Way of the Devil

Chapter 847: Chaotic one

"You take it first to make a specimen observation, then drop the third reagent into it and record the reaction."

"Good professor."

Lu Sheng took the specimen, went out of the laboratory, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it a few times, and then recorded it on the counter with handwriting.

"Professor, the experiment failed." He went back to the lab and handed the record to Dahl. "I think it may be not enough. Give it some more."

"What is the quantity? But this meat quality can be cut off by a high-level monster.... Not so good..." Dahl caught the hair and said helplessly. "What was the experimental report just now?"

“What about the third reagent? How effective?”

Lu Sheng shrugged.

"Unfortunately, I think the reagents are not enough."

"Then I will go back and think of a way....." Sophomore scratched his scalp. "How come the experimental materials are getting more and more expensive recently?"

"But the results are coming out soon, aren't they?" Lu Sheng said seriously.

"Say it is said, but this consumption... The funds on the top may not be used..." Dahl said.

"Professor, our results are constantly coming out, the efficiency is amazing, I believe that the board will not reject us because of this small request." Lu Sheng persuaded.

"Well... I will go back and make a report and try it. Come, this specimen will be used as a reaction experiment."

"Good professor." Lu Sheng took a small plate of specimens and turned to another experimental room. He set aside an experiment and the rest were pinched in the mouth.

This kind of life is not comfortable, but at least the food is good.

The work of the research laboratory ended very early, because the experimental materials were exhausted, so Lu Sheng had to take a vacation and go back in advance.

I talked with the other experimental teacher on the road. He walked all the way to the dormitory, but did not return to the dormitory first.

Instead, I turned a corner and went to the back of one of the school buildings.

In the dark night, Lu Sheng slowly walked through the dilapidated buildings behind the building with a little moonlight.

He walked to the edge of an abandoned teaching building covered with vine moss, and he stopped.

The university campus is separated by a metal fence from here. One is a new campus, and the old campus is a dangerous building that could not be repaired before.

Lu Sheng gently flipped over and crossed the fence into the old campus.

He skillfully walked into a teaching building, went up the stairs, and soon reached the living room with only one floor from the top of the building.

The living room floor is full of carved knives and stencils, and in some corners of the sculpture, there are traces of suspected blood.

He knelt down and examined the lines in the living room.

Since the last time I figured it out at the lake, Lu Sheng really decided, just like in the world of dragons, to give this place a real big move.

It is too much for him to rely on him alone.

After carefully examining the underlying lines, Lu Sheng and his knees carved a fine winged snake with a knives. These wings are densely packed, such as the numerous worms in the same circle, forming a large circle around the entire living room. .

Lu Sheng’s movement was very fast. It took only one hour to complete the engraving of the entire living room. It is better to say that he is painting.


The last knife fell, the eyes of the winged snake were drawn, and Lu Sheng threw the knife.

"The second point is completed."

He needs to create a sufficient number of advents in the school. The way the world energy exists is very strange, so he also needs to correct the original knowledge of the formation.

It took him a lot of time, then it was chosen. The inside of the school is definitely not good. There are patrol students everywhere, and you will be discovered if you are not careful.

So the final road win chose the old campus on the side, setting the arrival point.

After the arrangement was completed, he quietly left here, and the airflow from his feet left him without leaving any footprints.



Miska Owl Observation Tower.

As the only observation tower in the school, it is not only to observe the threats that may be attacked at any time in the sky, but also to monitor the rest of the troubles in the planet.

The owner of the observation tower is Professor Michelhaus, an old-age professor who has been guarding here for more than ninety years.


The liquid in the weather bottle spewed out like a diffuse smoke, slowly deforming in the air under the control of Michelle's hands.

The pen and paper on his side recorded a row of data and projects.

Michelle has been doing such climate tests for many years, but I don't know how. He has always felt that something is wrong. The weather bottle reacts more and more frequently, and his control of liquids is getting more and more laborious.

"Teacher, are you okay?" A subtle voice came from outside the lab.

"Nothing.... I might be a little tired..." Michelle sighed and slowly manipulated the water back to the weather bottle.

The translucent water is deformed like a jellyfish that twists the tentacles.

"Remember to help me inform Dahl, the latest astrological forecast may be sent later, I may have some trouble here. The variable suddenly increased a lot." Michelle helplessly. Waving the thin hands, increasing control and driving the water back to the weather bottle.

"Good professor. But haven't you eaten dinner yet? Or do you want to go out and eat something and continue experimenting?"

"Yes, yeah, professor, it’s not good to be hungry."

"Henry and Millie are never late to eat."

The messy sounds make up, like a tea party.

Michelle smiled and watched the weather bottle refill with liquid. He turned and pointed at the pen and paper. The paper pen that had been recording things stopped and fell down completely.

"Come here." He smiled and walked to the door and opened the door.

A lot of chubby little owls squinting at the door, these fat guys, only watermelons, all squeezing at the door and looking at Michelle.

They have gray feathers on the body, you squeeze me, I squeeze you, and some are still pushing each other, and they may fight at any time.

"Okay, it's quiet, I'm over, everyone is going back to rest, don't worry, I may not have a good rest recently, so I am a little sleepy. Rest assured, tomorrow, tomorrow I will get something good to come back. Meal. Make up for it." Michelle smiled.

"Well, if you insist on saying this. In fact, I think your problem is not enough nutrition..." The fattest owl is helpless.

"Let's go." Michelle closed the door with his backhand. The lab was dimmed and there was no light from the outside corridor.

The transparent weather bottle was quietly placed on the bench and motionless.

As time passed, the white silk floating inside the transparent liquid began to move slowly.


Suddenly, under the slamming sound, the inner wall of the weather bottle cracked a tiny gap, and a little transparent liquid slowly permeated.

More and more liquids are infiltrated, and more and more, dripping from the table top, forming a black blot on the ground.

Soon, the amount of water oozing out of the liquid in the weather bottle has far exceeded the amount of liquid contained in the inside.

A large amount of liquid rushed out faster and faster, almost drenching the entire bench of the lab bench, and the ground below it was dripping more and more.

Numerous transparent liquids, like life, slowly condense and shape, and soon form a somewhat embarrassing image of a white-haired old man.

"Just let me start, the first battle..." The old man looked up and his face was the face of Professor Michel.



“The response is becoming more and more obvious, we need more manpower!” In the indoor auditorium, the top of the University of Mississauga is gathering to discuss the recent and frequent events.

The president of Maradona sat at the top, and there were two other vice-presidents with him. The following is the dean of the colleges. The dean is not present, and the vice-president is replaced.

At the bottom are the professors, then the tutors.

The positional relationship of one layer is distinct.

"We should take the necessary actions on our initiative, instead of discussing this discussion all day at school!!" A red-haired old man patted the table.

"Hesitation and hesitation are the enemy of the winner!" Another pale man wearing a silver-breasted black robe agreed.

"But, if we leave, once the power here is weakened, who will guard the one?" said the dean of the Astronomical Academy.

“The stars and the new moon tell me that once we act rashly, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

"Your prophecy has long since passed out of Andura. Now is the age of flesh and blood sacrifice! I sacrificed a whole head of the wild-faced demon, and the prophecy is exactly the opposite of you." The sacrifice on the other side The professor, a royal academician, refuted aloud.

"We should attack! Passive defense will only lower our morale and let the victory go hand in hand!"

"We have our duties, don't forget the covenant vows of the year!" An old lady stood up and snapped.

Below you said that what I said to me, almost every professor level exists, is a person with extremely strong beliefs, everyone thinks that they are right, and several people at the decision-making level are also quite a headache.

Maradona guessed this a long time ago.

He sighed and patted his hands.


The sound of the auditorium slowly subsided.

"The question now is not that we are willing or not, but that the trouble has arrived..." He looked to Professor Michelle of the Observatory.

"Michelle's brother, is the observatory still okay?"

Some awkward Michelle is definitely a different number in the school. He has extraordinary observation ability, but his personality is unsociable and he never communicates with others. The only friend is Maradona.

Upon hearing the question, he stood up and slowly bowed to the principal.

"Everything is normal, respected Maradona. I have repeatedly tested with hundreds of weather bottles, and there is no trouble with the evil spirits."

"You are responsible for monitoring the normal surface ground campus, so it is a big responsibility, I hope not to miss any traces." Maradona nodded.

"I understand." Michelle bowed his head, but in the depths of his eyes, a glimmer of transparent water flashed.

"Right, the gray-haired patriarch is okay? I haven't visited them for a long time. As an owl, it is extremely rare to be able to live to 97."

"Of course, they are all okay, except for a few newborn little guys who are naughty and like to fight, the rest are very good." Michelle smiled and replied.

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