Way to the heavens

69 Return to the academy

It was early in the morning when Wang Wei woke up. He went downstairs and headed for the market.

Even though it was early in the morning the market was already busy because everybody knew that if you wanted to get good quality food or items you had to be early.

The market took up the entire city square. There were a lot of stalls which each sold its own product. Wang Wei first went to a stall that sold eggs and meat. He bought three eggs that were rich in nutrients and he bought the meat of a one-hundred-year-old soul beast. He then went to a stall that sold freshly baked bread and he bought one loaf.

Even though it has been a while since he had been in town a lot of people still recognized him since he was the leader of the jade warriors. That was also the reason he got a good discount. A lot of people were also in town to enlist at jade academy. They heard the story of the jade warriors when one of the stores of the jade brother established in their towns. They wanted to see those strong seniors. That was also the reason their business was running smoothly.

Back at the store, Wang Wei went to the back room where there were a kitchen and a table where they would take their breaks. He started working on breakfast for himself, Chen Li and Mei Ying. The moment breakfast was ready Mei Ying and Chen Li came downstairs.

"Goodmorning, brother." Chen Li said with a sleepy look in his eyes and with his hair being a mess.

"Goodmorning, Chen." Wang Wei replied.

After that Mei Ying walked around the table and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodmorning." She said.

"Goodmorning." Wang Wei said in return.

"If you are going to keep doing that I don't think I will be able to hold down my breakfast." Chen Li said as he was taking his place at the table.

"Don't worry. We won't. After breakfast, get ready, we will then go to the academy." Wang Wei said.

"Okay." Chen Li and Mei Ying replied.

After they had their delicious breakfast of some eggs, meat, and bread. The three got ready to head over to the academy.

After walking for an hour they arrived at the gate. Where there was an enormous line. When Wang Wei and Chen Li made their way to the front they saw the teacher who was in charge of checking the students.

"Greetings to teacher." Wang Wei and Chen Li said.

"Welcome back you two." The teacher said. "Who is that?"

"That is my fiancée, she will also be an apprentice of my teacher." Wang Wei said.

"Okay, then. The other two jade warriors are already on jade island. Go and meet them." The teacher said.

"We will." Wang Wei said.

The three walked into the academy straight to jade island where they would meet their teachers again. Wang Wei and Mei Ying made their way to Shen Teng's house.

"Teacher I'm back!" Wang Wei said as he walked into the house.

Shen Teng hurried down the stairs to see his genius disciple.

'Welcome back, I hope you have been cultivating even though you were on a break. Cultivation is important to keep up and…" He then saw Mei Ying. "Who is this?" he asked.

"This is Mei Ying, my fiancée. I was hoping you could take her in as a disciple too. She is really talented and strong. She broke through to the level of chi master at the same time as me." Wang Wei said.

"You broke through? That is amazing!" Shen Teng said.

"And according to our promise, I could now visit the dragon caverns right?" Wang Wei asked.

"That's right. You may visit the dragon caverns now whenever you're ready, also I will take in your fiancée. But I don't have a spare room so she will have to stay with the principal." Shen Teng said.

"That okay, as long as she can stay in the academy." Wang Wei said.

"Tomorrow we will set out to the dragon caverns I will take my brothers to come with me so that they can get more experiences with fighting soul beasts." Wang Wei said.

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"That's okay, but for now let's just eat." Shen Teng said as he pointed to the dinner table which was filled with all kinds of delicacies since Shen Teng was awaiting Wang Wei he made sure he would have the best food for when Wang Wei would return.

When Wang Wei and Mei Ying saw the food their mouths started to water and they ran toward the table to eat this magnificent feast. After they had eaten all the food the three went over to the principal her house to tell her about the situation and ask if Mei Ying could stay with her.

"Of course she can stay with me." The principal said.

After that Mei Ying went to see her new room and Wang Wei and Shen Teng left.

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