Way of the Devil

Chapter 86: Secret two

"The fifth layer...." Lu Sheng saw the back, and sure enough there was a button to promote martial arts. In fact, this button does not show that it only promotes martial arts.

It’s just that he always thinks so.

As long as the yin is enough, all the martial arts will have such a button behind it, but his martial arts has always reached the top, and the title button has become a deduction. Now there is a seven-layered method of red-heartedness, and it has not been repaired to the top in a short time. This makes him see for the first time, and the button can also be displayed behind the unfinished martial arts.

"Try it." Lu Sheng’s consciousness is concentrated on the button behind the red heart, and gently clicks.


On the modifier, the box of the red heart method is quickly blurred.

After about two moments, the box was clear again.

‘Red Heart Law: The sixth layer, special effects: strengthen fire poison, quadruple shock, strengthen ignition. ’

"I can actually do it!?"

Lu Sheng is overjoyed. Check your own skills carefully.

It seems that only the skill has become the sixth layer, but he obviously feels that the warmth in his body is more than doubled. The whole body's injuries seemed to start to tickle.

"The shock still can't see the effect, but before I hit the lantern, I felt that the effect was more important than expected. It should be the power of the shock. Now the quadruple should be even more powerful."

The inner air is refined into one layer. Lu Sheng only feels that the skill is more powerful, and the power of the shot may be stronger, but the distance can face the level of the lantern female, and there is still a distance.

"The Lantern woman, if it weren't for me, I would hold her arm with a wound, grab it, and change someone to be killed by alive."

He looked at the modifier again, all the buttons had disappeared, and obviously the yin was insufficient.

"Since the yin can also improve the skill, then I can collect the yin items all over the place. Or take the initiative to find ghosts to hunt." Lu Sheng heart stunned, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, first upgraded and said, always strong, always Find a solution. He didn't believe it, and he couldn't deal with a few ghosts with the metamorphosis of the modifier.

The silver sputum was used up, he put it away, and he fell asleep.

No dreams overnight.

Early on the second day, the sun did not jump out of the horizon, and Lu Sheng got up and used breakfast, and then went straight to the red whale.

In the Dan pharmacy on the third floor of the attic on the ship, he found an old lord who was taking white stone powder.

The sun shines from the side of the prescription, and falls on the brass-colored Dan furnace, which is high in one person, and illuminates the surface of the pine crane.

The old lord was plain white, and the left hand was obviously distorted by abnormality. He was fixed on the neck with a wooden board.

He was not surprised to see Lu Sheng.

"Teacher, it looks like you are worse than me."

"Senior brother, too...." Lu Sheng's eyebrows twitched and saw the old lord's appearance, but also speechless.

"The forbidden land is not so good." The old lord sighed. "In such a short period of time, there have been so many things happening in succession. They are fighting with the immortals. I am waiting for the mortals to suffer. It’s just that these little demons that are released by hand are enough for us."

"How do the brothers deal with those fast-moving ghosts?" Lu Sheng came here this time to understand the confusion, the old lord lived for so long, as the current owner of Chirimen, of course, there is a set of coping methods.

Sure enough, when the problem came out, the old gang showed a smile on his face.

"I knew you would ask me this question, just like I asked my teacher."

He stood up and went to the window to look out.

The Songbai River is full of water, and with the wind and waves, a burst of slap on the side of the red whale, making a dull slap.

"I am a red-day gate. Naturally, there is not only one internal power of the Chi-Chi-Chi method. To be exact, there are several top-ranking martial arts techniques that have been passed down."

Lu Sheng’s face is also solemn.

"Also ask my brother to give pointers."

Hong Mingzi smiled and turned around.

"These martial arts are all inscrutable methods, and they are all based on the Chih-Chi method. The stronger the Chi-Chi method is, the stronger the methods of these martial arts are." He paused, and carry on.

"I don't mention the rest. I don't want to chew much. The brothers only say one knife that suits you. You are good at the knife and the palm. There is something in common between the two."

This knife method should be enough to make up for your lack of moves. ”

"Also ask my brother to advise." Lu Sheng also stood up and said awe.

Hong Mingzi nodded with a smile: "This knife method is called the seven-day change of the knife. The whole knife method has only two strokes, including eighteen changes. The power is constantly increasing with the practice of the red heart."

"Seven days to change the knife? This name I like." Lu Sheng licked his lips and smiled.

"This knife method requires the use of heavy weapons, and the heavier the better. The heavier the power. It is specially used in conjunction with the turbulent force in the Red Heart method." Hong Mingzi explained.

"The power of shock?" Lu Sheng thought for a moment. "Can you use a hammer, the hammer is heavy enough, and the power is not stronger?"

"Amount....I didn't say it can't be..." Hong Mingzi was also asked a glimpse. This is obviously a knife method. Lu Sheng is a way of thinking and jumping open, and actually thinks of using a hammer.

"The seven-day change of the knife, after the completion of the process, can display the internal gas network with the red gas, the coverage is very large, and the speed-type opponents are very effective." The old lord continued. "Do you want to learn?"

"Of course." Lu Sheng did not hesitate.

"It is not difficult to move, mainly because of the cooperation between the mind and the heart. I will explain it a bit, you will be....." Hong Mingzi began to carefully explain to Lu Sheng the specific practice and details of this seven-day change knife. .

There are only two changes in a total of two strokes, and soon Lu Sheng will learn.

There is also a box for the seven-day change of the knife on the modifier.

One teaches one school, and soon it will arrive at noon.

"Right, the younger brother, your red heart method has reached the first few levels? The skill before the conversion is still going well?" Hong Ming thinks, and asks. "It's not convenient to say it."

"The fourth floor." Lu Sheng did not say that he broke through behind, just said the realm of the front. When I just converted blood stasis, it was indeed the fourth layer.

"Well, the same as I estimated. The four-layered red gas, urging the seven-day change of the knife is not bad. The problem of coping with the general ghosts is not big." Hong Ming nodded.

"Brother, I have a problem, I don't know if I don't ask." Lu Sheng made a hesitation, frowning.

"You and my brothers are at the same door. The Chiri Gate is now two of us. When I am gone, you are the master. What else should you ask?" Hong Ming waved his hand and said casually. "go ahead."

Lu Sheng made up his mind in his mind and began to speak.

"I want to ask, the family and the monster, where are they better than us..."? His voice is very small and low.

But the old lord, who has deep internal strength, is already the sixth-level red-hearted method. He is naturally savvy and clear, and he can clearly understand his problems.

The smile on his face suddenly dissipated and his brow was slightly locked.

"This question, I have studied for decades, only to find out the answer."

"How many decades?"

Hong Ming nodded.

"Do you think that their high presence will really touch us more mortals? I can only infer some of the answers from the words that I have overheard and the clues I have observed."

"Please ask your brother to solve." Lu Sheng asked.

Hong Mingzi also found out a pack of white stone powder. This kind of relaxing powder with a faint and magical effect is also very popular along the mountain city. There is no side effect after smoking, but it has the effect of relaxing nerves.

"The family, weird, the devil. It is the existence of this world that really dominates everything. They are immortals, devils, and the source of all myths and legends."

Hong Mingzi slowly said with a trace of memory.

"Don't say anything else, just two things." He raised **** and erected.

"First, the three of them are not dead."

"Don't die?!" Lu Sheng’s heart sank.

"Yeah, it is killing." Hong Ming said bitterly. "No matter what method is used, only they can kill each other. We mortal people can't kill them. For specific reasons, I haven't found it yet. I am still looking for it.

Otherwise, with our strength, even if the gap is large, it will not be too big to resist. ”

Lu Sheng recalled the little girl in Songjiazhuang and followed the silence.

"The second point, they all have a very deadly force for us mortals. They call this power a detention."

"Detention?" Lu Sheng repeated it again.

"Good. Constrained restraint." Hong Ming sighed, "magic, weird, and the family, are born with restraint, and the rest of the ghosts, demon, need to practice."

Only when they reach the level of detention can they resist the poison of their own. Otherwise, in the event that they do not converge and suppress themselves, any contact with their limbs is to seek death. ”

"Detention....." Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

"If you don't die, your body is full of poison, and you will die. It is extremely difficult, even if you and I meet it. It doesn't cost a lot of internal qigong and cut off flesh and blood in time. It can't be removed." Capital will put down the white stone powder in his hand.

"I overheard to get some information. According to their statement, detention is a realm. It is a level. When it reaches a height, it will naturally happen. Any kind of strange, magical, family, body Being restrained. Unless you converge on yourself, the mortal will die if you touch it."

Lu Sheng thought that he had been so close to Duanmu, and at this time, he remembered that there was a layer of white hair sweat in the vest. If the raft was accidentally and confiscated, then he was afraid that the body was fast. It’s gone.

The last time he touched his hand and touched the fingerprints that he had no intention of leaving, he was forced to cut his flesh and blood to avoid poison. If you are in direct contact...

"That Songjiazhuang?" He suddenly remembered the previous thing.

"That is a weird thing that hasn't been formed yet, or you think it will be so weak. That place is dangerous for us, but for those in the world, it's just a half-way, abandoned land that has not been formed," the old lord explained. "And you can rest assured that I have observed that after leaving the master, the fragrance will dissipate and spread."

"That brother, have you directly touched the restraint?" Lu Sheng asked. "Are we martial arts people, is it possible to fight this power? Or to achieve this state?"

"Confrontation??" Hong Mingzi shook his head slightly. "Impossible, the old man is a skill, in the top three in the North, in the Central Plains is also a first-class masters, and then up is also the master of Tianyuan, this is the ultimate martial arts. But even then, it is impossible."

"When this level is reached, the brothers have also guessed whether this restraint is a natural reaction that naturally occurs after the strength of strength reaches a certain level. But later found out that it is not." Hong Ming Zi narrowed his eyes. "This is not only the restraint, not only It is toxic, or it is a kind of isolation protection. It is like a layer of egg shells, wrapping the undead existence tightly, not breaking it, even hurting them. Not to mention breaking the body."

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