Way of the Devil

Chapter 84: Trouble four

Hey! !

It was a heavy blow, and Lu Shengyu was beaten back. The blood in my mouth could not be wrapped, spit it out and splashed on the ground.

A red ribbon flew out of the compartment, and it was wrapped around his waist, but it was burnt in the air.


The red woman appeared again on the side of Lu Sheng, and a lantern hit him on his right shoulder.


The woman's throat is unclear, she is constantly flashing around Lu Sheng, and the next one is on his head, body, hands and feet.


Under continuous heavy blows, Lu Sheng’s blood rushed out of his mouth.

"Re-emphasis, too light! Hehehe...." He did not care, the knife in his hand continued to block, and sometimes blocked, but most of them could not be used, only the body can resist.

"Do you know **** her at that time? It is much heavier than you are now. I cut it in half from the center. She thought she could recover. I was used to live in the air, where I could die and die, hahahaha!!" Lu Sheng’s mouth was still laughing with blood.

Hey! !

The woman in red is getting more and more anxious and getting heavier and heavier. She is madly squatting on the road with a red lantern. At the same time, the other hand is also empty. The purple and black sharp nails continue to catch blood marks on the road.


Lu Sheng's left waist was dug up a piece of flesh and blood, and the wound quickly began to purple and black, but it was immediately suppressed by the yin and yang jade crane.

The red woman has a lantern and a fingernail, and if she is crazy, she will continue to fall on the road.

Suddenly, the red light flashed, her arms slightly reddened, as if covered with a thin layer of red ice, speed and strength surged.

Hey! !

The purple-black claws rushed toward the road-winning chest, and she had to claw out his heart and avenge his sister's revenge! !

The red female is very fast, and this is a sharp increase, so that Lu Sheng can not dodge, can only barely move a little position.


The claws are inserted straight into the road to win the chest and deep into the right chest. At the crucial moment, Lu Sheng reluctantly moved the lower position and let the deadly place open.

The blood rushed out like a bubble. Lu Sheng was overwhelmed by tremendous power, and he continued to withdraw more than ten steps. The blood and water in his mouth continued to spurt.


The red woman's other hand loosened the lantern, and the cockroach was another claw, piercing the road to win the abdomen.

Lu Sheng was shocked and stunned. He grabbed his hands on the shoulders of the red woman, and the woman struggled, but could not break free.

"Catch you...." He looked up, his face was full of blood, but he showed a sly smile.


A trace of heat rose from the two. That is the white gas that the red gas is constantly burning with blood.

Hey! ! !

In the raging tiger's whistle, Lu Sheng screamed and his knees slammed into the woman's chest and abdomen.

Hey! ! Hey! Hey! Hey! !

The woman in red struggled and made a baby-like scream. The body at her chest was deeply collapsed by Lu Sheng. White smoke is emitted around the body, in the eyes, ears and nose.

"You didn't feel very cool just now!?" Lu Sheng grabbed the woman's hair and slammed against her forehead.


The woman's head was pulled out of a huge gap, white mucus and smoke came out. She screamed and made a sound, desperately trying to break free, but she was caught by the road, and ran into a road. Dead trees.

Awkward, the trunk broke.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!" Lu Sheng laughed, a fist punched on the woman's head, playing her entire face completely collapsed, like a broken watermelon, a lot of white smoke emerged from the wound.

"You are not going to kill me!? Kill! Kill! Kill!!" The heavy blow underneath, constantly hitting the woman's head.

Hey! !

With dozens of punches in a row, Lu Sheng’s body is insane and mad, and the red gas is constantly being supplemented by the yin and yang jade cranes. Every punch is full force, and his body is very hot, like a stove.

The woman's entire head and neck became a smash, accompanied by burnt black.

Lu Sheng pulled her hand out of her hand with one hand and lifted it up.

Under the cloud, the woman was dying, but there was still a last sense of consciousness. She reached out and tried to catch Lu Sheng’s arm.

"Want to kill me, this is the price!"

Oh! !

He grabbed it with one hand and even pulled out the woman's broken head and pulled it out of his neck. There are also things like meridian bones underneath the head.

A lot of white mucus sprinkled on him with the smoke, but he didn't care, and looked up and laughed.

The red lantern rolling on the ground suddenly went out at this moment.


In the dark jungle, thick and dark trees cover the sky and cover the area in gray.

Inside the red tile house where a large family lives, the red lanterns are covered with a door inside and outside.

A woman in a white dress with an umbrella is standing quietly at the well in the yard, as if looking at her face through the well water.

The red paper umbrella covers her face, and only the long hair that is dark as ink hangs down behind her. The umbrella with pink plum blossoms reflects the red lantern hanging in the mansion, which is even more red.

"甄家.... killed a lot of us.....what...how to do it...hey.." A broken female voice that sounded like a scorpion, coming out from under the umbrella .

"They are the ones who really grabbed the Red Dragon Robbers. With a fake news and illusions, they have led so many forces. Now they are fully shot, and they are full of enthusiasm." There was a female voice in the well. Some hoarse. "Before we ruined our three strongholds, we are now fighting hard against the weird we have released. It is a personal thing, great."

"I shot.... killed him?" The umbrella woman continued on and off.

"You are not his opponent. The family is so tough now, it is because there is a red dragon to rob the bottom." The sound in the well continued. "There are so many weird and weird people who can control the impact. If they are all cut off by them, they must wait and see."

"Good...." The woman in the umbrella should answer.

She stood at the well and waited for the meeting, until she had no sound, and slowly walked toward the mansion.

Before going to the bedroom, she looked up slightly and looked at the hanging red lantern. Of the rows of red lanterns, fifteen of them were all extinguished. The small section of the long corridor was out of light.

"It was broken up.... Fifteen? The one who went to clean up the mortal... It’s gone.... The hands and feet are really clean..." The umbrella woman whispered, the tone was still weird.

"甄寻....I will eat you sooner or later..."

A breeze blew through, and there was no one in the bedroom before.


Lu Sheng's hand licked his chest, and the scorching smell of meat continued to scatter, suddenly stopping the bleeding of the wound.

He held the knife in the other hand, and slowly dripped blood on the palm of his hand. There was a silver plaque in the gap between the palm and the handle.

Jubilee is the kind of street that can be bought everywhere. It is a very common scorpion, which can be bought for a few big sums and is very light.

Lu Sheng was found from the lantern woman.

After the death of the lantern, the whole body melted completely and turned into smoke. Only the debris such as clothes and lanterns stayed. Lu Sheng found the silver plaque from it. He tried to use the blood to drip on the top, and there was yin. Inhale into the body.

At this time, the silver carp in the palm of the hand is constantly pouring into the yin, although not much, but the victory is lasting.

Lu Sheng feels the burning pain in his chest. There is no bleeding in the trauma. The internal injury has the combination of yin and yang jade crane and the red heart method. First squeeze the arterial blood vessel with your hand, and use the red gas to burn the internal hemorrhage. Bleeding mouth. Then Yin and Yang Yuhegong quickly made up.

At the moment, most of his skills are used to suppress the toxicity, and really suppress the injury and hands-on, but not much.

There was only one red shirt on the ground, and the carriage with the lantern on the side. The black horse that was pulling also stood still, motionless, and did not know how long he died, and he still stood dead.

With the knife as a walking stick, Lu Sheng chased the team in a step-by-step direction.

I didn’t catch up for a long time, and there was a hoof in front of the front. He looked up and saw that Yulianzi was rushing with two gangs, all riding horses.

Yulianzi saw Lu Sheng walking on the side of the road at a glance, seeing that he was covered in blood, full of wolves, suddenly shocked.


The three quickly rolled over and dismounted.


"You are all right!!"

The three quickly rushed forward to help Lu Sheng.

"Nothing, how come you three? Is the city arranged?" When Lu Sheng left, let Yulianzi comb the site along the mountain to monitor any abnormal situation. Once there was turmoil, immediately send people to isolate and appease. Cooperate with the government to make all the actions.

"There is nothing in the city, how can you hurt this outside, and who else can hurt you so much!" Yulianzi looked awesome. At the same time, taking out the golden sore medicine from the lumbar pocket is intended to be applied to Lu Sheng.

"I come by myself." Lu Sheng took the medicine and pulled off his upper body to reveal the wound in his chest and abdomen. The gold sore medicine powder is gently sprinkled on the wound and evenly smeared.

"It’s not something you should know when you talk about it. Let’s go back and say, my family is in front. You go to the forbidden area first."

The three Yulianzi saw the wound on the road, and they all took a sigh of cold. The two wounds were black in the purple, and they were marked with signs of poison.

"Nothing, it seems to be poisoned, but I used the internal gas to burn this part, it is isolation, go back and cut off some meat." Lu Sheng saw his forehead sweat, and endured the pain.

"I still have some antidote here...." Yulianzi hesitated.

"No. The general antidote should be useless." Lu Sheng felt that the poison seemed to be offset by the positive internal gas. After consuming a large amount of red gas, the toxicity of the body was not great, as long as he rushed back to the city to dig up. Poisonous meat, clear wounds just fine.

"Well, I will go back with my head outside, and you will ride one and follow you." Yulianzi quickly arranged.


After the four people were assigned, they rode forward and chased them.

Soon the road family's team also appeared on the official road. Fortunately, there was no movement in the team, and it was still steadily moving forward.

Lu Sheng did not dismount, his face was very poor, not a little bit of blood, after the old road, they did not see clearly that he was, he quickly disappeared in front of the official road.

On the way, Lu Sheng and carefully observed the two sides, strong support for the pain, determined that the road behind the team is still safe, until the mountain town, he arranged to help the public to meet the home team, only Yulianzi helped into the city Outside the golden jade flower room.

It has now become a half-point of Lu Sheng, and hired artisans to start building a loft here to relax.

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