Way of the Devil

Chapter 991: Suzaku I


The earth trembled, with the road victory as the center, and the square was suddenly rising to a red flame.

In the flame, a tall geek of a bird's head is wearing a red-red feather coat, holding one's body with one hand.

His hand is a golden bird-like claw. At this point, the nail thorn has been smashed into the body of the wood.

Numerous Nanming escaping from the wounds of the wood surface. The high temperature flame is gradually dissolving its body.

The rest of the surrounding wizards turned into ashes in the previous blow, and there was no trace of traces.

"At last it was completely solved." Lu Sheng spit out a sigh of relief. "Sure enough, the Golden Dan period came to the shelf or barely. But there is no way, physical improvement takes time to adapt, but I can't wait."

Standing in the sea of ​​fire, he looked around and quickly found the place where the black corpse was found and found something dark.

He reached out and grabbed, and the black thing suddenly flew up and fell gently into his hand.

As soon as he touched his palm, Lu Sheng suddenly felt a thick and powerful power pouring into his body.

"Send the power!?" His heart was happy.

Although he still has more than 1.5 billion sentimental powers, no one will be too much.

The most important thing is that he has vaguely felt that from the meditation to the next level, the power needed to send it will be a terrible astronomical number.

This 1.5 billion is not necessarily enough.

"It's much more to prepare for the power, so as not to be enough time. This land of wasteland, there are many kinds of magic weapons, and the magic weapon is not the perfect formation of the formation of the power of the gods?"

Lu Sheng carefully looked at the black things in his hand. This thing looks like a crock, the surface is full of cracks and weird witches.

"It seems to be a witch. It is possible to get the day and night worship of the powerful races of the Wu people. It is no wonder that there is so much power in it. Not bad!" Lu Sheng feels the power of constant influx into the body, just a few Minutes, the power in the wizard is tilted, and the number is more than three million units.

His mental power during the Golden Age was released, and the surrounding area was scanned. No more live mouths were found, and then he turned and walked away.


Under a crisp sound, the witches and crocks suddenly shattered and turned into pieces scattered on the ground.

There is no living thing around, even the ordinary bird and the worm have not left, leaving only the ruins of the ruins of the Zengmu tribe.

After a few hours.

A black smoke flew from a distance and landed into several tall black men and women.

The men and women were carrying crutches, looking dark and wearing short black dresses.

"What happened? Just sensed that the sorcerer was broken here. Isn't this a wood witch?" A witch wizard glanced around.

"Oh, it seems that I haven't moved for a long time, and finally someone who challenges me to wait for the majesty of the witches." Another thin old man sneaked into the sneer.

The old man walked to a place that was still smoking smoked black soil, crouched down, reached out and dug a little black soil, crushed it in his hand, and then put it in his mouth and tasted it.

"This is the burning ash of a high flame. The smell of a bird's hair is not a phoenix fire, or a Suzaku fire, or a Bifang."

"There are other creatures that have been burned to death, strange, obviously burned to death, and have not left a little soul residue." Another wizard frowned.

"That is the Suzaku fire in the high flame, only the Suzaku fire has the role of guiding the soul to ascend to heaven." The skinny old man faint.

"Why isn't it other flames, and the fire of Bifang also has the effect of melting the soul?" A wizard wondered.

"Ablation is the result of leaving debris and breath and guiding away. It is completely clean." The old wizard showed a hint of coldness. "Let's go, this pure Suzaku fire, must be the Suzaku family, or its direct bloodline. I will go back and report, this time how to deal with the group of miscellaneous hair! I will kill my witch tribe for no reason! Deliberately provoke war!"


A group of wizards turned into black smoke and dissipated.



Demon court.

The huge silver-white palace that floats above the nine heavens, like the rolling mountains, is layered on top of each other. The palaces are like the finest treasures. The exquisite elegance carries a rough atmosphere of the demon.

In the middle of the entire palace group, on a vast white pillar square.

The demon king Tiandi Dongyi Taiyi, and his brother-in-law, Emperor Yi, and the three, sit at the highest point.

All three have a golden glow accompanied by a flame to cover the appearance, outsiders can only vaguely see the fuzzy human form on the three thrones.

On both sides of the square are all the demon lords, a demon **** wearing a Xia Yi Xianjia, the appearance is different, are enjoying song and dance and drink fine wine.

Since the establishment of the Yaozu Tianting, perhaps the demon gods still have some enterprising spirits, and they want to help the East Emperor to unite the world and achieve the only heaven.

However, after a long time, the witches were unable to take up the witches. In the long years, many demon gods gradually became happy, and they liked the powerful taste of what they wanted and what they wanted to do.

Depending on the demon court, even if you encounter some monks who are more powerful than yourself, the supernatural powers are better than their own monks or big demon, the demon gods can't beat them, and the gangs are rushed up, and the strong demon is also directly crushed.

Gradually, the Yaozu Tiantang no longer struggled to expand and began to settle in the status quo.

Even the East Emperor Taiyi and the Emperor are gradually helpless, no longer insisting. Only the wife of the emperor has been worried about this.

On the square, the songs and dances are flattened, the wines are all over the place, and many demon gods are lazy and casual. Surrounded by Mei Ji, they are constantly interspersed, or poured wine, or undressed, and some demon gods quietly rain.

The Yaozu does not care too much of the red tape, the big land is big, and it wants to do it. This tradition has also successfully continued to the heavens. Even the East Emperor Taiyi and the Emperor are the same, and this is taken for granted.

After some singing and dancing, the music gradually slowed down.

An interrogator came up from the side and whispered a few words on the side of the court guard. He kept his brow slightly and walked slowly to the side of the demon teacher, Peng Peng, and whispered one or two.

The human form of Kuangpeng's creation is a tall and old man who must be white and look proud. His body is embroidered with a body like a fish and a fish, like Peng Feipeng's weird creature, which is his body.

"The witches have nerves again? They have been calm for thousands of years, and suddenly they have come out to find things!" Xiaopeng was dissatisfied, turned to face Taiyi, his lips moved slightly, and the previous information was passed to Taiyi ears.

"Stop." Suddenly, after one of the bead curtains, a thick and magnetic man voice was heard.

The music stopped abruptly.

"The Xuan Le official Suzaku rains on the temple." The voice of Taiyi came out again.

Many demon gods are still awake, suddenly showing the color of the bustle. Looking at the scene with enthusiasm.

For a long time in the heavens, under the stars of the stars, the stars will bathe, and the demon gods will not practice, and the cultivation will slowly increase with time.

After a long time, everyone naturally becomes slack.

Usually, everyone has nothing to do, except to enjoy sleeping or going out to play. It’s hard to have a bit of fun now, and naturally I’m interested.

Everyone knows that the Suzaku family is a heavenly musician who was booked very early.

Speaking of being Nanming from the south of the fire, Suzaku should be an older family than the phoenix.

But their power is not at the lethality, but mainly focused on music. It is completely different from the powerful monsters of the phoenix that burn the mountains everywhere.

At the beginning of the Dragon and Phoenix war, they could still be smothered with the phoenix. The status of the dragon and the phoenix is ​​now fading. Only a little marginal blood is left. The Suzaku family can’t rely on heaven. Dangdang’s so-called music officer, management heaven. Musical instrument.

After the prosecutor summoned, a soft woman with a long red dress and a corolla crown was quickly locked, and the money went up to the square.

"The next minister, the Suzaku, is raining, see the emperor, the emperor, the monk and the three."

Although there is only one Emperor of Heaven, it is Taiyi, but it is too clear, and the elder brother and the priest are at the same level as him. Therefore, the emperor was regarded as the Western Emperor, and he was the West.

The three are the three-legged Jinwu born in the Pangu Sun Star. The blood is connected and the feelings are deep. So no one said anything.

Anyway, Taiyi holds the sage of the sage, and builds the heavenly court with the innate treasure chaos. He wants to know how to make it.

"Rain, your family went to the Witch, secretly slaughtered a large witch tribe, trying to provoke a dispute between the heavenly court and the ancestral witch. You know this?" The voice of Taiyi came out from behind the bead curtain, and the mood was unrecognizable. It just gives people a deep and calm feeling of depression.

Yu Yu was originally a music officer. He had no position in the middle of a group of demon gods. At this time, he heard the big things involving the Lich and the other two, and suddenly felt like a thunder in the brain, and the whole body shook slightly.

"The next minister has no such thing!!" Her voice was a little sharp. "All my family of Suzaku people have been living in the Nanchuan Mountains. They have never left there. The elites of the tribe are also in the heavens! They have been diligent, From no disagreement, I dare not have the heart to provoke the lichs! Also look at the Emperor of Heaven to observe! Mingcha!!"

She fell to the ground at once, scared to the loss of color, and the sweat was slightly exposed.

"The witches have already sent the burning ash. I have also checked it. It is definitely a high-purity Suzaku fire. The purity of the Suzaku fire, only the Suzaku family between the heavens and the earth can be released.

The rest of the race is impossible! "A demon **** sneered out the vocal. This demon **** has a double head, a drinking, a cold-eyed staring at the presence of the Suzaku rain, a faint sinful color in his eyes.

"The interrogation star official also checked clearly, it is indeed the Suzaku fire, and only the Suzaku family whose blood concentration reaches the level of the Suzaku Eucharist, it is possible to release these flames." Another demon **** Shen Shen.

"Then you wait for the Suzaku family, what else is there?" The emperor slowly uttered his voice.

In fact, the East Emperor Taiyi did not manage much in the weekdays. Really the size of the heavens, most of the family is managing him. It’s just that I’m too vocal, and he’s not good at it.

For the Suzaku family, he actually has a certain love. After all, the whole world of music can have such a beautiful and not so much.

His wife, Yuhe, has always taken care of the Suzaku family, so he said at this time, it is also a look at what can be a turn.

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