Way of the Devil

Chapter 850: Heart nucleus

"This is Shenwei. It is the power to suppress the third layer of knowledge." The voice of Ms. Joyful came again.

"The third layer is the extraordinary knowledge that is not a mortal. If you want to get it, you need to pass the test. Otherwise, you will just go to die," explains Ms. Joy.

Lu Sheng took a breath and stabilized his footsteps. He slowly stepped through the giant eagle and stepped up the ladder.

As he walked to the platform of the real third floor, the pressure on him slowly eased.

"This is an extraordinary layer. If you can get a book from here, then you will make earth-shaking changes in your real life." Ms. Joy laughed. "The potential little guy, I am looking forward to your performance."

"Thank you for your follow-up, happy tutor." Lu Sheng seriously bowed to the empty space and bowed.

At this point, if he still doesn't understand the level of the other side, then he is really a demon.

The existence of a happy lady seems to be a wonderful concept. He once saw this kind of existence in the demon world.

This kind of existence can be infinitely powerful or extremely weak. They cannot be physically destroyed or even have the form of a soul.

They are more like a phenomenon, a derivative of the universe itself, and never die.

"It's a smart kid." The voice of the lady is obviously getting better.

Lu Sheng followed the corridor on the third floor and walked step by step.

The third floor has only one corridor that extends forward and cannot see the end.

On both sides of the corridor is a closed black metal gate. A variety of symbols are engraved on the door.

Some are human, some are plants, animals, and stars, moons and suns, or complex combinations.

Soon, Lu Sheng found the category he most wanted to find.

Code room.

The door of this room is engraved with a black-and-white pattern with wings and wings. The door handle was burnt red, like a soldering iron constantly emitting white smoke.

This door suddenly jumped out when Lu Sheng’s mind was constantly imagining, and appeared in front of him.

"You have only one chance for a book. On the third floor of the child, every life can only come in once in a lifetime. You have to think about it." Joy reminded again.

"I think about it." Lu Sheng nodded, reaching out and gently gripping the door handle.

The red-hot handle didn't make him feel any hot pain.

The door slammed and opened.



Germany, Shulin County, Frost Leaf Town.

The gray-white town is bathed in the morning sun, just like the church of the saints, brilliant and sacred.

The town is in a church.

In the middle of the church hall is a pile of hot golden sky flames. There are more than a dozen people standing by the flames, each of whom wears uniforms from the University of Mississa and another university.

They all hold a white book in their hands, and the cover of the book has a shield-shaped gold emblem.

"Tell's Dean, yes." A thin, high-light student wearing glasses whispered to the old man waiting.

"Let's get started. Reinforce the new anti-empty glow." The old man nodded.

The students who circled in a circle looked at each other and accelerated the speed of reading books. A burst of swaying sounds like singing.

A bright golden round wheel emerged slowly in the middle of the flame.

"I have contacted the reverse sprite and started to chisel the guide." One student spoke.

Everyone raised their hands and sprinkled some kind of crystal powder. The powder was like a living thing, flying and rotating around the flame. In the air is like a beautiful crystal ring.

"The second step, the completion of the match, the third, the activation of the source of fire"

Hey! ! !

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the whole flame blasted from the inside. The flame with a diameter of more than one meter expanded directly into a width of three meters.

The flames swept over and wrapped the students standing around.

"Do not!!"

"Hurry to hide!!"

A group of people couldn't help but get caught up in the flames. Four people on the spot melted into the fire in less than a second, disappearing without a trace.

boom! !

The ground of the church exploded and opened a large hole. A black monster like a beetle quickly arched out. It was surrounded by a large number of tiny fly-flying insects. The body smelled bad and the lower limbs were full of legs. It looks like a big octopus on land.

"Return to chaos!!"

The monster slammed into the crowd.

Tyre ignited a purple flame and quickly turned into a three-meter-high purple fire giant, raising his fist and screaming at the monster.

"Go back to the void! Artush!"

"There is no source fire, you can no longer stop me from Tyre." The monster laughed and waved his limbs.

Bang! !

A loud bang, the entire wall of the church exploded directly outside, a large number of purple flames into tentacles, entwined with black monsters, knocked out from the inside.

But the other students were not so lucky, the purple flames and the brute force of the monsters made them brutally wounded on the spot.

The remaining living people dragged the difficult amount of the injury from the wall gap and ran towards the distance.

Not only this place, but the defense points set by all universities throughout Germany are almost at the same time.

Looking from the outside of the planet, it is like a little golden flame constantly lit up, then slowly dimmed and extinguished.



The rushing footsteps are passed on the wooden floor.


The door of the Royal Defence Ministry was knocked open.

The Earl of Kashande, wearing a white pattern hat, was eagerly photographed on the desk. The eagle's eyes are fixed on the old man behind the table.

"About the Earl's tragedy that took place in my territory, what do you say, Honorable Minister, you promised to strengthen the police on the garrison, but now"


He slaps the table.

"I want a reasonable explanation and plan! Now, right now!!"

"I have expressed such a tragedy in your territory. I am very sorry about this." The old minister helped the glasses and slowed down.

"But the police force is now seriously inadequate. We don't have more people to deal with these supernatural things. The University of Antoniva and the University of Mississauga have sent all the students, but there is still no way to curb the spread of the abnormal outbreak. ”

"Not enough, not enough! Isn't there a lot of students at school? It can be used in conjunction with action!" Earl was right.

"No, no, it's murder, Mr. Earl, you'd better calm down first. Now there are only new students left in school. They only took a semester course, and they are far from coming out. The point of the mission."

"Then let them come out and experience the task outside as a class! It can also alleviate our support pressure! Even if they just come out to dig and build a wall!" Earl of Kashande said with anger.

"I will consider your opinion." The old minister nodded slightly.



Past library.

Lu Sheng pushed open the door, inside is a dark female statue with four arms and veil.

The statue's lower body is a slender, spring-like, strange tail that wraps around a circle to support its massive weight.

"Welcome to your cute little boy" The face of the statue quickly drops a lot of hard skin, revealing the smooth and smooth skin below.

"I have been here for too long, I have forgotten what I used to be."

The statue slowly moved the lower joints and walked closer.

"You have the taste of the University of Mississas, they always like to mix the void and the atmosphere of the people."

After Lu Sheng looked at his eyes, the door that had just come in had already closed unconsciously.

"Who are you?" he asked.

The statue waved four arms.

"I am the knowledge you are looking for. Many university scholars have constantly perfected me, but in the end they have sealed me because they are too dangerous. Only a small number of students can be contacted and I am regarded as supreme."

She paused.

"I still have a name called Chaos Code. You may have heard of it."

Lu Sheng nodded.

"You are the chaotic code"

"You don't seem to be surprised? Why? I am alive! Live!!" The statue is very strange to Lu Han's flat reaction.

"You just seem to be alive, nothing more. You have no soul, just a machine that performs in a fixed pattern." Lu Sheng calmed.

"This is, what problem is encountered, what is the answer, this is the computer system that I have been perfected. I did not expect it to be seen by you." Chaos Code is a strange nod.

"It's really boring. Since you can't lie to you, then, let's get started, what you want is here. Ask, I can answer your three questions."

Lu Sheng looked around the room and did not see any other entrances and exits.

"I want to know the contents of the fifth and sixth levels of the Code!"

"It's very simple. It counts two. Is there a problem?" The Chaos Code continued.

Lu Sheng has sunk.

"The third question, how can you take you away?"

"Hey you are really greedy" Chaos Code laughed. "This involves the biggest secret of this school, but it doesn't matter if you say it to you. That name, even if you know it now, you will automatically forget it when you go out here."

"Oh? Let's talk about it first." Lu Sheng was curious. It sounds like the University of Mississas seems to have some hidden secrets.

"Have you heard of the chaotic core?" Chaos Code smiled. "That is the treasure that supports the movement of this planet, or even the whole world. It is also the secret treasure that the evil spirits want to capture. It represents the expulsion of the old god, and the new **** rises to rule the dividing line."

At the same time, it is also the core of my energy."

"Chaotic heart nuclear?" Lu Sheng blinked.

"Yeah, that is part of the cornerstone of the world. Some people call him a card of the hegemony. Some people call it an infinite crystal. It is also the origin of the god. It has many names. It first appeared from the world, it is the universe. The secret treasure that was born at the beginning." Chaos Code explained.

"The beginning of the universe is gestating?? Then how does it work? How do you use its power?" Lu Sheng blinked. "Can you show me? I am just curious, you know, I am just a mortal, even if I look at it, it will have no effect. Anyway, I will forget it when I go out."

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