Without waiting for ye Hongtian to say that he has no intention of taking refuge with the two elders, the host directly shoves a big bag of Yuanjing into Ye Hongtian's hand. It's obvious that ye Hongtian is ready to refuse.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Cheng Yun, and I'm a disciple of zhenzhuan. If you have any problems in the sect, you can find me to solve them. If you join us, you can think about it carefully. Then, I'll leave first."

This is called Cheng Yun. He speaks very quickly and then disappears in front of Ye Hongtian.

Knowing that Cheng Yun was a zhenzhuan disciple, ye Hongtian was a little stunned. He did not expect that he had just woken up from xueyuezong and met two zhenzhuan disciples in a few days.

"It's over. Cheng Yun doesn't seem to know that I'm from the Third Elder's side. Now the way to earn Yuanjing is broken. Ah." Ye Hongtian said to himself with a sad face.

After weighing Cheng Yun's bag, although Cheng Yun has said that there are 100 pieces of lower grade Yuanjing in it, ye Hongtian can't help opening the bag and confirming the quantity of lower grade Yuanjing.

After the confirmation, ye Hongtian's face was a little red. He thought that he had made psychological preparations when confirming the 100 pieces of lower grade Yuanjing, but now he was a little excited to think that these 100 pieces of lower grade Yuanjing could provide him and Yu fengxiao a breakthrough.

"Fengxiao's Yuanjing should have been absorbed. I have to take Yuanjing back to him as soon as possible. When fengxiao breaks through Shenyuan state, I can only show the dual strength of Shenyuan state."

Ye Hongtian thought so, he flew out of the killing blood platform and flew to his residence at full speed. It took him nearly an hour to return to his wooden house.

Push open the door to enter the house, have not seen the situation inside the house, a pile of chicken feathers blocked in Ye Hongtian's face, which made him almost fall to the ground.

This chicken feather is obviously Yu fengxiao's, and then ye Hongtian reacts that Yu fengxiao hugs his head. As soon as he is ready to let Yu fengxiao go down, he hears Yu fengxiao yelling: "Ye Hongtian! The aura in Yuanjing is too rich. Benfeng is about to break through. Benfeng can't hold back! Do something about it

Ye Hongtian was stunned by the words. The next second, he responded and quickly grabbed Yu fengxiao from his face. He stared at Yu fengxiao with wide eyes.

Judging from the breath of Yu fengxiao, this is indeed a sign of a breakthrough. Ye Hongtian looks at his newly built wooden house, and it is obvious that this wooden house can not isolate Yu fengxiao's breakthrough of the divine realm.

"You let me think of a way. I can't think of it. Although you Phoenix people are legendary beasts, you have to go through thunder to break through the divine place, right? How can I cover up the news? " Ye Hongtian said helplessly.

As soon as the words are finished, the helpless look on Ye Hongtian's face suddenly disappears and turns into a happy look. He looks at Yu fengxiao who is caught by him with bright eyes.

When ye Hongtian stares at him with this kind of eyes, Yu Feng Xiao suddenly feels uneasy and asks shyly, "you don't have that kind of hobby, do you?"? Although I am a Phoenix, I am a real man. "

"Go! Your mind is so dirty. I'm not interested in you. Don't think about it. I just thought of a way to help you cover up the thunder disaster Ye Hongtian is full of disdain and throws away Yu fengxiao.

Hearing Ye Hongtian say so, Yu fengxiao's face shows an interested look. It seems that he wants to hear ye Hongtian talk about how to cover up the thunder robbery.

However, before ye Hongtian could explain it, Yu fengxiao's breath suddenly burst out. Ye Hongtian was startled by Yu fengxiao's breath, and quickly formed a double barrier with soul power and Zhenyuan, limiting Yu fengxiao's breath in this wooden house.


A purple sky thunder came down from the sky. The smell of the purple sky thunder was even more terrible than that of Ye Hongtian when he was crossing the thunder. Moreover, the sky thunder was divided into two parts in mid air. It was obvious that ye Hongtian was the helper of Yu Feng's crossing the thunder.

Ye Hongtian's two barriers in front of the thunder are like two pieces of paper facing a pair of scissors. As soon as they touch each other, a big hole is cut out.

Realizing that his intervention made the thunder robbery stronger, ye Hongtian quickly demolished the wooden house with the origin of wood. After resisting the thunder, he took the intact wood to open the distance between Yu fengxiao and him.

"This intervention will be regarded as a helper. Does my method still work?" Ye Hongtian murmured with a bitter smile.

After that, he released his thunder and lightning field. When he was fighting with the Lord of the dark hall, his thunder and lightning area was only five feet in the square, but now it has become ten feet, and has gradually recovered.

Yu fengxiao is enveloped by his lightning field. The thunder sea protects Yu fengxiao in it and absorbs the sky thunder which has just split Yu fengxiao.

Absorbed the sky thunder, ye Hongtian's lightning field flickered with color light. A colorful thunder cloud came out of his lightning field, and then suddenly released a colorful lightning, which split into the purple thunder cloud in the high altitude.

Hiss!The color thunder and lightning pierced the purple thunder cloud in an instant. The color thunder and lightning did not disappear like this, but returned to the color thunder cloud with a large number of lightning laws. As like as two peas of thunder, the lightning rule of

is surging in Ye Hongtian's thunder and lightning field.

The lightning field originally used to protect Yu fengxiao suddenly turned into a new thunder robbery that Yu fengxiao was going to cross. This shocked Ye Hongtian and wanted to take back the lightning field, but he found that he had lost control of the lightning field.

The colored thunder cloud in the field of thunder and lightning constantly releases colored sky thunder to bombard Yu fengxiao. In addition, Lei Hai is also constantly electrifying Yu fengxiao. This level of thunder robbery is absolutely unbearable in general. Even as a Phoenix, Yu fengxiao is full of pain.

Just as ye Hongtian is preparing to smash his thunder and lightning field in order to save Yu fengxiao, Yu fengxiao gradually releases the breath belonging to the divine realm, and the colorful thunder cloud stops releasing the sky thunder and goes into the thunder sea.

Feeling that the field of thunder and lightning has returned to his control again, ye Hongtian quickly takes back the field of thunder and lightning. A flash comes to Yu fengxiao's side. Before he has time to check Yu fengxiao's body, he is shocked by the breath released by Yu fengxiao.

At this time, the breath released by Yu fengxiao belongs to the divine realm, which means that Yu fengxiao has successfully broken through the divine realm, which surprised Ye Hongtian for a while. After going back about three Zhang, he stabilized his body and came to Yu fengxiao again.

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