"Can you add that wooden box to me? I'm willing to pay a high price for it, no matter how many yuan. " Ye Hongtian pointed to the wooden box on the waist of the stall owner and said anxiously.

The stall owner has already shaken his head into a rattle drum, but ye Hongtian is still not ready to give up the wooden box.

Just because the things in the wooden box actually caused him to know the sea of temperature Shenlian's change, he clearly felt the desire of temperature Shenlian for the things in the wooden box.

Since he got Wen Shenlian in Cangmang City, Wen Shenlian has saved his life many times. Whenever he is attacked by soul power, Wen Shenlian will help him counteract it.

But since getting Wen Shenlian for such a long time, the only thing that can cause the change of Wen Shenlian is the things in this wooden box, but the stall owner doesn't sell them to Ye Hongtian, which makes Ye Hongtian a little anxious.

"Young master, what happened?" Ye Li came to Ye Hongtian and asked in a low voice.

Ye Hongtian takes a look at Ye Li and doesn't answer Ye Li's question. He reaches out of his pocket and takes out only a thousand pieces of Shangpin yuan stone. He piles them neatly on the ground and says, "this is my whole family property. Uncle, you can give me the things in this wooden box. I really need that East and West."

At the moment when ye Hongtian took out Yuanshi, many onlookers gathered around him. Everyone's eyes were full of surprise and greed, including the stall owner, who was staring at Yuan Shi on the ground.

The stall owner swallowed and spit, tilted his head to let Yuanshi move out of his sight, and said: "little brother, this thing is also very important to me, it is special for me, little brother, please take back your Yuanshi."

The firm look on the stall owner's face made Ye Hongtian frustrated. Just when he wanted to ask the owner how he could sell this thing to him, a tramp with beard and rags rushed out from the side and directly reached for the Yuanshi which ye Hongtian had put on the ground.

"Looking for death!"

In the eyes of the tramp, there is still room for him to buy things.

"Ah! My hand! My hands

The tramp fell to the ground and covered the cut hand with his other hand, rolling and screaming.

Looking at the miserable situation of the tramp, the people around him took a breath. The tramp has the seven fold cultivation of Qi, while ye Hongtian seems to have only five.

However, ye Hongtian, who practises five levels of Qi, doesn't know how to cut off the tramp's hand in a moment. If it was the head that had just been chopped, the tramp would have been dead now.

When the stall owner saw this behind the scenes, he showed a look of fear on his face, protected the wooden box at his waist with his hands, and stepped back step by step.

Ye Hongtian, with a bitter smile on his face, stood up and said, "uncle, I'm not a killer. Can you tell me how you can sell the things in this wooden box to me?"

Ye Hongtian's tone is very sincere, and the fear of the stall owner is calmed down a lot. He looks at Ye Hongtian's eyes and sighs.

"If you want it so much, you can exchange it with me. It must have more than six leaves." The stall owner looked up at the sky and said.

Ye Hongtian was stunned when he heard the owner's request. He was no stranger to Jiuyang Tongmai grass. When he couldn't cultivate it before, his father ye Xuan practiced outside every day to find it for him.

Moreover, when his meridians were blocked at that time, he also had to have more than six leaves of Jiuyang Tongmai grass. However, ye Xuan failed to find a qualified Jiuyang Tongmai grass after more than ten years of hard work. This shows how rare Jiuyang Tongmai grass with more than six leaves is.

Ye Hongtian touched his chin for a moment, then raised his head and asked solemnly, "is there someone in uncle's house who is blocked by channels and can't practice, and there is not much time left?"

"How do you know?" The stall owner fiercely turns his head and stares at Ye Hongtian, surprised.

Ye Hongtian smiles and says with a look of recollection on his face: "once upon a time, I also needed to rely on Jiuyang Tongmai grass to save my life. Since there are people in my uncle's family who are in the same situation as me at the beginning, can I have a try and see if it can be cured?"

After listening to Ye Hongtian's words, the stall owner looked surprised. He quickly nodded, threw all the things in the stall into the heaven and earth bag, and then took Ye Hongtian to his home.

Ye Li and Ye Ling stood behind Ye Hongtian for a long time. Seeing that ye Hongtian followed the stall owner, they hurried to follow him.

Du Lang also stood still thinking about ye Hongtian's drug control skills. When he looked up, he found that ye Hongtian and his people were gone.

Ye Hongtian followed the stall owner to a courtyard. The owner asked Ye Hongtian and others to sit down at the stone table in the courtyard, poured a cup of tea for everyone, and then entered a room without coming out for a long time.

"Young master, what is in the wooden box and why are you so persistent about the things in it?" Ye Li asked after a few sips of tea.

Ye Hongtian looked at the tea in the cup and said, "I don't know what it is, but it's of great use to me."

Ye Li couldn't understand what ye Hongtian said. First he said he didn't know what it was, and then he said it was of great use. This was completely contradictory.The owner of the room, who was about ten years old, walked out of the room with a smile.

The stall owner took the little girl by the hand, sat down in front of Ye Hongtian and said, "this is my daughter. When she was just born, the doctor said that the meridians were blocked. It must take more than 6000 years of Jiuyang Tongmai herb to cure it. Since the little brother is from here, please help my daughter to see if it can be cured."

The stall owner pushed the little girl's back, and the little girl timidly walked up to Ye Hongtian. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at Ye Hongtian's face.

Ye Hongtian looks at the little girl in front of him. The experience of the little girl is the same as that of him. He needs Jiuyang Tongmai grass, which reminds him of himself when he was a child.

And the little girl's experience is more miserable than him. When he was a child, he had a lot of care from his friends. Gao Yuling was with him all the time, but the little girl was different. She had no friends in the courtyard, and no one would care about her except the stall owner.

Ye Hongtian squatted down, holding the little girl's hand, and said gently, "don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. I'm here to help you cure your illness. Your illness will soon be cured. In the future, you can practice like an ordinary warrior."

Hearing Ye Hongtian's words, the little girl slowly raised her head. This was the first time that he and ye Hongtian looked at each other and saw Ye Hongtian's face clearly.

"Wow, good Handsome. "

The little girl stares at Ye Hongtian's face for a long time and murmurs in a low voice. Just after saying this, she realizes that something is wrong. Her face turns red and covers her face with her hand and runs behind the stall owner.

Hearing the little girl's words, ye Hongtian burst into laughter. The stall owner, Ye Li and Ye Ling could not help laughing.

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