Stride to Ziming's side, hold Ziming up, spread out his wings and prepare to fly in the direction of Lingquan.

Just three feet away, ye Hongtian was stopped by a transparent wall. This transparent wall is very hard, and I don't know how it was formed.

"It's not a trap for any force to stay here. It's not so bad luck."

Ye Hongtian puts down Ziming, looks a little dignified and looks around. There is a cold sweat on his forehead.

Ziming's situation is much better than that of Ye Hongtian. He doesn't feel nervous. Maybe it's because ye Hongtian is beside him.

Unable to escape from here, ye Hongtian took Ziming back to the boulder and began to study it.

The violent vibration made Ye Hongtian vomit twice in a quarter of an hour. Just as ye Hongtian finished the second vomit and held the boulder with his hand, a refreshing and pleasant atmosphere filled the stone.


A loud noise came from the rock, and then the rock cracked, and a plant similar to cannibalism appeared in the rock.

This plant, which is similar to the cannibal flower, transfers its roots from the boulder to the soil on the ground, and a kind of fragrant green juice flows out of its mouth.

This fragrance is what makes Ye Hongtian feel relaxed and happy. Without thinking about it, he uses a delicate small bottle to pick up the juice.

When ye Hongtian received the juice, he found that the bottle in his hand didn't shake at all, which reflected that the vibration here had stopped.

Looking carefully at this special plant in front of you, you can see that kind of fragrant juice will flow out of the plant in a quarter of an hour. After half an hour, ye Hongtian received four drops of that kind of juice.

Just when ye Hongtian thought of filling the bottle in his hand before he left, this plant, which is similar to the cannibal flower, suddenly escaped into the ground, only one leaf exposed outside.

Before long, the ground near the plant began to show a strange blood red, and then the exposed leaf of the plant also changed from emerald green to blood red.

In Lingquan area, which is not far from the area where ye Hongtian and Ziming are located, many people are ready to get some benefits from the bodies of the proud moon wolf, but before they start, the bodies of the proud MOON WOLF begin to disappear at a very terrible speed.

What disappeared was not only the body of Aoyue demon wolf, but also the blood on the ground like a ebb tide. In a short period of more than a dozen breath, the blood of the warrior and the blood of Aoyue demon wolf all disappeared, as if they had never appeared at all.

Those who wanted to take advantage of the corpse told the other people in the Lingquan area behind the scenes. Those people began to panic after confirming that the bodies had disappeared completely.

Ye Hongtian's side, which should have been surrounded by green woods, has now completely turned blood red, which is like soaking in blood.

This situation lasted less than half a quarter of an hour. When the blood red disappeared, ye Hongtian could see that the blood red seemed to have been absorbed by the plant in front of him.

I saw this plant slowly drilled out of the ground, its body size is more than twice as large as before, completely turned into a blood red plant.

At this time, to feel the smell of this plant, ye Hongtian can only feel a very heavy sense of depression. Now even if the plant ate itself, ye Hongtian would not be surprised.

Goo Doo!

A strange sound came from the plant. Hearing this figure, ye Hongtian began to be alert and protected Ziming behind him.

Goo Doo! Goo Doo! Goo Doo!

The sound kept on ringing, and ye Hongtian frowned tightly. At this time, he found that the surface of the plant was permeated with blood, which penetrated from the surface of the plant, forming a small pool of blood at the root of the plant.

From this pool of blood, ye Hongtian can feel more terrible energy than the spirit spring, which makes Ye Hongtian swallow and spit.

"I will hold back! This unexplained energy... I can't absorb it! " Ye Hongtian warned himself in his heart.

Seeing the growing blood pool in front of him, ye Hongtian felt numb as long as he thought that there was a huge amount of energy in it.

Just as he was about to lose his energy, the blood red on the plant in front of him faded quickly, and the ground shook again.

Under a burst of vibration, the plant suddenly flew into the sky like a rocket, rushing out of the dense leaves that shaded the sun.

As soon as the sun shines, the plant begins to expand and explode at about three breaths.

After the plant explosion, a large amount of heaven and earth aura gathered over the Castle Peak. Soon, the sky over the mountain became dark clouds. These dark clouds were gathered by strong heaven and earth aura.

In Qingshan Town, a part of the warriors found the vision in the sky. After that, their faces were surprised."It's the spirit rain! I didn't expect to let me encounter the Reiki rain, which is too lucky! "

"I didn't expect that I could meet the aura rain in my life. It was the atmosphere that covered my body. After experiencing the aura rain, my cultivation improved by leaps and bounds!"

"Take this opportunity to climb the mountain! It's said that the spring on the other side of Lingquan has been replaced. If Lingquan is equipped with Lingqi rain, the cultivation effect should not be too good! "


the news that Qingshan was going to have a spirit rain spread all over Qingshan town in a short time. A quarter of an hour later, a large number of warriors came to Qingshan town. Obviously, the news of the spirit rain had spread to other places.

In the green hills, ye Hongtian didn't know what was going on outside. He still looked at the small pool of blood in front of him with hesitation for a quarter of an hour.

"What are you hesitating about? You don't absorb the energy that comes to your door. Are you waiting for others to find here and rob you?"

Seeing ye Hongtian tangled here for a quarter of an hour, Ziming finally couldn't help but scold Ye Hongtian. He didn't give ye Hongtian the chance to hesitate, so he kicked Ye Hongtian into the pool of blood.

As soon as the blood in the pool of blood came into contact with Ye Hongtian's body, the clothes on Ye Hongtian's body were eroded. What he was wearing was the treasure coat of Tianjie intermediate grade which was sent to him by situ Hao. However, it was just like paper in the erosion of blood, and it disappeared in an instant.

The clothes were corroded. Before ye Hongtian had time to feel heartache, his blood was stained on his skin. A sense of comfort incompatible with the strong corrosivity made Ye Hongtian forget the heartache of his clothes being corroded.

Lying in a pool of blood, the blood penetrated into Ye Hong's celestial body through Ye Hongtian's skin, and turned into energy in Ye Hongtian's body for ye Hongtian's absorption.

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