The array was broken by Ye Hongtian, and the thin man was shocked again.

When the skinny man was still shocked, all the warriors in Shenyuan had gathered around Ye Hongtian. Each of them thought it would not be dangerous to have a skinny man waiting for him. But what they didn't notice was that it was very difficult for the skinny man to keep Ye Hongtian, let alone protect them.

Ye Hongtian only used the blade of space several times in a row to deal with the nine heavy warriors in the Shenyuan state. He did not lift the sky change in his hand, or even had a straight eye. After seeing these people, the heads of more than ten people flew up.

More than ten Shenyuan nine martial artists were killed by one Shenyuan triple warrior in a flash. If green eye didn't see this, no one would believe it.

For example, if ye Hong hadn't been here today, he would not have believed that anyone in the world could have the ability to surpass the highest level of beauty by taking the triple cultivation of divine origin.

"It's no wonder that the Bai family and the autumn family want to arrest you with such a high reward. It's just one of the reasons why they want to become the little patriarch of the blood moon sect. Only by your talent, you will be envied by the world!" The thin man shouts to Ye Hongtian.

After shouting out the words, the skinny man approached Ye Hongtian again. He did not know where to take out hundreds of needles and stabbed Ye Hongtian with those needles.

In the face of this level of attack, ye Hongtian can no longer be careless. Tianchangdun is held in front of his body and uses a little force relieving skill to block this move.

However, just as ye Hongtian was just about to turn Tianbian back into a sword, the needles that had fallen on the ground suddenly stabbed Ye Hongtian again. Because there were a lot of needles under Ye Hongtian's feet, ye Hongtian couldn't resist it even if he had a shield. In an instant, he became a hedgehog.

There is no time to solve the needling on his body. Ye Hongtian uses tianchangjian and Xiaomie Leizhu with a dignified face, and cuts the thin man with Ye Hongtian's sword skill.


The sound of metal impact came out, and the thin man blocked the change of the sky with a needle. Then the thunder ball exploded in front of the thin man, splashing a large amount of smoke.

If we fight in this way, ye Hongtian will have the confidence to defeat the thin man.

As soon as ye Hongtian was confident, the thin man said with a smile in the smoke and dust: "ha ha ha! Ye Hongtian! You are waiting for the putrefactive liquid on my acupuncture to corrode Zhenyuan clean! When you have no real yuan, I see how you can resist! "

Ye Hongtian was stunned when he heard that the thin man mentioned Fuyuan liquid. In his opinion, ye Hongtian was shocked, which was totally unexpected.

Just when the skinny man felt that ye Hongtian could only be arrested after a moment, a dark red light burst out from ye Hongtian, followed by a breath of breakthrough.

Click! CLICK!

Something is broken in Ye Hong's celestial body. Even the thin man who is still a short distance away from ye Hongtian hears the sound.

In Ye Hongtian's body, because he had been suppressed by poverty and strangeness before, the boundary barrier was already riddled with holes impacted by those energies. Ye Hongtian just broke through the boundary barrier just by a random wave of impact.

Generally, it takes a long time for a warrior to break through the realm. During this period of breakthrough, the warrior must not be disturbed. Otherwise, there will be a great possibility that he will become possessed by the devil, or even die due to energy imbalance in his body.

The thin man holding the idea that ye Hongtian can't make such a breakthrough, kicks Ye Hongtian's head.

Before kicking Ye Hongtian in the head, ye Hongtian's hand blocked between his head and the thin man's foot, easily defusing the thin man's attack.

"After suppressing the breakthrough for so long, we finally succeeded in breaking through it!" Ye Hongtian said happily.

Maybe it's because qiongqi helped him suppress the breakthrough, which made him reach the acme in the three aspects of Shenyuan realm. After breaking through the four aspects of Shenyuan realm, ye Hongtian's breath was stabilized, and there was a shimmering light on his body, which was the body of the law.

This is the first time that he truly felt his own body of law, and felt the closeness of the body of law to the law. Ye Hongtian enjoyed it all over his face.

A large number of laws gathered here from all around. The means set up by poor Qi to hide the body information of the law completely failed. Fortunately, he is outside the city now, otherwise ye Hongtian will definitely be surrounded by people.

"Fa FA! The body of law?! How can it be the best physique in this legend! It's impossible

Recognizing Ye Hongtian's physical breath, the thin man's face was full of disbelief, and his look was very crazy. He did not intend to escape and directly attacked Ye Hongtian.

When ye Hongtian has not made a breakthrough, he can be as good as the skinny man. Now, once he breaks through, he has the power to completely suppress the skinny man. He feels the rules around him with the body of the law and blocks the needles thrown by the skinny man. When the skinny man comes near to fight, ye Hongtian faints at his own limit speed A thin man.

Looking down at the thin man who has no fighting power in front of him, ye Hongtian is very satisfied with his current strength.There is no need to leave the skinny man alive. Ye Hongtian stabs the thin man's heart with Tianbian and confirms his death. Ye Hongtian begins to search for the booty.

From these people's bags of heaven and earth, ye Hongtian took away all Yuanjing. Except Yuanjing, other Ye Hongtian's officials did not find any good things. He could not help but sigh that he was really poor.

After the matter is settled, ye Hongtian does not stay outside the city for a long time. He enters Baicheng from the east gate, thinking about the direction of Ziming and heading for the inn.

Not far away, a man in white ran out of the side alley and stopped Ye Hongtian.

Ye Hongtian was surprised that someone stopped him. When he saw the man's appearance, he showed a smile on his face. This man is Jian Qingge.

"I didn't expect that, brother ye, you've already reached the four levels of Shenyuan state. If you can break through the five levels of Shenyuan state, you won't be able to win the championship in baijiahui martial arts." Sword Qingge patted Ye Hongtian on the shoulder.

After listening to Jian Qingge's words, it's obvious that Jian Qingge has been in the net since he threw himself into the net, but he has never made a move.

Ye Hongtian doesn't blame jianqingge for not helping him solve the problem just now. After all, there must be a big force behind jianqingge. If you attack others rashly, that will probably provoke hatred for the forces behind jianqingge.

If it is in peacetime, ye Hongtian will definitely ask jianqingge about the situation in Qingshan Town, but now ye Hongtian is in a hurry to find Ziming. Without jianqingge to say a few words, he will continue to find a way.

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