Way of the Devil

Chapter 907: Conflict one

"How? Even you don't understand?" Lu Sheng was surprised.

"Know your fart!! The blood of the Suzaku family has been made into a ghost!!" Red Cloud rushed up and wanted to give him a slap.

But he was immediately pressed by himself.

Strong pressure on the heart of the fire, red clouds pointing the direction of the light to teach the headquarters.

"You have more sects to go to the sea now. I still have an urgent matter. I have to recycle my body. If there is something, I can come to Huoyundong to find me. In this way, Lu Xiong will leave! You ask for more happiness."

When he said that he turned into a red cloud, he flew away.

Lu Sheng looked at him inexplicably and ran away without saying what the red cloud meant.

"In addition, you better not let the Suzaku family see what you are now or I think you may be killed by them."

The sound of the red cloud drifted over.

"Oh," Lu Sheng is undecided. “Is it another person who doesn’t understand? Suzaku? They just went astray.”

He bowed his head and touched the four words on his body. This is the four characters that Suzaku's beast is naturally condensed on his body. This is the four characters that show the most precious qualities of Suzaku's blood.

Now, these four words are displayed as glamorous, which means that the most powerful of his blood is the charm!

Unfortunately, Hongyun has not heard him speak. He feels that his three views have been seriously affected. He has to find a place to adjust it back.

Lu Sheng had a lower neck and made a loud noise.

"Well, it's time to take a look. What is the trouble with Red Cloud?"

He stepped on his feet, and the whole person was suddenly wrapped in a red flame, turning into a red light and rising into the distance.

The location of Lu Sheng’s retreat is not far from Guangming’s headquarters. Especially after he mastered the Suzaku’s dawn in the memory of inheritance, the speed increased greatly, and it was only half a minute before returning to the headquarters.

The red flame descended from the sky and fell gently on the mouth of the White Hill. In the gaze of the two giants guarding the door, it turned into a tall and strong body.

"I am Lu Sheng. Now that the retreat has been completed, you should inform all the patriarchs and demon kings. Now, immediately hold a rally, and you must not allow any one to be absent." Lu Sheng said. After all, it turned into a human figure, and it should be explained a little.


The two giant birds also recognized the breath of Lu Sheng, and immediately shouted and turned and ran to other places.

Lu Sheng strode into the hole, and the hairless sparrows guarding along the road bowed to him.

After waiting for a while in the rally hole, many demon kings, three King Kongs, and four big guards also arrived.

A giant bird entered the door and saw the way Lu Sheng was at this time. He looked down and did not dare to look at it. Some of the slightly weaker birds were even more inexplicable by Lu Sheng, and they shook a little.

This is the king of the birds that naturally emerged after the Suzaku blood was activated. Irrespective of other cultivations, it is only the suppression of the essence of the blood.

In a short time, the leaders of all ethnic groups have arrived.

Five demon kings, plus three King Kong, four big guards, a total of twelve seats. Each of them sits in their own position, and their eyes are looking in the direction of Lu Sheng.

"Teacher, the Zengmu tribe is too bullying! They used the name of hunting, and even killed my 13 heads of subordinates. I went to find their theory, but I was shot at the top by the arrow!" The king was angry and had a white cloth that oozes blood on his head. There are also many places on his body. It is bruised everywhere and looks very miserable.

"I am also in trouble here." The three-jaw demon king frowned. "In my subordinate tribal area recently, there are always members who are inexplicably missing. I can't find any whereabouts. So far, the ninth has disappeared."

"I came here to the messenger of the ghost river family a few days ago. It wants me to wait for them to be attached to them. I will pay tribute to them every year, otherwise I will wait for you to look good!" Another demon king is also full of anger.

Lu Sheng originally lost these things to Hongyun. Now that the red cloud is gone, he suddenly feels that the development of Guangming Education has reached a serious bottleneck.

The areas that can be expanded around the perimeter have reached the limit and have begun to rub against other powerful forces around them.

"If you don't expect it, the little troubles around you are just the temptations of various forces nearby." Lu Sheng calmed.

"So the leader, how should I wait?" asked the Lanhe demon king.

"Tough to go back, we need to show our strength, in order to let them have some taboos." Lu Sheng knows the roots of such incidents, only to show the strength of the other party's taboo, can truly end the other party's mind to find things.

"But, behind the powerful forces of the Zengmu tribe, there is a larger tribe backing." The Lanhe demon king did not want to go back hard, but the strength is limited.

"It doesn't matter, first solve the increase wood witches and say." Lu Sheng told the road. "Life photo, you take a walk in person, and try the Lanwu demon king to try the Mudu."

"Yes!" Life is one of the three King Kong, and it is also the most successful one for Lu Sheng. The strength is naturally not to be said. It is already the peak of Jindan's late stage.

Let him go is also a deterrent to the Zengmu tribe.

After all, for the small forces, a demon king of the Golden Age can already become the boss of some tribes.

The Guangming teachings were sent out and sent out, and the natural strength is very strong.

"In addition, the ghost river family, I personally went to the meeting." Lu Sheng turned to look at another demon king, whisper.

Although the realm of the guru, the smaller the role that can be played, the smaller the span of the leapfrog, but the ordinary level can kill the road wins of the Golden Dragon.

The more and the ability to be used, the greater the situation he can cope with.

He is not clear about the strength of the Ghost River family, but now he is already the peak of the Jindan period, which activates the blood of Suzaku. The flesh has been greatly improved under the modified Miao Yuan heart rate.

The actual combat power is absolutely strong, as long as the only concern is that this ghost place is most focused on magical powers and magic weapons.

Various magical magic weapons, even against the sky can even kill opponents across several realms. Such as the twenty-four fixed sea pearls, congenital five-color flag, twelve-pound lotus platform, seven treasures wonderful tree, river Tuluo book, chaotic clock and the like, it is simply a heavenly artifact.

The almost 斩仙飞刀, 金蛟剪, 落宝钱, nailed seven arrows, is also invincible.

Therefore, in this ghost place, it is not the most important to cultivate the realm. The important thing is to have a powerful supernatural power, or a magic weapon to deal with the attack.

Here, the practice of repairing the work is really just a common practice, like the fuel used in car tanks.

What is the magic weapon, is a variety of tools, similar to fighters, tanks, chariots, mechs and the like.

Only when the fuel is injected into the magic weapon, the combination of the two can produce unimaginable terrorist power.

Lu Sheng activated the blood of the congenital Suzaku, and naturally got two magical powers.

The first is that Nanming is off fire, and Suzaku is in charge of the South, so Nanming’s departure from fire is its iconic flame.

The second is the turtle shell that is carried on his body. Lu Sheng called it a wonderful sound. Knock it, you can forget the troubles and sorrows, have a certain heart and soul, and remove the effect of the heart. Unfortunately, the effect of the attack is unknown.

Therefore, for the ghost river family with the background, Lu Sheng is holding a cautious attitude.



North of the giant wood, the shore of the double whale.

The bird demon of the Ghost River family and the Wu Mao Giant Bird of the Guangming School occupy the two sides, and the two sides are in pairs, each of which has a hundred birds.

The Ghost River is a family of two-headed birds with purple and black feathers. The two-headed birds are more than two meters tall, some hovering in the air, some standing on the tree sill and looking down, and standing on the stone ground and staring at the opposite light.

In the camp of the Guangming Giant Birds, there is a hint of red Mars, which drifts with the wind. In the Mars, there is a hint of noble and pure Suzaku breath, which makes the opposite side of the Ghost River Birds feel a little discomfort.

The other giant birds on the side of Guangming teach, after adapting to this new atmosphere, they are no longer afraid of it. After all, they are implanted with the body cells of Lu Sheng, and their adaptability will also change with time. Constantly improving rapidly.

Lu Shengpan sat on a square white stone surface, looking far away to the opposite ghost river family.

"This teaching leader has arrived, and the ghost river family can come out to speak."

One of the three King Kongs on the side, mixed with Yao, stood up and shouted at the opposite side with a clear bell.

The Ghost River family had some commotion at this time, and it seemed to be a bit horrified at the Suzaku smell exuded by Lu Sheng.

"Afraid of a fart! The age of the dragon and the phoenix has long passed! A district of a Suzaku **** bird demon, you are one by one, the blood of the ghost car demon god, what are you afraid of?"

In the Ghost River family, a black-haired demon king who is obviously larger than other bird demons is out.

His eyes were fierce, and he looked around in a circle. After reprimanding, his eyes fell on the opposite Lu Sheng.

"I am a ghost, the second elder of the ghost river family. You have a light agreement to come here to talk, what can be said now."

Lu Sheng Ning Shen looked at the other side, from the breath of the breath of the breath, this ghost creep at least also has the realm of the Yuan Ying period.

Being in the blood of the ghost car demon god, plus the realm of the Yuan Ying period, in the face of a group of Guangdan education alliance composed of the Golden Dragon period demon king, there is indeed reason to disdain.

"I am the main teacher of Guangming." Lu Sheng raised his hand and held a fist. It was a weird etiquette. "The aristocrats came here just to explain the various unpleasant things that happened before the ghosts and the rivers."

"Oh?" Ghost sneaked, then laughed, originally thought to be playing, did not expect the other party so sensible. "How do you explain?"

"This is the case. Before that, my light teaching expansion was too fast and too fast, so that I had friction with the nobility. On behalf of the whole Guangming, I expressed deep apologies to the ghost river family." Lu Sheng took a sincere look and rose up. The other side is deeply envious.

"Yes? It's good to know if it's not right. If you don't expand too fast, we won't make so many things." Ghosts unknowingly pushed all the responsibilities to the light.

"Yes, indeed, it’s all my bright mistakes, so here, in order to express our apologies for the ghost river family, we arranged the best gift under it and gave it to the nobility as a apology." Lu Sheng finished, light Pat your hands.

The giant birds such as the Guangming Church behind them suddenly carried out a huge copper tripod, which was staggered and filled with a pale red liquid with a little golden light.

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