It was finally time for the final thirty-two of the solo round to begin. As Wang Wei was getting ready he had a terrifying expression on his face. He was still angry about the way Long Sha treated them on the first day of the tournament. He was determined to put him through hell for looking down on them.

"Hey, are you okay?" Long Yue asked.

"Yeah. I can't wait to shut his arrogant mouth up."

"It won't be that hard I guess" Lee Zheng said. "I mean, you reached rank twenty and he said that he was rank nineteen at the beginning of the competition. So I think you can win even though his soul form is the shadow dragon."

"I don't think I can win. I know I can win." Wang Wei said. "I have to win if I want to get into the jade academy that senior talked about."

"Okay. Do your best!" Teacher Li Yun said.

The spectators in the colosseum were going wild. That was because the first match of the day was between a student from glory academy and the miraculous Wang Wei who made it this far despite having a trash soul form. But then all of a sudden it turned silent as everyone's gazes turned to the combatant's entrances.

"The first person to make their way to the arena is... Long Sha!! From glory academy. He is a rank nineteen chi apprentice and has the shadow dragon soul form." The announcer said. As the crowd went wild. The next moment their gazes turned to the other side. "From the other side, Wang Wei has also made his entrance into the arena! Wang Wei comes from the fast-rising victory academy they were unheard of before this year' tournament but they made their way all the way here with their amazing three disciples: Wang Wei, Lee Zheng, and Long Yue. Wang Wei who will be fighting today is a rank fourteen chi apprentice and has the red snake soul form. But don't let that fool you as this little guy has amazing individual techniques."

"I can't believe trash like you actually made it this far." Long Sha said.

"After today when you think about calling someone trash you will think off me and tremble. I will beat you so bad you'll never be able to utter the word trash again." Wang Wei said.

"Both sides get ready!" The announcer said.

As both of them started getting ready a blue soul jewel could be seen on Long Sha' hand.

"You have a hundred-year-old soul jewel?" Wang Wei asked in disbelief.

"It actually is a five-hundred-year-old soul jewel." Long Sha said. "What do you think. Wanna give up?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Wang Wei said as a light yellow soul jewel formed on his hand.

"What!!!!! A thousand-year-old holy soul jewel?!" Everyone shouted at once.

"How are you able to have a thousand-year-old soul jewel? En me with my connections couldn't integrate with one." Long Sha said.

"Well first, you need talent. And you got none. The only reason you're rank nineteen is because of the resources you got from your family. The think the announcer said about me being rank fourteen is actually incorrect. I am a rank twenty chi fighter. I am a whole league above you. Next, to that, you have to have resolve." Wang Wei said.

"Nonsense! you may have a thousand-year-old soul jewel but with your trash soul form. It will never be of any use." Long Sha said as his soul jewel glew up.

The next moment his body grew to be three meters tall. And he swung his fist toward Wang Wei.

He was too fast for Wang Wei to evade so he summoned his defensive scaled. When he was hit Wang Wei was sent flying for five meters before he could find his stability again.

But when he was getting ready for the counter Long Sha was already before him. This time he kicked at Wang Wei.

Wang Wei jumped over the kick as he was trained at martial arts. The next moment Wang Wei touched the ground Long Sha released his soul technique.

"People will say I am bullying you if I defeat you this was. Hehe." Long Sha said. "Come at me with all you've got!"

"Okay!" Wang Wei said as he jumped in the air.

The next moment his body started twisting and turning all over the place as he moved toward Long Sha. He then kicked at Long Sha but missed.

"Ha trash, you can't even land a kick did you really make it.."

"Bang" A loud bang could be heard as Wang Wei hit Long Sha' head.

"I missed on purpose. You throw one kick that misses and then you spin again and land the second kick. This is the martial arts I've been practicing since a young age. Don't you ever call me trash since you will never defeat me." Wang Wei said.

Long Sha stood up. The next moment and wanted to use his soul technique again but that same moment Wang Wei used his soul technique. His pupils had become lightning symbols and his eyes became yellow.

He slowly walked over to the paralyzed Long Sha and started pounding him for three seconds. He could've gone on for even longer but he decided not to.

"You dare hit me while I'm paralyzed. You sure have got guts, trash!" Long Sha yelled.

"I told you not to call me that." Wang Wei said. As his soul jewel lit up again. And the same thing started again. He pounded on Long Sha for three second and the last moment he cut him with his snake claws.

As blood started to drip down his arm Long Sha decided not to wait any longer and use his soul form the moment the paralysis was over.

"Let's see you evade this!" Long Sha said as he ran over to Wang Wei.

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