After a whole hour's progress towards the exit position recorded in the inheritance, ye Hongtian comes to the end of this space and is at the edge of this space. Ye Hongtian squints at the nothingness outside the space and feels the mysterious power contained in the void. He can't help but tutch his mouth.

"It would be nice if I could turn this nihilistic power into my own use. When I saw it, I would be the second. Even the most powerful masters would have to respect me for three points." Ye Hongtian murmured.

Although how powerful Ye Hongtian's idea is, it's just a matter of how powerful Ye Hongtian's idea is. Matchmaker Ye Hongtian did not get as like as two peas in the dark, and the spirit of the blood ancestors was released. Then a door appeared before him. The door was exactly the same as the one he broke before, but the door could be opened directly.

Put your hand on the door handle of the door, and gently pull the door, a space tunnel will appear. Judging from the breath coming from the space tunnel, the place you reach through the space tunnel is in the hall of XueYue hall.

Since it is the way back, ye Hongtian did not hesitate to step directly into the space tunnel.

As soon as he entered the space tunnel, the blessing of the space disappeared. Ye Hongtian only felt that he had suddenly changed from an elephant to an ant. At this time, he realized that he was so weak.

Looking at the traces of space rules flowing in the space tunnel, ye Hongtian felt very mysterious, and immediately used 10000 tree buds to analyze these spatial rules.

The parsing speed of Wan daoshuya did not disappoint Ye Hongtian before or now. With three or four breaths of effort, the parsing was completed, and the parsed information was transmitted to Ye Hongtian's brain.

Through the analysis of the information from the ten thousand tree buds, ye Hongtian's understanding of the laws of space is promoted at a rocket like speed. When he goes out of the space tunnel, his space source is at least twice as strong as before.

"Ye Hongtian! Ye Hongtian! How are you doing? "

Ye Hongtian opens his eyes when he hears the sound. He turns his head and sees that xuewuyuan is looking at himself with worry on his face.

Yu fengxiao, who is hiding in the distance, is still hiding in that position, as if only for a moment, which makes Ye Hongtian frown.

"Lord, how long have I been in it?" Ye Hongtian asked seriously.

Hearing Ye Hongtian's question, xuewuya immediately asked in surprise, "didn't we come out together?"

This rhetorical question stunned Ye Hongtian on the spot. A moment later, ye Hongtian recovered and released his own breath of blood moon.

"Well, after the disappearance of the patriarch, I not only got the inheritance of XueYue, but also broke through the Shenyuan realm. I can't figure out how long it took, but at least a whole day!" Ye Hongtian said so.

When ye Hongtian said this, Yu fengxiao also flew over. He just heard Ye Hongtian's words and stood on Ye Hongtian's shoulder in surprise.

"How could it be? It took only a breath or so for you to disappear and reappear. It can be said that your body just flickered. Is the time in that space still? "

Yu fengxiao's words directly broke the minds of Ye Hongtian and Xue Wuyuan. They didn't mention the word "time is still" because they were not sure. Now Yu fengxiao affirmed their ideas, which made their faces extremely dignified.

Xuewuya stamped her feet lightly, and then five huge barriers surrounded the whole XueYue hall. Not only that, there was a small shield covering xuewuya's body about one Zhang, in which ye Hongtian and Yu fengxiao were also framed.

After the shield appeared, it became extremely quiet all around, even the wind could not be heard. It can be seen that this is a very powerful means of sound insulation.

The blood boundless of the shield knocked on the sound insulation shield with his hand. After confirming the sound insulation effect, he looked at Ye Hongtian and asked, "can you still enter that space again?"

Hearing the speech, ye Hongtian immediately looks at the red moon on the wall behind him. Seeing that the red moon doesn't respond, he tries to release the breath of the ancestor of XueYue. When he finds that there is still no response, he shakes his head towards xuewuyan.

After he knew that ye Hongtian could not enter the space again, blood boundless face showed a look of pity, and then he said to Ye Hongtian seriously: "today this matter is known by heaven and earth, we know it. We must never let anyone outside us know it, otherwise there will inevitably be a risk of one pass ten, ten pass 100, a space of static time, I heard that Zhongzhou king is a space of this kind There is a family. The temptation of this kind of space to big forces is absolutely comparable to the remains of an ancient ancestral clan! "

Hearing that Xue Wuyuan said the matter was so serious, ye Hongtian nodded heavily. He thought that there might be a scene of red island forces besieging xueyuezong in this space, and ye Hongtian felt his hair stand erect behind him.

Originally, he thought that xuewuya would remove the shield after reminding himself, but after waiting for a few breath, he found that xuewuya didn't remove the shield. He had a hesitant look on his face and seemed to want to make a decision.At this time, the spirit of blood moon suddenly appeared in front of xuewuyuan, looked at Ye Hongtian and said, "little fart boy, blood is boundless. He has something to tell elder martial brother Feng. Let elder martial brother Feng come out quickly."

Ye Hongtian was stunned by the words of xueyueling. Then he reflected that xueyueling called Feng Yuze elder martial brother Feng Yuze, and his eyes widened.

"Are you also the younger martial brother of Feng?" Ye Hongtian asked in surprise.

After ye Hongtian asked, xuewuyuan immediately looked at Ye Hongtian with a look at the dead, showing a trace of pity on his face.

Ye Hongtian's attention is attracted by xuewuyuan's look, but he can't understand why xuewuyuan shows this look. However, a sharp pain comes from his abdomen in the next second, which makes him understand the meaning of xuewuyuan in an instant.

See the blood moon make instrument spirit directly hit Ye Hongtian's abdomen with body force, that strength is like being hit by a big mountain in the abdomen, ye Hongtian only feel his Dantian is about to break, his face pain covered his abdomen, was hit by the position curled up on the ground.

The blood moon makes the spirit look down on Ye Hongtian with indifference. He doesn't feel guilty for making Ye Hongtian so miserable. Instead, he releases a trace of killing intention from his body.

It seems that he wants to let Ye Hongtian die. The spirit of the blood moon order coldly said: "although I don't know whether you intentionally or unintentionally, you have violated my bottom line. I remind you that I am the teacher of elder martial brother Feng! Sister

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