"There is only one thing in Shenwu land? Brother Jian, I have been holding back from asking before. This time I have to ask clearly. What is your real identity? " Ye Hongtian asked.

With a serious look on his face, he let jianqingge know that he really wanted to know about it.

However, jianqingge doesn't answer Ye Hongtian. Under Ye Hongtian's serious gaze, jianqingge slowly shakes her head.

"As I said before, I can't tell you my identity. I'll get to know you later when you travel to Zhongzhou by yourself."

After saying this, there was a faint light on the ears of the sword Qingge, and then he continued with a smile: "you have to hurry back. The next competition is all prepared by the white family for you. Pay attention to safety. See you after the white family martial arts is over."

As soon as the words fall, the sword Qingge has disappeared here. Ye Hongtian looks around. Seeing that he can't find the figure of jianqingge, he frowns and returns to the murderous palace.

As soon as he entered the hall, a red silk thread was connected to his body, which made him stare big.

"Just came in and picked me? This is not a secret operation, who believes it Ye Hongtian thought.

Looking up at the challenge arena not far away, the referee, Bai Jiawu, looked at him without expression. He already held the explosive Rune in his hand and was ready to start the competition at any time.

But there was no warrior in the arena at this time, which made Ye Hongtian very surprised who his opponent was. He wanted to follow the red silk thread spreading from the crystal, but the red silk thread was not connected to the human body, but suspended in the air.

With some doubts, he quickly stepped onto the arena. Ye Hongtian took a deep look at the judge's Bai Jiawu. Seeing that he did not throw out the explosive paper, he closed his eyes and meditated.

A moment later, a strong man who was nearly ten feet tall appeared from nowhere. The movement of the strong man jumping on the challenge arena immediately woke Ye Hongtian.

"This is my opponent?" The strong man looked at Ye Hongtian contemptuously and asked.

Hearing the strong man's question, the white family warrior on one side showed a little displeasure on his face and said in a warning tone: "this is the young patriarch of XueYue sect, Mr. Ye Hongtian! Although Lord Ye only has the four fold cultivation of the divine realm, please keep the most basic respect for him! "

After listening to Bai Jiawu's words, the strong man took out his ears with his fingers. He didn't seem to hear them. A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this smile, ye Hongtian has no expression on his face, but he is a little angry in his heart.

"May I begin?" Ye Hongtian asked the white warrior on one side.

The Bai Jiawu man nodded and threw the paper in the air. At the moment when the paper exploded, ye Hongtian and the strong man rushed forward together.

In this collision, the atmosphere of their cultivation was fully revealed. The strong man had the highest cultivation of Shenyuan state, and the intensity of the breath was stronger than that of autumn cutting.

Ye Hongtian's nature is the cultivation breath of the four warriors in Shenyuan realm, but the power of his collision with the strong men is incomparable even with most of the top warriors in Shenyuan realm, which is extremely terrifying.

"It's a little bit original. No wonder you can be the young patriarch of the blood moon sect. I've heard about your deeds in Hongzhou recently. I'll beat you today!" The strong man said confidently.

Suddenly, a huge tripod appeared on his head. He threw it at Ye Hongtian. Ye Hongtian didn't respond to it and was smashed.

Seeing his huge tripod hit Ye Hongtian, the strong man burst out a laugh. Half of the laugh, the laughter stopped suddenly, because ye Hongtian in front of him even lifted the huge tripod.

"How can it be?"?! My tripod weighs ten thousand jin! In addition to the power I exerted on it, even in the early stage of the half step awakening, the warrior should not be able to shake it! You can lift it! Monster The strong man said in disbelief.

At the moment when the strong man spoke, ye Hongtian had already held the tripod high. Judging from his red face, it was not easy to lift the huge tripod.

"Me! Give it back to you

With a loud cry, ye Hongtian threw the huge tripod into the strong man. Although the speed of throwing it out was not fast, because of the weight of the huge tripod, it was like a meteorite.

The strong man took a look at his back. If he wanted to open the cauldron more, he had to escape from the challenge arena. He didn't lose the competition like this. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he stretched out his hands to join the cauldron.

The huge tripod with Ye Hongtian's power becomes very terrifying. When the giant tripod collides with the strong man's hands, the terrifying air wave makes the whole hall of murderous Qi vibrate for a moment, and then the strong man is shaken after being hit by a stone pillar in the distance.

At the beginning of the battle, even half a cup of tea was not enough, which made many warriors in the challenge arena unable to accept the strength of that strong man.

They all felt that the reason why the strong man lost so quickly was because he had joined the giant tripod, but they didn't look at the situation from the strong man's point of view, they were just comforting themselves.

The judge, Bai Jiawu, flew to the strong man and saw his arms full of blood. A little shock flashed on his face. Then he became dignified again. After checking his physical condition, he called for someone to carry him away.Looking back at Ye Hongtian, he saw that ye Hongtian had already jumped down from the challenge arena and sat on the ground to recover the consumption of this competition. The Bai family martial artist immediately took out a note and said to the notes: "the destruction of all the disciples of the mid autumn family in huangze is definitely the work of Ye Hongtian. In fact, he is powerful enough to kill the top martial artists in the Shenyuan realm with medium and high strength."

With these words, the Bai Jiawu ignited the Zhuan note. After the Zhuan note disappeared in the murderous hall, he returned to the challenge arena to announce Ye Hongtian's victory.

Just announced that ye Hongwu had just tried to recover, but he didn't use much energy at the end of the competition.

After he got down from the challenge arena, he immediately sat down in order to make his soul power better cover the whole Sha Qi hall. The white family warrior obviously underestimated his soul power. Although his cultivation was only four levels of the divine source state, his soul power could not be perceived even by the warrior in the half awakened state.

With a large-scale coverage of soul power, ye Hongtian naturally heard what the Bai family warrior had just said to Zhuan notes. He didn't think that this time the Bai family would send any strong one to deal with himself. At most, he would send the strongest Bai CE in the highest cultivation of Shenyuan realm, so he was not afraid of the Bai family's targeting.

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