The gravity of terror made Ye Hongtian unable to move. Ye Hongtian could only lie on the ground and deal with the manic energy in his body.

Unable to use Zhenyuan, it means that ye Hongtian has no way to limit this energy, and it will be a lot of trouble to deal with it.

All the forces that can be mobilized are mobilized. All the pores that have been closed before are opened. A suction force is immediately released from ye Hongtian's body.

A lot of red fog formed around Ye Hongtian's body, and then was inhaled by Ye Hongtian. Ye Hongtian didn't know where the red fog came from, but ye Hongtian knew that breathing in red fog could be used to digest the energy in his body.

Now his body may explode at any time because of the manic energy, so ye Hongtian, regardless of what the red is, decides to solve the manic energy in his body first with the idea of step by step.

Red fog into the body, which was originally explosive manic energy, continuous explosion, ye Hongtian lying on the ground constantly twitching, blood vomiting, the body began to spasm.

His body, which had been enlarged for a circle, quickly shrank to the size of a 10-year-old child. The manic energy and red fog filled his body. Fortunately, the energy did not continue to explode, otherwise he would not be able to withstand the current situation.

The suppression of gravity disappeared after a quarter of an hour. After ye Hongtian recovered his activity ability, he turned over and let himself face up, took a big breath of air, and then released the much more stable energy in his body when he exhaled.

"It's a pity that such a huge amount of energy can't be absorbed. Ah, I have to wait for Feng Xiao to wake up and remind him that he can't absorb the fog in the future." Ye Hongtian turns his head and looks at Yu fengxiao who is in a coma. He murmurs.

Another breath of air, and then his body like a balloon inflated back to its original state, the state has returned to 70%, before long can be fully recovered.

Looking around, the place where he could see was still a wilderness. He didn't know where to go now.

We have to wait for the assessment to be finished here. Maybe there are not many people who can wait for the assessment to be released.

"Southeast, northwest, in the lower boundary, I'll go south. Anyway, I don't know the way." Ye Hongtian holds Yu fengxiao in his arms and thinks so.

With this idea, ye Hongtian immediately set out, because when they came from the ruins city to look for monsters, they went all the way to the East, so they turned to the right nearly 90 degrees to the south, so they flew south.

Two days later, ye Hongtian, who had been flying southward, still did not find any traces of the city, which surprised him.

His flying speed is not slow, even can be described as very fast. He can span about 30 miles every minute, and he has never stopped in two days. In this way, he should have flown nearly 100000 Li.

From a distance of 100000 Li, Ye Hong only saw mountains, seas and wilderness plains, let alone cities, without any trace of human life.

"Is there any human life here! I knew I should ask LAN Mo Chen if they had a map in the secret place of blood moon with the notes. Now, it can be said that they are lost. Do you really want to wait here until the end of the internal examination? Ah Ye Hongtian looked at the horizon ahead and sighed.

Yu fengxiao in his arms still did not wake up. To tell the truth, ye Hongtian was very glad that he did not encounter any strange creatures. After all, he had only one hand now. In addition, he could not use Zhenyuan here. If he wanted to fight, he could only put Yu fengxiao aside and could not guarantee his safety.

Continuing to fly south, ye Hongtian did not expect to find any cities in the south, so he slowed down his flight.

At this time, a red column of light rose from the East. From the speed of the rising of the column, ye Hongtian could see that he was still far away from the column.

"The breath of this light column has spread to me. Maybe many disciples of xueyuezong will go there and have a look."

Ye Hongtian flies towards the red light column with this idea. He does not know when the red light will disappear, so ye Hongtian speeds up the speed.

When ye Hongtian flies over a desert area, a man in yellow emerges from the sand. If ye Hongtian notices this man, he will find that he is made of sand and stone!

"Oh, there's an interesting boy coming in. He has a good smell, hehe, hehe!"

Looking at the direction of Ye Hongtian's departure, the man with sand and stone gave a very evil smile. The next second, he turned into yellow sand and disappeared into the sand.

Ye Hongtian, who is on his way, doesn't know that he has been caught by strange things. He is still on his way, and he has been on his way for a whole week.

He felt that the light column was very far away from him when the light column rose, but he did not expect that it would be so far. It took him a whole week to arrive at his flying speed.And when he came to the bottom of the blood column, he knew how wide it was! Ye Hongtian reckons that if he turns around the beam of light again, he may waste half a day.

"What the hell is this?! For the first time, I felt like a countryman. " Ye Hongtian looked up and couldn't see the low-end blood light column, and then sat down directly here.

Yu fengxiao still didn't wake up. Ye Hongtian was worried about Yu fengxiao's coma for such a long time, but he didn't know how to wake him up. He could only hold Yu fengxiao in his arms all the time.

"Oh! It is destiny. I can meet my younger martial brother who has been in the limelight recently. "

Originally, ye Hongtian was ready to start his cultivation, but a figure suddenly came from behind him, which made him frown and turn to look back.

The comer is a man with the triple cultivation of Shenyuan state. The man looks at Ye Hongtian with a smile on his face and shows kindness.

Ye Hongtian squints his eyes and stares at the man's face for a while. Then he tilts his head slightly and looks puzzled. He obviously doesn't remember meeting the man.

As for ye Hongtian forgetting himself, the man's friendly face gradually cools down, slowly approaches Ye Hongtian, and looks down at Ye Hongtian with a sneer.

"Since it's a coincidence that I'm offering you a reward, it doesn't matter that I'm giving you a reward."

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