Way of the Devil

Chapter 920: Myth II


Taiyi Emperor stood side by side, wearing a golden robe and wearing a crown of heavenly emperor. The body is embroidered with three-legged gold and black patterns. The most striking thing is that both of them are faintly faintly white.

The light seems to be shot from behind them, but if someone can walk behind them, they can't find the source.

This is the light of the **** of the gods that Yunmeng said.

Taiyi is high on the top, and the low-headed view of the demon army is constantly gathering in the silver Tianhe River.

A demon **** general led the army here, and the army of different sizes formed a huge army with a vision that could not be seen at the end.

"The Tianzhu fault collapsed, and the ancestral witches made charcoal to the earth. Today, we should remove the witches and save thousands of lives in the fire." Taiyi slowly.

"Thunder public, drumming!!" He scanned the Leigong electric mother not far away, and the two immediately remembered, and the thunder drum rang.

Bang! !

The thunder of the road continued to resound through the sky, and the lightning was like a spider web, and it was constantly flashing around the Tianhe River.

"Depart!!" below a demon **** holding a three-pointed fork roaring.

The demon corps of the sky, like the silver river under the Tianhe River, rushed toward the area where the witches were on the earth.

The Wu people have already prepared the same countless army, and the beasts of the beasts have been ringing at the same time, and the thunder and the thunder chambers protested.

Numerous black torrents of the Wolverine soldiers rushed to the Tianhe Demon. Both sides of the magical method of magical powers are constantly thrown out without money.

The demon soldiers are well equipped and good at all kinds of powerful talents.

The Wu people are physically strong, not afraid of the gods attack, one by one, not afraid of death, bloodthirsty.

The two sides will be inextricably linked when they come into contact.

But the real top-level demon gods and big witches are only the weakest level. The strongest superior demon and the top witch did not move.

The great witch is only the name of the tribal leader, but the head of the big tribe is much better than the general tribe.

The demon **** is also the same. The difference in strength is enormous. Jinxian’s downsell to Jinxian’s top grade is completely different.

Here, on the vast plains near Zhoushan, the Tianhe River is overturned, and hundreds of millions of troops are madly killed by the lich.

In another hot East Pole, the ten golden princes quietly led the demon corps, sneaked into the back of the Witch, and wanted to make a surprise attack, but they were discovered by the left-wing sorcerer.

The two sides also launched a deadly battle.

Further away, thirty-three days outside the virtual sky, three soft light wheels slowly suspended, the light wheel color is different, each of which stands a different identity of the saint.

In the blue-green light wheel, the Qingtian Tongtian master bears the Qingping sword, looks indifferent, and looks at the battle below.

In the white gold light wheel, Yu Qingyuan began to wear a streamer, white whiskers, eyes with Yingying white light, and a smile on his lips.

In the blue light wheel, the Taiqing morality is sitting on the knees, the white hair is floating, and the binoculars seem to be fake.

The all-out war between the demon and the witches finally broke out. But this is in the eyes of the three saints, but it is the true nature of all beings and natural beings.

The reason why they came together was only for the three saints who were suspended in the void in the distance.

In the red light wheel, the sage of the son-in-law, Yu Rong, is cold, holding a loess in her hand and looking at the battlefield below.

On the other side, in the golden light wheel, the prospective person with a smile, juxtaposed with the son-in-law.

"We have been under the seat of the Ziyan Palace teacher. Why do you have to make this move and hurt your anger?" The quasi-speaker has always been a good-hearted person.

"The demon witches wrapped up the human races I created, and participated in the war. If today is turbulent, it is not ruined, and the spirits are smeared with charcoal. There is no land. I am a saint, and I am not moving at this time. I am a sage." Road.

"This is the world's general trend, the Lich will have a battle, why should the saints and saints cling to the demon's prosperity?" Yuan Shi Tian Zun has a long breath, and the tone is calm, as if without half-ignition.

"I am not a sacred sacred person of yours. I am angry, sorrowful, and sorrowful. I have it. The demon is a holy man, and the human race is also my son and daughter. So I will be shot." With a cold cry, the loess in his hand quickly condensed into a yellow earth ball.

This is the remaining loess that she used to make people. Nowadays, she has been permeated with merits and has already turned into the sage of the day after tomorrow. Under the fall, all the creatures can be turned into loess.

"The world is running, the law of its own, the sister and the girl are hard to force." Taiqing morality Tianzun slowly sounded.

"I just want to leave some kind of fire, so do you want to stop me?" The female Yu Yurong flashed a trace.

She is different from Sanqing. They are congenital saints, born gods, and she is sanctified and sacred. Under the operation of the heavens and the earth, her people are destroyed, her children.

"The son-in-law of the saint has a great compassion, and the lich of the world is in harmony with the great ambition of the Buddha. I will help him." The hand suddenly lit up the colorful light, and a large cane floated into his palm.

The handcuffs are like trees, and there are seven kinds of treasures on the top, namely gold, silver, colored glass, crystal, coral, red pearl and agate.

Among them, the treasures release the color light, and the little stars are scattered, and they will float out and surround them.

Like the son-in-law, he is sanctified the day after tomorrow. He is a great ambition to sanctify, and everything he does is for the purpose of Western Purdue. This trip came because the Sanqing army was so big that he and the son-in-law had to form an alliance and join forces to counter each other.

"So, I have done a good job." The Qingtian Master of the Qing Dynasty slowly pulled out the Qingping sword behind him, and his face was indifferent.



Suzaku Palace.

Lu Sheng returned to his bedroom with Yu Jian, and the information he got from Yunmeng made him fall into meditation again.

If the demon **** is a virtual level, then the emperor, the Taiyi, the Yihe, and the demon teacher, Peng Peng, are the strongest four in the demon court. They are either the top demon or the quasi-holy.

Seeing the level of the demon god, Lu Sheng still wants to try the quasi-holy.

Sitting in the bedroom, he took out the jade slip and carefully checked it, but no matter how he checked, how the spirit looked, he couldn't see what was inside.

"You must have a look at the gods. If I am practicing a gentleman, I can see the jade in the gods, but I am now a demon, a sacred body of the Suzaku, and there is no god. I really can't handle it." ”

Even if he is the body, he has tried the sacred glance, but it is still useless. This thing is like ordinary jade, there is nothing inside.

"The **** of the Yuan is a stronger existence than the three gods. There should be relevant content in the Zhuque heritage."

Lu Sheng returned and went to see the knowledge gained from the inheritance.

Before that, he only swallowed it down. He hadn't had time to sort it out. He only picked out the part of the work.

Now go back and look for the Yuanshen, and he was found to have a clue.

'Yuan Shen, the **** of congenital spirit, the spirit of the spirit of the **** is the **** of the day after tomorrow. If you want to trace back to the Yuan and re-form the god, you must reconcile the two spirits with the soul. Yuan, lead the way to ignite, turn out the Yuan Huo, Yuan Huo burned the impurities and dirt, and the rest will be Yuanshen. ’

The record on Suzaku's heritage is very clear. It is such a short passage that Lu Sheng translated it.

From this point of view, he can also understand the difference between the practicing qi and the Yaozu.

The Yaozu is the fuel that has made a lot of energy. When it is smashed, it will ignite the explosion. The power of sublimation will be huge, and the Yuanshen will be stronger and stronger.

The practicing qi is just a little bit of burning from a small fire, slowly burning and accumulating.

But the temperature is naturally not as high as an instant explosion, and the things that are naturally burned are not as good as the demon. But the victory is gradual and safe.

"Then I am now a 71-year-old Nanming Changsheng Record. Didn't it accumulate enough fuel? If you ignite, you can turn out the Yuanshen?" Lu Sheng thought of his current state.

"But before that, I have to figure out what level of strength I am now." Lu Sheng sinks.

The quasi-holy of the demon court may be so four, and the quasi-holy of the lower bound may be the tenth of the ancestral witch.

So if you want to test it, you can only find this wrong!

Suddenly, Lu Sheng also thought of one person, Hongyun!

"However, now that the Lich Wars, maybe wait a while, there will be a quasi-holy level strongman to shoot again."

boom! ! !

In an instant, the entire demon court sky darkened.

Lu Sheng suddenly felt as if something had broken down and sent out an invisible strong sound wave.

The sound waves can't be heard by ordinary people. Only the Suzaku, who is a high-level realm, can control the sounds.

He walked out of the room and looked up. The sound wave was coming from the sun star above the sky.

The Sun Star has always been run by the Emperor Jinwu, and has been rising normally.

But at this time, the sun star is shining with the golden light, and the golden fire is separated from it and falls toward the distance.

In the heavenly court where the natural starry guards are guarded, Lu Sheng feels hot and hot.

Before he came back, the Sun Star actually split a blazing ball of light. This split was continuous, and the whole sun star was divided into ten small ones.

Huge light and heat illuminate the air and distort and distort.

"This is" Lu Sheng remembered the relevant legend.

On the 10th, the earth was irradiated, and all the people were suffering. The earth was cracked, and the shackles were made of wood for the construction of the bow.

"This is a myth of the ages! If you can get it, you can't do it!" Lu Sheng immediately settled, turned into a red flame, shot from the Suzaku Palace, and fell to the ground below.



The land of the East Pole.

The earth is dry and cracked.

In a huge deep pit, a stream of sunfire descended from the sky and slammed into the center of the deep pit.

There was a huge body that was a hundred meters long. The body was black and still stunned by the horrible sun.

There were bursts of sharp laughter in the sky, and the ten-legged three-legged gold was turned into a golden halo of ten groups, which continued to fly around the deep pit.

Although the ten heads of Jinwu were injured in half, they were embarrassed. But the victory still ultimately belongs to them.

When Lu Sheng flew here at full speed, he saw this horror.

The earth has climbed to hundreds of degrees, there is no water in the air, and the forest is dried and burnt.

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