Way of the Devil

Chapter 859: Clue one

Starry sky.

A twisted blue electric light, like a cloud of rain and rain with lightning, slowly landed and approached the direction of the planet.


In the blue electro-optic light, a large dark blue giant claw is slowly extended, and a circular bead is rolled in the center of the claw.

The inside of the beads seems to have a burning flame.

"In the name of the great mother of water... tremble..... humble dust...."

The burning beads suddenly turn red, brighter and brighter.

Hey! !

In the interim, the beads split the gap and shot a black smoke column to the lower planet.


The column of smoke suddenly exploded in the midair above the planet and was split into five thin lines at five different locations.

One of them flew to the University of Mississauga.



Maradona silently looked at the documents on the table and flipped the data up. He stood up and looked out through the window, just to see the black smoke flying towards it.

"This is not where you are wild."

Maradona took a white metal ring from his fingers and left it.


A thunder of lightning flashed through the sky, and a huge bird shadow flashed through the thunder.

The black smoke and the thunder suddenly disappeared at the same time, and there was no previous movement.

Maradona stood in front of the window and looked gloomy.

"What is this? Early warning?" He looked up at the sky and seemed to be able to see the huge electric cloud in the sky through the sky.




The electric light flashed, and the feeling of depression just disappeared.

Lu Sheng stood in the institute and took a deep breath. After a long while, he re-adjusted his state.

"Just the one.. What is it?" He was silent. "It seems that time is running out.... It must speed up the progress."

Just a moment ago, the sense of oppression of the big disaster was as if the entire campus had to be completely destroyed.

Just as that feeling reached its peak, somewhere on campus, a more horrific energy fluctuation suddenly emerged. The moment annihilated the huge breath.

Lu Sheng clearly felt that the huge strength of these two forces has already caused him a serious threat. Even his body, the real appearance, is just the level.

This caused him to renew his sense of jealousy and threat.

Come out from the institute and return to the dormitory to rest. Early the next morning, after he finished his class, he quickly came to the institute and began a comprehensive study on the specimens of the evil spirits given by the former Fafaus family.

This feeling is a bit like the way he was in the North when he studied black film.

At that time, he was also a mortal, but he was faced with the power of the legend. Now, he is also a mortal, and the face is the power of evil spirits.


Lu Sheng gently turned the microscope and adjusted the new specimen slides to see the details in more detail.

"Now place fifteen times the power of Gula and try to attack the remnants of the evil spirits."

"The experimental record begins."

"The first impact."

"The second impact."

"The third time.....The power of Gula was completely transformed, and the remnants of the evil spirits appeared to be subtle and the experiment failed."

Lu Sheng raised his head and took back his fingers. The extreme miniaturization of many times in a row released the power of Gula, which made him slightly tired.

"How?" Alni walked into the gate with her assistant red voice and saw that Lu Sheng was still busy, and asked the sentence.

"This is another experimental progress, nothing, look at your first." Lu Sheng pushed the microscope and turned and vomited.

This is only the beginning, and the time is still long. He is not in a hurry.

"First test the power of your hell."

"it is good."

The three left the lab together, crossed the hallway, and went to the test room on the ground floor.

The test room has a large number of soundproofing and shock absorbing structural design. Even an explosion can melt most of the power and reduce the repeated damage of sound waves and shocks.

"How to test?" Alni changed her sleek, close-fitting brown leather outfit and reached out to reveal the sixth cognitive organ of the arm.

Lu Sheng pointed to a row of targets opposite the shooting range.

"Release ability, hit that target. The light of **** is an offensive type of attack, you can use it as a firearm."

Alni nodded, her arms moved, and then slammed into the distance.

The organs on her arms suddenly lit up with a lot of deep purple arcs, and a large number of arcs pulsed and spread and climbed into the palms.

After a burst of sizzling sounds, the distant target suddenly exploded.

There is no trajectory at all, and there is no trace, just like the target itself buried a bomb inside, and it exploded.

Lu Sheng's eyelids jumped slightly and went up to see the traces of the next power.

"Destructive intermediate." He looked back at Alni.

"If I remember correctly, should you still be in the second layer of the primary code?"

Alni shrugged and nodded.

Lu Shengyu’s praise is two.

"The second level of the primary code has the destructive power equivalent to the intermediate code..... It is the light of hell..."

"The taboo system can generally burst across several levels. This is normal." The red tone explained.

"You don't understand." Lu Sheng waved his hand. "That is the other person, Alni is different, her physical fitness and all aspects of quality, and the sixth organ fit is very low.

To put it simply, her potential has only been developed in less than half. This power is there. ”

"Potential?" Alni herself is not very clear about what it means, and she looks at Lu Sheng.

"What do you mean, I haven't fully played my strength yet?"

"Of course. The light of **** is not what you use, nor is it practiced by you." Lu Sheng smiled.

He only looked at it once and understood the principle and real power of this light of hell.

"Come here, I made a specific code of practice plan for you yesterday, and then the specific steps of using the light of hell, a few points to pay attention to in actual combat. The place where your **** light is really powerful is not an explosion. You have to remember it!"

Lu Sheng began to pay attention to his face and correct all kinds of mistakes made by Al Ni.

The red tone was unclear on the side, watching the two people continually smashed in various technical terms. Both of them were the best top-ranking tyrants in the grade, even learning the gods, thinking jump and depth far exceeded Red tone.

At the beginning, she could barely understand the content, and after five minutes she couldn’t keep up with the idea.

After Lu Sheng corrected Alni's output, she let her release the light of **** again.


After a muffled sound, the new target suddenly exploded, watching the power, even stronger than before.

"That's it, you go back and practice like this. After thorough proficiency, the highest can explode nearly twice as powerful as before."

"Understood." Alni nodded.

"Okay, the next is red tone." Lu Sheng began to conduct a comprehensive test and stress record for the red tone.

Since he joined the small team where Alni is located, it is natural for him to be fully qualified for the members of the team.

Of course, compared to other people, he will not be so up to heart, at most to optimize the code of practice, check whether there are any dark injuries in the body.

These basic maintenance is still very easy and does not take time.

The ability of red sound is the special earth control. The degree of control is not large, and the performance will be close to one cubic meter of soil shaping.

This ability is generally used for logistics assistance.

Lu Sheng helped her optimize the ability to use the next mode, which improved the effect of nearly 20%. This immediate improvement made the red tone directly eye-opening, and the incredible stare at Lu Sheng.

She used to spend a lot of money on the young lady to win the road wins and whispers, but also to send the family collection of specimens, but also to send money, and even take the initiative to send benefits.

It now appears that she really understands the horror of a tough research-based logistics.

After the three people tested and calculated, Lu Sheng gave the two men a plan.

"After a month, if you guarantee a three-hour to six-hour ability practice time every day, there will be a 55 percent chance to break into the third floor.

And if you follow the rough practice method of your previous practice, you must at least wait for the sophomore to break through the third floor. Lu Sheng gave each of them a list, and all of them were recorded on the top.

"In fact, if Al Ni is willing, I can also raise the speed of practice for you. The magic of Hell's Light is very resilient. I can design a special stimulating special strengthening agent for you, and take it every day. Increase the progress by about 10%."

Lu Sheng smiled.

"But the cost is a bit bigger."

Alni's eyes lit up, but when she heard the overhead, she frowned.

“How much extra cost is needed?”

“The more you get to the back, the more expensive you need to upgrade a little bit, which is similar in most industries.

Need one third more resource consumption than now. "Road wins simply.

"That's it." Alni shook her head in disappointment.

"Is the team list for these people?" Lu Sheng picked up a small team list handed over by Red Voice.

There are a total of five names on the top.

These are all things that need to be strengthened, that is to say, they all belong to the service range of Lu Sheng.

"Yes." Alni nodded.

"Understood, I will give them one-on-one file creation. In addition, I can also design a legal code for personal design. This requires extra expenses. If you want, you can focus on cultivating some individuals." Lu Sheng proposed . "In line with the personal code, you can increase the speed of improvement by more than half. You will soon be able to understand."

Alni had a headache. Overhead overhead....whatever is overhead!

"And, when will the new specimens be paid?" Lu Sheng asked.

"This is no problem. I will send it to you tomorrow." Alni quickly agreed. She is now really aware of Lu Sheng’s ability. This kind of talent is not caught in the palm of his hand. It is a big loss to let go.

Alni spoke, perhaps the other lack of family, is the ancient specimens that do not lack the treasure.

That night, she sent a full six-shaped hollow monster - the nightmare beast.

Even if this vanity is in the lab of the previous road, it is also a very rare good factor with a very rare void factor.

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