Way of the Devil

Chapter 840: Control two

"Don't play too much, don't overturn the boat, it's cool." Lu Sheng couldn't help but remind him.

"It's okay, I am the old captain, the first-class sailing technology! In fact, if only the former girl will be, it will only be awkward, and the posture is good. On the appearance of the body is a little worse.

This time I am new to an absolutely good thing! The skin of the body is absolutely superb! Andy gave a thumbs up.

"That is, you are my brother, I only created opportunities for you, and changed to other people, huh, huh."

"No interest, play with yourself." Lu Sheng shook his head. "I will attend a special topic meeting at night, and then I will study the new code theory in the library."

"What about tomorrow?" Andy was not willing to pull the road to the water.

"Tomorrow and people have an appointment to go to study. I have a lot of things, you should not bother me." Lu Sheng waved his hand.

"Okay, okay," Andy is helpless. He actually wants to be so obsessed with learning like Lu Sheng. But every time he doesn't insist on it for a week, he gives up automatically and is once again addicted to the beauty and wine.

Sometimes, he is also wondering if this is human life. He is not born to learn. Why is it that God wants to send Jack who is so horrible to him?

"That's okay, then you can only meet tomorrow." Andy patted Lu Sheng's shoulder. "You missed a chance to be a golden opportunity, really."

Lu Sheng looked at him silently and turned around and walked away.

He turned and went back in the direction of the dormitory. He had to go back and get some teaching materials to prepare a special topic for a while.

In the afternoon, the sun was warm and there was no burning at noon and cold in the morning.

On the boulevard, occasionally a few leaves fall down the wind, and from time to time you can see the pair of couples sitting on the bench next to the tree.

Lu Sheng saw a couple and even boldly on the grass behind the bench, the male hand reached into the girl's inflated chest, do not know what to do pure action.

"Autumn is here, and it's time to harvest the fruit." Lu Sheng sighed in his heart and stepped up.

Going all the way along the main road, unconsciously, he has already reached a relatively remote corner.

It is far from the school building and seems to be a small park for rest and relaxation. Apart from the occasionally visible benches, there are no other artifacts.

"Come out, I have deliberately come here." Lu Sheng walked to the edge of a tree trunk.

It was quiet for a while.

Soon, a burst of footsteps came from behind Lu Sheng.

"How did you find me?" A long red-haired woman in a black tights didn't know when it appeared on the grass behind Lu Sheng.

"Just just now, I heard your footsteps." Lu Sheng pointed to his own ears. "I am born with a natural ear."

He turned around and saw the appearance of the woman.

The woman was covered with black cloth and only showed a pair of eyes. The body was dressed like a ninja. She had a short knife on her back and long hair tied with a hair rope at the end.

"Who are you?" Lu Sheng asked.

"What do you think? When Lun died in your hands, did you mention that we will find you and kill you?" The woman's red eyes showed a hint of coldness.

"I can't remember what he said." Lu Sheng shook his head slightly. "I just want to know, what do you want to do when you find me? If you want to do it, you can do it now, I am in a hurry."

The woman smiled.

"You can call me, Black Sakura. Lun was responsible for the affairs here, but he failed. Now I will take over him personally. So, what do you mean by me?"

"You are Japanese?" Lu Sheng suddenly asked.

"Well? You guessed it." Black cherry smiled. "How come you guessed it?"

"Your accent has the taste of Japanese." Lu Sheng looked at his pocket watch from his arms. "I will give you another minute. I still have something in the evening. If you can't give me an answer that makes me happy, I will." Immediately notify the school."

"Would you like to be part of us?" Black Sakura didn't take it for granted, and there was a slight smile in his eyes.

"In fact, I tell you a secret. In this university, there are people in our grades, even in the mentor, and we also have one of us. So you can give it a try and see if the school is useful."

"I am just an ordinary student. I just want to study here. As for other things, I don't know, I don't know what it means. So, can you not bother me?" Lu Sheng whispered.

"In fact, you only have one choice." Black Sakura slowly pulled out the short knife on his back. "Either join us or die here."

"You can rest assured that the isolation matrix has been arranged in advance, even if the movement is big, the school can not find it." Black Sakura sneered.

Lu Sheng looked up at the sky, just a reddish sun, at this time there was a faint bluish blue. Obviously it was touched by people.

"Would you like to see the face under my mask?" Black Sakura suddenly smiled at Lu Shengwei.

She reached out and gently pulled the tights around her waist.


The whole dress was suddenly loose, and it fell completely, revealing the close-fitting clothing inside.

Black Sakura actually posted black small pieces on three key points.

The snowy and glamorous flesh is completely exposed to Lu Sheng. Slender legs, sharp hips, slender waist and plump chest, this is almost the man's maximum fantasy level body.

"I am beautiful?" Her voice unconsciously brought out a hint of temptation.

"Tell you a secret to my face, more beautiful~"

She pulled the mask underneath again and gently pulled it.

what! !

A huge pout that splits into the ears is suddenly exposed to the air.

"Afraid! Scream!! Fear!!"

She smiled and looked up to the opposite side. The **** red mouth was full of sharp and sharp fangs, and the white teeth reflected the cold gleam under the sunlight.

"" Lu Sheng pressed back the other two faces that were about to grow from the neck. But still can't stop the more than a dozen pairs of arms that rushed out of the back.

Black cherry: ""

"So, I am really just a normal student who loves to learn!!"

Lu Sheng was low-lying, originally he only wanted to control the body slightly, try to see if it can be used outside, and the result is a deformed body.


Lu Sheng's body size is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

As the flesh and blood rubbed against each other, the whole person grew from nearly two meters to five meters and eight meters.

Black Sakura stayed up with the expansion of the opposite side, her petite body gradually enveloped in the shadow of the other side.


Lu Sheng’s body suddenly grew out of a large black tentacles, like a root must be waving in the air.

These horrible tentacles are each covered with tiny serrated mouths, they chew on what is crazy, wandering around, seemingly trying to catch what is entangled.

Black Sakura stayed involuntarily backwards.

"Run fast! I can't control myself!!" Lu Sheng couldn't help but whisper.

His ontological strength swelled too fast, so that now that he was just motivated, the power of the body was like a balloon that could be blasted at any time, and it began to leak everywhere.

Because the promotion is too fast, his control has not kept up, and the result is that a large fraction of a million of power is scattered everywhere.

These extremely weak powers for the ontology are the root cause of his transformation.

After all, it is the horrible power of the realm of the real world.

Even if it is a fraction of a million, the total amount of terror also leads to these unimaginable massive forces for the average person.

The huge earth's atmosphere makes this Jack's body quickly mutate as soon as it is infested, and most of the flesh shows some of the characteristics of his demon body.

Lu Sheng has some control over himself now. The result of uncontrollable power is that once it is started or stimulated by external forces, it will instinctively counterattack.

A little bit too hard, the ending may be the destruction of the entire University of Misska, or the entire German disappeared from the map.

This is not the original intention of Lu Sheng. So he quickly let the black cherry roll.

The female female black sakura reacted. She looked pale, and looked deep into the huge body. She turned and ran.

But just ran a few meters.

"No, I can't control my feet! Hurry!" Lu Sheng was yelling at the back.

As soon as Black Sakura turned back, she saw a bathtub-sized black foot flashing towards her.

Hey! ! !

She was mad at the goose bumps, her scalp was numb, and the whole person almost rolled out toward the right side with all her strength.

This speed has reached the limit that mortals can observe, but it is easy to avoid.

Just got up and didn't wait for the black cherry to catch your breath.

"Run! My hand! My hand is too much! Let it!!" Lu Sheng's voice came again.

Hey! !

Black Sakura could not escape this time, and was beaten by a horizontally waving arm in the middle of the waist. Her whole body rolled in the air, and the upper body and the lower body were almost close together. The internal organs in the stomach were smashed on the spot.


Black Sakura smashed the trunk of three big trees and rolled a few rings on the ground to spurt a blood.

Her face was pale, and the fangs of her mouth were beaten off, and she climbed up from the ground.

Watching the road wins in the same place.

"I fight with you!!" Black Sakura sorrow and anger, I feel that I can't live for a long time, simply carrying a short knife and **** eyes, rushing here.

"I can't control my legs again!! Ah! Don't come over!! Run!!" Lu Sheng shouted.

"God! Listen to the prayers of your most faithful believers, the starlight at dusk, the bright moon at night, the blood flowing deep in the earth, boiling, burning it, destroying it! Burning the blade!! Shattered, shattered, shattered!! ”

Black Sakura sang loudly, and the short knife in his hand blazed a dark red glow.

She tried her best and jumped high, and the whole person jumped up and floated at the height of Lu Sheng’s head. Then rub your hands to the next one.

"Give me death!!! Burn out!!"

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