Way of the Devil

Chapter 931: Wrestling one


Too took off the crown, and squeezed the glass of the wine to gently pour the wine into the mouth. Suddenly the table candle in front of him burst.

The beating fire illuminates his flawless face.

"Mingcheng's bonfire actually beat the signs of unknown."

The situation of the demon court and its complicated troubles, too one is the demon emperor, the emperor, but the emperor is not perfect, superb all-powerful. Unveiling the name of the Emperor, he is actually just a powerful congenital demon, three-legged Jinwu.

The most powerful flame in the world, the innate demon spirit of the sun.

"Transmission." His voice was low. "Let the major theaters report the current situation, any suspicious circumstances must be notified to me as soon as possible."

"Yes." In the empty hall, a sharp voice quickly fell and slowly disappeared.

As soon as he reached out, the palm of his hand suddenly ignited a golden thorny flame, and the golden birds slowly screamed in the flame.

The flood is too big, even though he is a nominal Emperor, but in most areas, there is no way to rule it.

In some places, it takes at least several years for the light to fly. This is what he is born to be known for flying fast, to reach this level.

If it is replaced by the general Yaozu, flying for a lifetime may not be able to fly the wild.

Even with nominal monitoring, he has no way to control perfection.

"Before the kind of flame fluctuations, the twelve ancestors, is it difficult to make any plans? I really thought I didn't dare to do it?" Too much color, the flame in his hand became more and more dazzling.



Hey! ! !

As soon as the white gold flame illuminates, it separates like a prairie.

Shang Yang’s face changed greatly and he wanted to take back his palm, but it’s too late.

A large piece of platinum flame was stained on him, like a skeleton of the cheekbones, and a large amount of black rain eroded and evaporated. Countless black steam is spreading.

He screamed and the whole person jumped into the sky, and his body suddenly expanded and became bigger. In a blink of an eye, it became huge to tens of meters high and turned into a pale green feather.

The different birds vibrate their wings, and the black rain in the sky above is stronger and stronger. It seems to pour down in a large basin.

However, the black rain could not extinguish the white gold flame on the commercial sheep. The fire seemed to be attached to the burning of the soul god. After being wet for a few hours by the black rain, the whole flame seemed to be transparent and invisible, and was directly worn by the rain. Translucent, as if invisible.

what! ! !

At the foot of the Shangyang, the law of the squadron was bright and bright, and the striking squadron raised his power of the gods again.

"Wan Hong!!" With the roaring sound, the white gold flame blew up a large stream of light green water.

However, as the flood of massive water, just as soon as it emerged, it was wrapped in gasification by the Suzaku.

Lu Sheng calmly looked at the business sheep.

"Fire, the essence is purification, is a rebirth. After burning, the ashes can redo the fertile soil and become the best source of nutrition for countless new creatures. It is the purest purification power between heaven and earth."

"So, you can't run."

Lu Sheng raised his hand and held it in front of him.

At this time, a pure green beam of light was shot from the location of the commercial sheep. Straight on the palm of Lu Sheng’s lift.

The light column is broken and turned into a green flower of three round wheels. The flowers slowly turn, and the center has a little dark red diamonds that illuminate the red awns.

Boom! ! !

Three loud bangs exploded in an instant.

The location of Lu Sheng suddenly exploded, and the explosion center was not a high temperature, but an extremely cold and cold.

"Cough and cough!!" Shangyang jumped out and landed in the open space without a white gold flame in the distance. He was pale, trying to bend over and coughing, and his body was full of sweat that had just burst out.


One couldn't help it. He bent his knees and his body trembled and fell to the ground. In his mouth, he spit out a large mouthful of green blood.

"It was originally intended as a backhand, leaving it to the witches, and it is not bad for you now." Shangyang painted off the residual blood, and stood up slowly. But he obviously consumed too much in the previous hand.

First, the burning of the white gold flame was broken, and then the biggest card was released three times.

That is a one-time magic weapon named Taiyin Xuan Ming Han Lei. His original form is born with the ability to control the rain. After a long period of time, Shang Yang not only thoroughly mastered the control of the rain, but also used this ability to deepen. Until now, mastering this kind of world is the most sinister and extremely cold. The horror energy.

Of course, this kind of too horrible force, he can only slowly collect, woven it in a glimpse, made into a so-called Taiyin Xuan Ming Han Lei.

Just now, when he noticed that the flame was not right, he threw out three cold thunders that had been spent thousands of years.

"This time I see you are still not dead!" Shang Yang bowed his head and swallowed the blood again. He is not really a quasi-holy, but he borrowed it to temporarily reach it. This is equivalent to the excessive force of human beings. The sequelae began to burst.

Lu Sheng is in the location area, at this time a large group of black light **** are constantly floating and rotating, making a humming current.

The ground slowly spreads a thin layer of ice around it, forming a region where the periphery solidifies and the core turns.

Looking far away is like a black toy ball blocked inside a glass wall.

Light is the unconscious energy leak, the horror killer of Taiyin Xuan Ming Han Lei has already frozen the surrounding space and cannot break through.

"This is what you are most accustomed to, Taiyin Xuan Ming Han Lei?"

A peaceful sound slowly spreads from the core of the black ball.

Shang Yang trembled and looked up.

I saw the inside of the black ball, and a delicate white palm slowly pressed on the inner wall.

"It's really, scare me."

Hey! ! !

In a flash, the transparent fragments scattered, and the whole black ball, together with the invisible shell, was shattered. The black energy and cold current inside have not been able to spread and overflow, and they are drowned by a large number of white gold flames emerging from the core.

Hey! !

Four white fire pillars broke through the blockade and rushed to the sides like a real fire dragon.

One of them is the location of the hanged Shangyang.

The situation was urgent. He suddenly came back to God, and screamed and raised his hand to sacrifice his own life. Even if it is a demon god, Nei Dan is also the core of strength and the strongest.

Bang! ! !

A white fire dragon with a diameter of several tens of meters, with a savage impact, slammed into the Shangyang Nei Dan.

His whole person was thrown high by the force, and Nedan cracked a fine line and suddenly burned in the sky. His body flew up to a kilometer and finally slammed into a huge stone forest.

A boulder stone pillar collapsed, and the dust was filled with it. The white flame ignited the entire stone forest in an instant.

The fire quickly burned and the stones melted and gasified. Form a high-temperature hell, lock the commercial sheep to the center.


Subtle crisp footsteps, constantly approaching from the periphery.

Lu Sheng was wearing a golden red feather coat, surrounded by a tassel-like golden flame, and the three cold mines just did not hurt him.

"It's over." He raised his hand and surrounded the flame of the merchant sheep to automatically spread a gap. A well-behaved figure slowly approached from the periphery and walked in through the gap.

The figure is awesome.

"Brother, I am coming to love you, hahaha." Feilian eyes are blood red, nose mouth and ears, body, where there are holes, all of them are constantly flowing out of purple and black tentacles.

A large number of tentacles fell on the ground and were not damaged by the residual high temperature. On the contrary, they were even more excited. In general, the speed of the rushed to the commercial sheep.

"The Emperor will revenge for me!!" Shang Yang smashed his eyes, his body suddenly stirred up and twisted.

He wants to blew himself up.

However, the purple-black tentacles were so fast that they had not waited for him to react, and the tentacles jerked and covered them all at once.

what! !

A painful scream came from the tentacles.

Lu Sheng looked calmly at all of this. Although he is now lacking in evil spirits, the tentacles that were previously parasitic on his subordinates have also multiplied enough. It is only used for parasitism, not for frontal hands, and the quantity is still enough.

The screams gradually faded and weakened.

Lu Sheng raised his hand and looked at his arms.

"The next one is the quasi-holy." He sighed softly and turned to leave.

Bang! !

Suddenly, the black clouds on the top of the sky are rapidly intensive. The black rain released by the commercial sheep has not only dissipated, but it is even more dense.

The thunder is rolling and the electric light is flashing. A large black cloud tumbling violently, with a mixture of purple and purple electric lines flashing through it.

"Well?" Lu Sheng frowned and looked up.

He suddenly felt that he was about to be completely eroded by the parasitic merchant sheep, and there was an inexplicable force of great resistance.

He seems to be breaking through the quasi-holy?

Lu Sheng blinked and turned to look at the location of the commercial sheep that was flooded by countless tentacles.

"What is this? Is the protagonist open? Or is it a temporary explosion?"

So far, Shang Yang is different from all the demon gods he used to parasitize. He is the strongest one and the closest one to the quasi-holy.

One of the strongest demon gods in Tianting, I am afraid that only the demon teacher, Peng Peng, can regulate the commercial sheep.

Now, the act of eroding Shang Yang seems to have caused some kind of subtle confrontation in this universe.

Lu Sheng silently watched the high temperature area of ​​the flame covered by the purple and black tentacles, without saying a word.

A lot of inexplicable energy is flowing into the commercial sheep through some mysterious passage, helping him resist the erosion from the gods and the body.

Moreover, the source and channel of this kind of energy, Lu Sheng couldn't touch the head at all, and even found out that he couldn't find it, and naturally he couldn't cut it.

He felt that these energies were extremely repulsive and repulsive to his evil spirits.

It seems that the root is the product of the evil spirits.

"Is this the rejection of this universe?" Lu Sheng’s eyes flashed red, and he was about to step forward.

Suddenly his look moved, the body of the deep soul shivered, a gloomy, desperate and panicking power, rushing out along his body.

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