Way to the heavens

45 Claiming victory

After another fifteen minutes of fighting Wang Wei was getting tired. This was the first time he ran low on soul energy. This was the area on which his opponent had the advantage. His opponent was a chi master and he was a chi fighter. He had to end this as soon as he could or else he would lose due to exhaustion.

"This is the first time Wang Wei has fought for this long." Lee Zheng said.

"Yeah, but he said that he had learned a new martial arts technique which I haven't seen yet." Long Yue said.

"Could it be something that he read in that book he got from the azure leaf family?" Lee Zheng then said.

"Maybe, let's just wait and see how he will deal with this. After all, he is a rank twenty-four chi fighter going up against a rank thirty-one chi master." Long Yue replied.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Chen Wong released another solar flare. This time instead of relying on his defenses Wang Wei decided to evade this blow.

"You should feel proud of yourself." Chen Wong said. "For a chi fighter to compete against a chi master for this long is already a great accomplishment. You show a lot of potential."

"I don't care about what you think." Wang Wei said.

"Now, now, don't get angry. I am not the one who resents you. I am only here to uphold the name of my family. I am very impressed with your abilities." Chen Wong said.

"Thank you, senior. But this isn't everything I have to offer." Wang Wei said. "I can beat you."

"I would like to see you try." Chen Wong said.

The next moment Wang Wei charged at Chen Wong. Who again used his first soul technique.

However, this time Wang Wei didn't turn around but he covered his eyes for a few moments. After that, he took a peculiar stance.

Everyone in the crowd was confused. "What is he doing?"

However the next moment an overbearing aura could be felt by everyone. For people who had a cultivation base lower than rank twenty-four, it was unbearable. Those above were only startled but didn't affect them much.

Next Wang Wei lifted his right leg and made a big step forward. When his foot touched the ground it shook. He then took another step with his left leg and the same happened. Next, he threw out his right fist. When Chen Wong saw this he reacted by also throwing out his right fist. The two fists collided and the next thing that could be seen was Chen Wong flying away. His fist was reflected and the force at which it was thrown back was so great it dragged along his entire body.

'So this is the overbearing fist?' Wang Wei thought to himself.

This technique was the first technique he learned from the book written by Wang Ye. It was called overbearing fist because it came with a great overbearing aura. It used only a little soul energy and was fairly strong. However, in the book, it was described as one of the weaker punches. It could only hit. There were punches in the other books which could crush mountains and kicks that could split the heavens.

Chen Wong crashed into the barrier of the sparring arena. He was unconscious. The referee called it and Wang Wei was victorious.

His name quickly spread through the academy. Within a few days known as the young monster.

In these days he spent almost all his time cultivating and practicing the special techniques and martial arts which were described in the book. Even though he understood the martial arts and made pretty good progress with those he made little to no progress with the special techniques. The dragon body which he was practicing was very difficult to master. He made little to no improvement. He only added one row of scales in the past few days while on the first day he could cover his upper arm and shoulders in addition to his forearms.

When he went to ask Shen Teng for guidance he didn't get much of an answer.

"I can't help you with this, this is something you need to comprehend on your own. Only that way can it work to its fullest potential." Is what Shen Teng said.

These were the words that floated through Wang Wei' mind. He was using the special cultivation technique described in the book. It was a cultivation technique without a name. Wang Wei decided to call it the fire-dragon cultivation technique. When he started it took him two full hours to circulate the soul energy ones. Currently, he could complete one circulation within one hour and fifty-five minutes. It was not much progress but Wang Wei already was happy with any progress. However this time he was really mulling Shen Teng' words. Suddenly his eyes opened. He understood something now which he didn't understand before. He couldn't quite describe it but he knew that he had a breakthrough. He tried using dragon body and to his surprise, his scales didn't stop at his shoulders. They spread across his chest and upper back. They also formed in his neck.

'Yes! Finally a breakthrough.' Wang Wei thought. A couple of days were extremely fast but because Wang Wei made a giant leap the first time a couple of days felt like an eternity for him.

He went out to meet with Long Yue and Lee Zheng. They told him that they had also been practicing very hard. Lee Zheng made some progress with his swordsman technique and Long Yue broke through to rank twenty-five. He currently was the soul expert with the highest cultivation base amongst the first years.

Like this a week flew by and Wang Longwei was in jade city. He came to look at the progress Wang Wei made. He also was interested in the auction and recruiting new people into the family.

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