Way of the Devil

Chapter 898: Track two

"It's true." Zhao Lan Sakura nodded, the smile on his face became more and more charming. "Actually, the little woman came here this time, first of all, to ask the road master. If there is any need to use the chapter of the original nuclear, please let me complete the Zhao family.

The chapter of the original nuclear is the best gift given to friends in the root of my nothingness, each of which represents an absolute human condition. Being able to hold, in itself, represents a great help to my roots.

And if our branches can complete the chapter of the original nuclear, they will also receive a great reward from the headquarters. So this is actually a mutually beneficial thing. ”

Zhao Luo Ying is very straightforward to explain the reason directly.

"Asked to ask, what is the power of nothingness in other worlds?" Lu Sheng asked.

Zhao Luo Ying mysterious smile.

“This area depends on the different mother river areas, and the number of countries we are stationed in varies.”

The "mother river" Lu Sheng suddenly recalled the vast, vortex of time and space that was enough to lead to the vast rivers of any world universe. Was it called the mother river?

"The mother river is divided into three. We are in the legendary rainbow mother river. And the power of the root of nothingness is almost everywhere, and it runs through everything. As long as there is a land of life, there will be me. The power of the root of nothingness." Zhao Luo Ying smiled.

This kind of ghost talk is a bluff, and Lu Sheng will not be stupid. The first element of any sect is to blow yourself omnipotent or supreme.

"So, I want to use the original nuclear chapter in exchange for the whereabouts of my loved ones." He bluntly said. "Can you do it?"

"My loved ones were originally rushed into the space-time vortex by the mother of pain, and were involved in the turbulent scattered Huangquanxing flying ship?" Zhao Luoying quickly responded, apparently they also had an investigation into Lu Sheng.

"Not bad."

"We have expected that you may ask for this demand, so we have already arranged staff to investigate the world situation. Now we have got some of the whereabouts." Zhao Yingying reached out and shook his fingers in front of him.

The light quickly developed and turned into a light screen with a rotating black dead tree.

"We trace this thing through causal magic. This giant tree is the most visible thing your family has recently touched, but it is not clear what world it is in.

After all, the world universe is generating and melting all the time. The mother river is big, and there are no strangers. Many places are the strongest in our sects, and they dare not enter. "Zhao Lan Ying's tone slowly and solemnly.

"Black giant tree?" Lu Sheng carefully remembered the big tree in front of him. "Can you determine the level of the universe in which the other party is located?"

“Uncertain, but we divide all the worlds that have been explored in the mother river into two categories, one is a low-risk world and the other is a high-risk world. What we can be sure is that it is in a low-risk world.” Sakura explained.

"Understood." Lu Sheng nodded.

"If there are clues, we will also inform you as soon as possible." Zhao Yingying Yingying worshipped, "So, confirm your request, I am leaving here."

"Do not send." Lu Sheng nodded.

When Zhao Lanying left, he still stared at the giant tree shown in the light curtain in midair.

Not long after, Li Shunxi and Ban Sai also followed the walk into the hall.

"According to the clues that my little baby has calculated, if the image they gave is really correct, then we can combine it for deduction." The class was serious. They also heard the conversation here next door, which is also the intention of Lu Sheng.

"How much is the success rate?" Lu Sheng frowned.

"I don't know, but I should be able to outline the direction." Bansai estimated.

"So, you can try it." Lu Sheng nodded.

Although the power of the Zhao family does not know how many, but the root of nothingness is definitely a huge force across the entire world of the devil, if they can help themselves to join the search, it will definitely help to find the family as soon as possible.

Lu Sheng and Ban Sai also discussed the next arrangement. Afterwards, the class and other people took the Star Harbor ship to the main star of the Qing Dynasty, and began to use the resources of the Qingzong to improve the performance of the small baby in the class.

Thus began to deduct the whereabouts of Lu Sheng’s relatives.

The sinful eyes of the previous class show came from this, and now combined with the black giant tree, there should be more gains.

Lu Sheng also applied for the information entry right of the Libra City General Library to the class.

As one of the most powerful players in the past, Lu Sheng, one of the most powerful players in the surrounding power, is still willing to give this face.

Not only Ziyue, Lu Sheng also smoked to the Red Moon Royal Master, and made the same request. The information collected by the Red Moon disciples is also the little baby who can make the class, the prophecy of the calculations. A good thing to increase the amount of information.

Information knowledge, for the sake of knowledge, is the best growth nutrition. As long as there is enough information, it can calculate enough and accurate information.

It took more than a month to collect all kinds of information and add it. It is also necessary to add various components as a storage device, connect devices, consume energy, and the like.

To this end, Ban Sai and others continue to travel to Qingzong and Libra City. It employs tens of thousands of people and spends the equivalent of hundreds of sources of energy.

This is a small expense for the road winners who have the loyalty of the far-flowing family. It is not a small expense that even a fraction of the time, but for him who had just arrived in Libra City, it required him to accumulate for at least a year to earn back. More overhead.

In a blink of an eye, time is up in May. After defeating the three sects, Lu Sheng stayed in Libra for more than three months before he set off to go to the Qing dynasty.

In the main star, because of the expansion of knowledge, it is not only the need for resources, but also a lot of time.

Because there is too much information to be added at one time, too much information is entered, and it takes more time to calculate once.

Lu Sheng took some time to help the distant family to **** their original star. As for the previous alliance, after learning that he personally intervened, the atmosphere did not dare to come out, and in turn sent a gift to apologize. Forgiveness.

Lu Sheng received the gift, and this matter was settled. Although the Yuanliu family suffered heavy casualties at the beginning, the alliance was slaughtered by him within a day. There are hundreds of thousands of joint forces, and the number is also top-notch for the league. Powerful master.

After solving the problem of the distant family, they returned to their hometowns and became a logistics planet to help Lu Sheng provide a lot of resources.

In this way, the logistics aspect is guaranteed.

At this time, the calculations due to ignorance finally came out.



Qingzong Zong, the main star palace.

Lu Sheng and Li Shunxi, Black Gold, Tolanbach and others stood in the largest experimental space of the Star Palace.

The entire space is a small piece of independent space separated by a large array of methods, specifically used to test a variety of rare implements, runes and so on.

There is an instantaneous stagnation mechanism that can be cooled to the limit at any time. Once a problem occurs, you can use this mechanism to stop any test experiment immediately.

"What is the result of the performance?" Lu Sheng looked at the class and continued to operate in front of the ignorance, and asked directly.

"Boss, the result of the deduction is very vague, but the direction is out, there are three major information bases, plus enough energy, because the accuracy of the deduction is greatly improved, the general direction of space-time eddy has been inferred. "The class quickly answered.

"If I am close to the world where the clue is, can I react if I know what?" Lu Sheng asked.

"Yes." The class nodded. "In fact, the clue given by the root of nothingness, the decaying black giant tree, should be calculated by a similar huge calculation instrument.

Only their calculations are too rude. ”

"Then, it is not too late. The relocation of Qingzong is carried out by Li Shunxi and Hei Jin. I will leave a detachment to assist you and shock me." Lu Sheng Shen said, "I will start a new round of direct, and I must find someone as soon as possible." ”

"Yes!" The people at the seminars responded.

“Bansey helped me set up the advent room and determine the direction of the clues.”

"Understand!" The class nodded. "The advent room is light and familiar, and with the existing conditions, it can be completed in one day. The direction of the clues is also calculated because of the knowledge. It can be directly indicated in the law of arrival."

"So, start now."

The class nodded and quickly began to call up the results of the calculations.

Then he ordered some of the squadrons of the surrounding Qingzong to begin to go to another laboratory to arrange the advent room.

The Qing dynasty is a huge sect. Even after blood washing, there are still thousands of senior strategists. Each of these strategists can easily arrange the advent of the squad, which is definitely the most precious group of wealth.

It took only half a day for everyone to cooperate, and a successful placement method was better than before.

Lu Sheng is divided into the demon of the wind, as the main star of the suppression, and assists Li Shunxi and Hei Jin to rule everything.

Although the demon of the wind is only the power cultivated by the evil spirits, its essence still belongs to the realm of the Ming Dynasty.

Coupled with the strange characteristics of evil spirits, even if the general singer shot, it will not be its opponent. This has been verified in the previous war.

After all this preparation, Lu Sheng stepped into the law of arrival.

This time, unlike the previous one, he needs to move in a fixed direction in the space-time vortex. Find the world where your relatives are located.

“Are you ready?” Bansai stood in front of the array and asked.

"Begin." Lu Sheng was sitting in the middle of the layers of purple crystal flower sea, his hands flat on his knees, and he was wearing a delicate and gorgeous dark red armor.

This purple crystal flower sea is the appearance of the nested array of the coming array.

Compared to their simplicity, these Qingzong sects are extravagant and extravagant. They habitually combine the aesthetics when they are portrayed, and add a lot of extra materials to make this kind of thing. Gorgeous scene.

This seems to be the habit of the last generation of the lord Yuan Qingyi.

With the light and elegant aroma that gradually spreads in the air, Lu Sheng will slowly wear a helmet like a triangular faucet.

"The third array starts."

"Observing the eye system begins."

"Activate Rune Kyla."

"Activate Rune Winter."

"The ring of destiny starts."

The peripheral symbols of a place are lit up one after another.

Lu Sheng saw that the class had made all the gestures to him.

He also nodded slightly, returned a gesture, and slowly closed his eyes.

The whole array of flowers has gradually begun to glow purple. It seems as if the flower sea is burning completely.

"Because of the ignorance, the first round of traces began." A mechanical female voice echoed in the formation.

"羁绊 link starts!"

Hey! !

In a flash, a little golden light came from the center of the flower sea, and Lu Sheng illumined in front of him, then rushed up and blasted.

Hey! ! !

The golden light is a myriad of golden patterns, which are covered like a spider web in the road.

Lu Sheng’s whole person suddenly collapsed and turned into countless golden spots. The huge black shadows behind the three sides of the tail were fleeting.

Roar! ! !

The horror of the low snoring slowly swayed, and the sturdy breath of the huge scorpion leaked a trace, and it quickly disappeared into another space and disappeared.

The light spots gradually faded and dissipated.

Only the rest of the amethyst flower sea, like the coral at the bottom of the sea, is so beautiful that it is beautiful.

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