Way of the Devil

Chapter 881: Signal three

"Come with me, this is not a place to stay for a long time." Moonlight turned back and called them.

"As you can see, here is my long-distance ethnic group. We have lived under the ancestral sanctuary of the Qianzong ancestor for generations. Many ethnic groups in the tribe are the top disciples in the Zongmen.

It’s just that the Qiang dynasty is weak and weak, and my family is also implicated, so...” The moonlight didn’t go on, but it’s indifferent with a few people walking all the way to a slightly small mushroom house.

"You can have a good rest here. These mushroom houses are the sanctuary for us to bless the patriarchal law. It is impossible to find you by any method.

If you want to contact the outside world, you can also use the source crystal of the mother **** Aka here. The crystal is in the mushroom room, you are free. ”

"The source of the goddess of the goddess of crystal?" Bansai heard this suddenly bright. "I heard from Sakura, have you been so rare that the source crystal is not always scarce?"

"It used to be like this, but it is different now. A few years ago, I suddenly discovered that there are a huge number of source crystal deposits in the underground, so this aspect is used casually. Anyway, it will not be ours any longer."..." Moonlight Calm.

Bansai saw her face indifferent, knowing that this girl is already in ruins, and she recalled the memories she had known before. My heart slammed down.

"I understand, thank you. Right, can I go to worship Sakura?"

"No, we didn't find her body." The moonlight calmly answered, then turned and took the person to leave quickly.

The class was stalemate in the same time. He remembered that when she knew Su Ying, the lively and lovely girl, she was always stupid and very deceiving. She said what she believed, I didn’t expect it.....

"Well, don't be sad, now we can't protect ourselves, we have to find a new shelter, so as not to hurt people." Tongsheng patted him on the back.

Li Shunxi was also sighing on the side, and he also remembered the two girls he had met at the beginning. At that time, he was similar to the current class.

"I.....I understand." The mood of Bansai was a bit low.

A few people opened the door into the mushroom room. The first thing they saw was the pale gold crystal that was exposed on the ground.

The original flat wooden floor was squashed by a piece of pale gold crystal that was suddenly raised, and some places had been cracked.

Tongsheng went to a place and touched it.

"A strong energy response, it is obvious that this phenomenon has only recently occurred, and it is very sudden."

The class nodded and went forward, and he touched it.

“咦??!” Suddenly he looked awkward, “This energy....!!!”

"What's wrong??" The other three looked at him at the same time.

"This energy purity....." Bansai jerked his head up, his eyes flashing with a slight excitement.

"I want to try it! The source of the crystal here is connected to the huge veins in the ground! If you use this as the power source of the signal generator! Then, maybe you can contact the boss!!"

When the words came out, a few people suddenly got a little bit stunned.

"You mean....Real!!?"

Li Shunxi trembled.

"Really! I have created a kind of array, which can be supplied by a huge amount of energy, so that the signal can reach the intensity of hundreds of times of the normal signal in an instant, so that the signal of the boss can be greatly expanded. Receiving distance! Maybe it will succeed!” The class contest responded with some excitement.

"What are you waiting for! Dry!!" Li Shunxi smashed his hand.

A group of people said that they would do the work, quickly take out the materials needed for various formations from the space bag, and then cooperate with the squatting on the ground to help depict the formation.

The array method is not difficult or complicated, but it requires a large number of high-energy crystals. Here, they are rooted in the veins of huge high-energy crystals. The energy purity of the source crystals is extremely high, much higher than the average energy crystal. They can fully meet their energy needs.

A group of people dug up hundreds of pieces, arranged neatly in the mushroom room, inlaid in the array method, although the largest block can not be found, but because of the high purity, it is possible to use the array method to gather energy and form a whole.

The class is thinking this way, and it is also doing this. He has designed a micro-array method of condensing energy crystals, bringing together the energy of hundreds of crystals. Then slowly inject the signal array method.

Hundreds of source crystals are definitely a huge expense for the general place, but for the far-off family that is the origin, it is nothing. The energy of the veins under their feet is too much, almost casually. Can't use it.

The hungry wolf brought by this vein is not just one, but countless, they are united, even the powerful Qiang Zong can not resist, can only continue to decline in several struggles, helpless compromise.

Although the energy used by Bansai and others is many, for the veins, there is not even one in a billion.

Soon, the array is completely filled with energy.

The class race stood on the edge and looked at the ground array in the mushroom house.

"Get started." Li Shunxi was also on the side of the same hand, and he was promoted to protect the law. Tolbach is carefully monitoring the energy response of the energy supply array.


Everyone changes hands in a moment.

In the ground-based array method, some curved lines slowly illuminate red light, and the straight lines light up in gold.

The brilliance of the two colors entangles each other and slowly climbs up like a vine.

Center, a half red, generally golden elliptical oval stone, slowly breathing is generally bright and dark.

A powerful signal that is invisible to the naked eye, permeating time and space, like a lighthouse, spreads around the heavens and the devil.

"It is!!" Ban Sai screamed.

"Energy intensity, the range of distance is at least tens of times before! If you can't find the boss, then there is no way!" Bansai sighed.



Lu Sheng slowly moved in the vortex of time and space, and after crossing the fork, he continued to play for more than an hour.

In addition to some drifting bones from time to time in the surrounding rivers, there is no other episode.

This kind of swimming is boring and boring. If you change someone, you may have fallen asleep. However, Lu Sheng still endured the difficulties and continued to move forward.

The scour of the world's debris is nothing to him, but it seems to be long here, and there is a kind of inexplicable power that makes him feel a sense of returning to the mother.

Difficult to come up again and again. Fortunately, he is the master of manipulating the soul, otherwise he can't continue to move forward. Once he stops, he will sink quickly, and then he will drift into a world and leave it temporarily.

Nowadays, when he has just entered the evil spirits, he has at least tens of times stronger, so the range of searchable is much larger.

Swimming around, the river seems to be getting faster and faster.

Hey! !

Lu Sheng was careless, and he was hit by a huge stone in his head. The boulder in the vortex of time and space is almost a multiple of the normal stone. It is a special product formed by the indiscriminate accumulation of numerous world fragments.

Lu Sheng was stunned on the spot and almost lost his way.


He cursed the sentence, continued to find the right direction, just continued.

Hey! !

Another boulder smashed from the side to his waist.

Oh! ! !

Lu Sheng screamed, although not injured, but still very painful. And the most important thing is that the direction he just drafted is chaotic!

"I am on the day!!" Lu Sheng is in the water and the body is invisible, and the invisible field of the body is shattered. It can be seen that the two huge stones are fierce.

It's just that the velocity of the vortex is getting faster and faster, and it is getting harder and harder to swim countercurrently.

boom! ! !

Finally, the third piece is far more than the other two megaliths, with a huge shadow, smashing down from the upstream, squatting on the entire chest of Lu Sheng.

A loud noise, Lu Sheng, the whole person was stunned. He finally knows how the avatars died before....

"Damn!!" He struggled, swimming all the way out of the stone and continuing from the side.

Suddenly, Lu Sheng was in a shape, and in his sense, he seemed to perceive something to summon him.

"It's a signal!" Lu Sheng’s heart was shocked, and after careful identification, he was overjoyed.

The signal seems to come from an extremely distant direction, and he speeds up the swimming.

Soon after, I encountered three rivers and forks in the front. According to the direction of signal transmission, he quickly accelerated all the way, turning left and turning right, getting closer and closer to the location where the signal occurred.




"Someone is launching a powerful power time and space signal in our family!?"

"The surface of the vein below begins to vibrate. This power intensity.....the ones brought back by the moonlight..."

Inside the Yuanliu family, many women who passed through the mushroom room of the class and other people silently looked at this extremely ordinary house on weekdays.

Strong signal fluctuations, even if the strength is only the people of the Chijin class, can easily sense.

Moonlight was sitting in his own room to eat, suddenly sensing the signal, immediately put down the bowl, rushed out of the mushroom room and looked in that direction.

"Moonlight!" There was a woman on the side who looked at her. "What are you doing with these people??"

"The people in the league are coming anyway, and it doesn't matter what they do. Isn't it??" The moonlight is cold.

There was a trace of sadness in the woman’s gaze.

After a while of silence, the surrounding people came out more and more, and she turned and returned to her mushroom room.

Indeed, as she said, the old, weak, and sick people in the ethnic group were all sent away in advance, and the people who stayed were already holding absolute deaths, and they had already set their lives to death.

At this point, the position coordinates here are leaked very early, even if the signal is not meaningful.

The enemy has long known about the situation here. Foreign aids that can be found are also found, no one is willing to help.

The outcome is already doomed, irreparable and unchangeable.

Even if there are any attempts by the class and others, what do you want to do with the veins here, what does it have to do with them?

"It’s all gone." Another purple-haired woman sighed softly.

The surrounding people were silent and dispersed.

Soon, only the moonlight and the high-ranking elites were left.

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