Way of the Devil

Chapter 889: Second battle

Dongsanyin Snake Galaxy·

Dark red galaxies are like red paint mixed with fine sand, slowly turning slowly in dark, deep space.

In the middle of its second spiral arm, a group of finely divided meteorites slowly swirled like a ribbon around the center of the giant star.

On one of the largest meteorites, an ancient silver-gray temple stands on the surface of the bare meteorite.

There are subtle white light bands around the temple, and the old and deep complex symbols are engraved on the door more than ten meters high.

Here is the absolute vacuum environment, the low temperature in the environment is enough to freeze any creature into ice.

Xu Shaoche came out of the ship's instrument and looked at the remains of the temple from afar.

"It must be as soon as possible, and the demon sect is in great difficulty. The demon will never let go of revenge on the Three Holy Spirits." He was heavy in his heart, reaching out and taking out the same cup-like thing from the back and gently fell to the ground.

A white, silvery metallic liquid flows naturally from the cup.

The liquid drips on the surface of the vermiculite, but it seems that the water inhales the sponge and disappears in a blink of an eye.

After finishing this, Xu Shaoche stood still and waited for the follow-up. This is what he is carrying.

The Sovereign was preparing for the battle of tomorrow in Zongmen, so the task of coming here was given to him.

As the sacred biography of the Three Holy Spirits, he not only has the strongest qualification in the door, but also has the strongest timidity.

After waiting for a few minutes, the meteorite ground shook slightly, and the temple in the distance shook slightly.

Countless white smoke emerged from the underground gap and gathered into a cloud in the meteorite.

"Predecessors, in the next three Holy Spirit Gates, the Holy Family, came to replace the Sovereign to send you a letter."

The voice was transmitted far away, turning into a white cloud of air moving toward the sky.

"Since he is in charge of the sect, he is still looking for me, the old man who doesn't care about the world?" An old-fashioned voice floated from Yun Cong.

"This door is a big enemy, the door owner hopes that you can always shoot again." Xu Shaoche respects the boxing.

"Zongmen is already weak now?" The old voice showed a hint of helplessness and disappointment.

Xu Shaoche once again took out a white letter and gently dropped it on the top.

The letter suddenly shot into the sky.

For a long time, the sighs slowly came out of the clouds.

"I understand. I will arrive later."



The next day.

Three Holy Spirits and Ola Stars.

The three blue planets are slowly rotating around a star. This star is much smaller than a normal star, but the heat and radiant energy released is not reduced.

Originally, the Three Holy Spirits had five planets, but after learning that Lu Sheng’s battle was sent, two planets jumped directly on the spot, and the shuttle disappeared in the same place, leaving only the last three main stars of the Three Holy Spirits.

There was darkness in the surrounding space, no sound, no breath.

After learning that it was about to be selected as the battlefield of the Silo, there were several space stations and observation spaceships around, and in a blink of an eye, they fled and left.

A star-studded star that has just passed, is even more loaded with an overloaded combustion furnace, and has quickly jumped to another galaxies far away.

In the tens of light years around, there are no living creatures to stay here.

The battle between the Star Alliance and the ancient beasts has already made many natural spirit stars realize that this level of war will be dead.

Just like the road victory before the challenge of the wind master, the light after the wave destroyed two planets.

"In fact, only one was destroyed by the aftermath. They didn't know that there was a anger that was angered by you." Ziyue accompanied Lu Sheng from the crystal spaceship and looked at the Sansheng Lingmen Galaxy without words.

The sensational smoker followed the road to get out of the spaceship and sighed.

"That is a well-developed perfect planet, so it was wasted, so it was too wasteful to cut it."

"I didn't know the value before? It's clear now, so this time I will endure it and try to keep more inventory." Lu Sheng smiled and replied.

"Is it nervous?" asked Ziyue. After learning about the war situation, she was shocked at the time, and then immediately put down all the chores in her hand and flew in person to act with the two.

She did too much to destroy Zong Zong, but it was the first time that it destroyed a large class of the sect.

It is generally accepted that the evil spirits are difficult to kill, but it does not mean that they are invincible. The old-fashioned snails are powerful seals for the virtual gods.

Since she has already been pressed by Lu Sheng, she can help me a little, so as not to cause any accidents here, let her basket be filled with water.

Therefore, this is a sincere intention, she is really bleeding.

"Since the brother-in-law has decided that he wants to do it himself, then this may be helpful to you."

Purple Moon gently twitches a purple jade from his hair.

Lu Sheng took over and swept his eyes, and immediately felt the powerful power contained in it.

"Thank you."

At this time, the distant galaxies also flashed and jumped out of a group of pale yellow spots.

Among the biggest spots, there is a middle-aged female robes with a frosty face and a charm.

"The road wins you, this evil demon is still dare to commit the three holy spirits of the land, and will not retreat quickly, otherwise the mana in my door will break out and will be called"

"Well, don't talk nonsense, your boss? Come out and fight, win me and leave, lose you and destroy the door. More simple things!" Lu Sheng impatiently voiced.

They have already batted the war, and the other party sent some garbage to waste time. He has no time and this group of people to go through the process.

This group of people was smashed, and suddenly changed their face to know the temper of Lu Sheng.

When I got a reply, the temperamental middle-aged woman who was in the head was furious and immediately wanted to scream, and was dragged back by a few people behind her.

Putting on another middle-aged man with glasses, the man went to salute.

"Since the predecessors of the road have arrived, then I have invited my general sect to the Syrian, the doorkeeper has long waited for a long time. Just do not know that the predecessors dare to step into my general sect?" The man smiled, and the temperament was impure. It is a smiling face type.

"Don't you dare? Anyway, it won't take long for you to lose. It's all mine." Lu Sheng picked up his eyebrows and flew directly.

After all, he just promised the purple moon two people, to retain more of the planet property, so as not to end up with a lot of things left.

A group of people surrounded Lu Xun to a central blue planet.

After several jumps, Lu Sheng quickly came to the planet.

Far from the atmosphere, he at first glanced at the huge scent of the planet's surface.

The breath is breathtaking, and every moment, the entire planet is constantly absorbing the energy radiation that devours the surrounding universe.

At the center of the atmosphere, it is a huge white jade palace carved from countless feathers.

There are two black holes in the faint sides of the palace.

Lu Sheng felt an ambush when he saw it. And definitely not a general trick, it is clear that the Three Holy Spirits are ready. This invitation will definitely be a banquet for the crisis.

"The Sovereign has a banquet in the palace, waiting for the predecessors, please."

The middle-aged man reminded him with respect.

"Ready for a banquet?" Lu Sheng looked at him. "What is the significance of preparing for this battle? The temperament of this seat is what you can estimate with the insidious villain? Lead the way!"

He snorted and held his hand, and he always had a style.

A group of people looked stiff, bowed their heads and said nothing, just led the way.

Lu Sheng followed the people and the closer to the palace, the more distortion of the two black holes, the more he gave him a bad sense of threat.

When he was about to reach the atmosphere, he stopped.

"Just here! I will wait for the final battle, do not have to smash the pool fish, and spread it to the innocent. In order to avoid the charcoal on the planet." He immediately raised his hand.

"The road predecessors are not afraid?" The middle-aged man looked at him like a smile.

"I am afraid?" Lu Sheng squinted.

Suddenly, raising his hand is a slap.

Hey! ! !

The middle-aged man was beaten on the spot on the upper body! The whole person was directly turned into a meat scorpion, and the soul was instantly smashed and dissipated.

The rest of the people had not had time to react, and they were beaten by the residual smashing fragments and were on the spot.

This piece of emptiness is flesh and blood, and it is terrible.

The purple moon and the sense of smoke behind him are also a slight jump in the eyelids, and they have a new understanding of the temper of Lu Sheng.

"I didn't kill you before, but I didn't bother to bully the weak. A bunch of garbage actually dared to speak out and ridicule. I don't know how to live." Lu Sheng retracted his hand, and the next person who led the way was gone.

"Are you still going now?" Ziyue asked silently.

"There is no way to lead the way, so people who don't know the number of gifts, but also go to a fart." Lu Sheng is also the heart of the fire.

The purple moon and two people took a breath of air.

You are killed by the road, you don’t have to go to this thick face.

"What do you do now?" Zhengjue felt that three people were floating in the doorstep of others, a little embarrassed.

"What can I do, fight!!" Lu Sheng jumped up and the whole person blasted in an instant, showing the body of the body, far from the planet.

On his huge body of tens of thousands of meters, a large two, three small faces simultaneously spit out black gas, condensed into a huge black knife, grabbed the handle with both arms, and used the whole body to squat down.

"Burning stars!!"

The giant black knife is facing the surface of the planet and is welcoming the three holy gates of the battle.

For the monks on the planet, the knife collapsed like the sky, and the whole sky quickly darkened.

Just like the original Amethyst family, the giant black knife that straddles the sky is full of hundreds of thousands of meters of giant blades.

The blade with a desperate terrorist force, steadily fell to the huge palace in the middle.

"Let's relax!!" A huge breath in the palace broke out, flying a fine and white sharp sword light from it, and it was a thorn against the black knife.

Ding! ! !

In the place where Jianguang was stabbed, the black knives broke and collapsed, but the rest of the area was too large. The Jianguang only barely smashed about half of the area, and there was nothing to do. It was completely devoured by the black gas on the blade.

boom! ! !

The blade fell on the surface of the planet.

In an instant, the entire planet trembled, the rotation stopped, and a white beam of light radiated from the star nucleus.

"Road wins!!!" An angry screaming out of the palace.

Li Xiula, the master of the Three Holy Spirits, holds a pair of swords and rises into the sky. He is like a sun, emitting a large number of translucent swords that are countless.

"I want you to die!! Magic Sky Sword!! Kill!!"

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