Way of the Devil

Chapter 829: Crazy promotion three

When Lu Sheng’s words were finished, the old man’s face did not change, as if he had not heard it at all, he continued to wave at him.

Lu Sheng saw that he couldn't do his ears. He didn't hear it, so he didn't care about him. He continued to remember the intermediate textbooks he got.

It is not difficult to memorize intermediate textbooks with the memory of his all-round strengthening of his body.

After fifteen minutes, the intermediate textbook was completely recorded in his mind.

Closing the book, Lu Sheng blinked and looked at the pocket watch in his arms.

“It’s only ten minutes before you can continue to look at it.”

He flipped through the front page of his textbook and found the author's information at the bottom.

‘Miska University Public Press’

"Sure enough, it is officially published."

Lu Sheng picked up the book and stood up. As soon as he saw the old man, he did not know when he had opened the door of the reading room.

Through the cracks in the door, you can see that a dark figure is standing at the door and blocking the entrance and exit.

"Old man?" he screamed.

Did not respond.

Lu Sheng is too lazy to care for him.

Hold the book and go back to the bookshelf where you found the textbook before you squat down and flip through the other books.

Close to the intermediate textbooks, it is the textbooks of various versions of the Coordination Code. He looked at it at random, the content is similar, some are relatively deep, some are shallower, but the most comprehensive is published by the University of Mississauga. Standard version.

"Now, I need advanced textbooks." He flipped around. Only intermediate textbooks were found here. In addition to the wind of coordination, there are other textbooks on various organ abilities.

Just can't find advanced textbooks.

"It seems that this should be the reading room for all the intermediate textbooks." Lu Sheng looked for a while, and the time has passed for half an hour.

"Time is coming, it is estimated that it is too late, it seems that I can only come back next time."

He shook his head and looked back, but he saw the middle of the two bookshelves behind him. The old man didn't know when he actually came in, standing in the shadows and looking up at himself.

"I know that time is coming. I will leave immediately." Lu Sheng quickly responded to the sentence.

The old man looked at him with a smile and still didn't talk.

"Well, I finished reading, come back tomorrow, thank you for the old man's lamp today." Lu Sheng swayed his hand and said hello. After he finished talking, he went out from the gap in the bookshelf on the other side and followed the gate. Go out of the reading room.

Down the stairs, he quickly came to the exit of the first floor lobby.

But what he expected was that the exit was actually closed.

Lu Sheng reached out and held the door handle and twisted.

"its stuck?"

Outside the gate, more than ten large locks were locked on the handle of the door. At this time, the twisting door of Lu Sheng is constantly shaking.

"Old man, the door seems to be stuck?"

Hey, hey, hey, hey! ! !

A dozen loud bangs burst at the same time, and the door handle suddenly moved freely.

"I opened the door for you. I don't have to thank the old man. I will go back first. Thank you for your lights." Lu Sheng opened the door and waved his hand. He walked out of the library with a smile and left in the distance.

Inside the gate, the figure of the old man slowly floated to the door. He stared at the large number of broken locks on the ground, and looked at the back of the road, and did not know what to use for a while.

On the top floor of the distant teaching building, in a spacious office, Professor Sirs had a hot coffee in his hand and looked at the library under the dark clouds in the distance. The pale face was a bit strange and amazed.

"Someone actually went to the library to read at night? Didn't he read the freshman's manual? Don't know the library at night and the library during the day, are two different places?"

"This guy not only went at night, but actually succeeded." Another figure sitting on the sofa was a bit strange.

“Few people know that the University of Misska’s library is actually divided into two places, white and dark.

With the first light of dawn as the dividing line, the books stored in the night library are completely different from the books in the day. "Sears took a sip of coffee."

"The janitor of the night library, or the old man who is the mysterious night watcher? I still remember that he was always guarding the millennium." The people on the sofa asked lazily.

"Yes, it's still him. As long as there is more than the specified time, the guy will rush from behind and shred all the overtime students."

Even if there is no timeout, the old man will deliberately lock the door and let the incoming people not send out. This is a trap at all. ”

"But some books can only be found at night in the library."

The figure on the sofa sighed.

"Okay, I am leaving first."

"Okay, all the way." Selce turned back and went to the sofa, where there was no one left.

The squeaky paper flipped and continued to come from somewhere in the dormitory.

Lu Sheng carefully wrote the last word by the light on the table.

As soon as he returned, he quickly copied the intermediate textbooks he had memorized to avoid forgetting over time.

Write the last letter, Lu Sheng put down the pen and looked at the thick stack of copy paper in front of him.

“The intermediate code is much more complicated than the primary one. A total of 36 symbols can be subdivided into thirty-six levels. As long as all the levels are completed, the sixth cognitive organ can theoretically evolve to a higher form.”

He arbitrarily flipped through the content he had copied. Thirty-six of the seals will eventually form a miniature flesh formation that will propel the entire organ evolution.

"It's interesting to try it first."

Lu Sheng silently recalled all the contents of the intermediate code, and took off his clothes and sat in the middle of the room.

"Dark blue." He called the modifier interface again.

Sure enough, there is a box of intermediate code under the primary code, but the box shows that it is still not getting started.

“Start to upgrade the intermediate code, first upgrade one level.”

Lu Sheng’s mind was moved, and the box of the intermediate code suddenly faded and blurred.

According to the planning of the university, the primary code can usually be completed in two to three years, and then it is the intermediate code.

Different from the primary code.

If you can master more than ten layers of the intermediate code, you can successfully reach the graduation requirements of the sixth cognitive organ.

This code is not written for the students themselves, but is mainly written for the teaching assistants who teach at the university.

Under normal circumstances, a talented student, at least five to ten years, is likely to completely complete the intermediate code, so that his sixth cognitive organ has completely evolved to reach the level of teaching assistants, and some even evolved twice.

At this time, if the student is willing and other conditions meet the requirements, the university can hire the student to return to the school to serve as a teaching assistant.

Therefore, this intermediate code has completely separated from the requirements of the students and reached the level of the instructors.

Lu Sheng is also part of the content mentioned in the words in the Code, only to guess this.


The box of the intermediate code is blurred for three seconds and then slowly and clearly.

Lu Sheng sensed that about 100 units of the power of the gods disappeared from their bodies.

Unlike the primary code, the body does not feel any nourishment, and all the power of the gods appears in the sixth cognitive organ out of thin air.

"It seems that the essence of transplanted organs mentioned in the interesting intermediate code seems to be true."

Lu Sheng’s interest in his heart has increased.

“The university captures many of the monsters in the void, kills them, and makes them into complete biological specimens, leaving only the core of the core.

Then, according to the secret test fit, different magic specimens were transplanted to many students who entered the school."

"That is to say, the ability of the students is largely determined by the faculty of the university.

What magical things they transplant to you, you can get the corresponding different abilities. ”

Lu Sheng faintly understands the truth.

This so-called organ is actually the vanity monster that was killed. The school condensed the bodies of these monsters and transplanted them to the most suitable students.

"Under normal circumstances, the University of Misska should not intentionally bury a qualified genius. Only transplant the body of ordinary monsters.

This is not good for the overall development of the school. That is to say, my body, this Jack's flesh and blood, which fits in itself, may be the magic of the ability to coordinate the wind. ”

He had an inference in his heart.

At this point, the box of the intermediate code is completely clear.

"Coordination of the wind." Lu Sheng raised his hand, the pores in the palm of his hand suddenly opened, blowing a stream of air.


This time, the airflow was very fast and the strength was good. It was about 10% stronger than before.

"Not bad." Lu Sheng nodded slightly. "The intermediate code is indeed well-deserved. It is a code used by the instructors."

"So, continue to upgrade to the second floor!"

The Intermediate Code has a total of 36 floors. He intends to see what happens after the 36th floor is reached.

Soon, the second layer of code was reached, and Lu Sheng’s skin gradually appeared a hint of light lavender.

His heart fretting, the blood and blood quickly accelerated, and the purple color of his body quickly faded away and was forcibly suppressed.

"Continue, third floor!"




A series of bubbles rise from the huge specimen glass jar.

A black humanoid monster that looks like coke is soaked in the jar.

This monster has sharp claws, a sloping back, and a large number of small holes in the body.

These small holes are evenly distributed throughout the body of the monster, allowing him to quickly and easily eject a large amount of airborne artillery.

Professor Searth put his hands in his pocket and looked at the other side of the lab.

On the long strip test bench over there, a strong old man with short red hair was skillfully holding a scalpel and doing an anatomical experiment on a humanoid with a black scale.

"Dar Professor, is this year's supply of vanity enough? Isn't the quality of the batch implanted for the new students?" Selce asked.

"You don't know if you look at it yourself. The quality of the harmony winds sent this year is of this quality. Not only is the head smaller than before, but the ability is also slightly weaker. The quality of the manufactured specimens is low, and there is no way. ""

Professor Dahl of the red hair slowly put down the scalpel in his hand, and some tired take off the gloves and approached here.

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