there is no bullet at all." The man behind him slammed for a moment, and he jerked a back elbow, precisely opened the butt, and then he left the original position and avoided. Open the kick of the back of the person.


The three judges all smiled and applauded, and then wrote 99, 99, 100 on their own score sheets.

Of the three scores, two are close to perfect scores, and one is an absolute perfect score. Such a score, combined with the front, is simply a must.

Lu Sheng slowly withdrew, the interview was almost completed, and it was almost a passing. This made him wonder, and it seems that the test at the University of Mississa is very simple.

He ran around in college for a while, and finally, under the leadership of a young girl from a freshman team, ate a standard coke steak in the cafeteria and was finally placed in a student dormitory.

The dormitory is no different from the dormitory of a general university, that is, it is worn out, but the basic facilities are available.

After that, I will wait for the results.

Early in the morning, the results were posted.

Lu Sheng passed the test without any accident. After paying the entrance fee of 10,000 marks, he successfully got his student ID. He really became the official student of this school and started to enter the University of Misska. One day course.

The courses are simple, they are basic subjects, and all majors must study basic subjects.

The contents of the guest hall are also very normal, except that the tutor is a little older, the students are a little less, and the others are fine.

After two consecutive days of classes, Lu Sheng took all the materials he had collected and finished teaching himself. The rest of the time was idle, and began to explore the surrounding environment.

The dormitory where he lives is similar to a residential building. Each person lives alone in a room. There are more than ten room dormitories on one floor, which can accommodate more than ten people.

What is the difference between men and women, perhaps because they are single rooms, the school does not have a breakdown of male and female dormitory buildings.

Originally, Lu Sheng thought that the school should also let the students adapt to the ordinary campus life, but what he did not expect was that soon, the special features of the university began to slowly show up.

After three days of normal courses, the basic physics instructor, an old professor who seems to be falling down at any time, gave a professional intent to each class in class.

This is an option table for the selection of orientation majors for sophomores.

All the professional departments and schools in the school, as well as the relevant subdivisions, are listed above, and the requirements for the declaration are also marked.

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