"If ye Xiaoyou is worried about this...

with that, Feicheng clapped his hands, and a man in tidal chamber clothes appeared behind him out of thin air. Obviously, this man was also an awakened warrior.

"You go to the land bought by Ye Xiaoyou in the slum and supervise the people under him."


After listening to the order of Feicheng, the man answered and disappeared as he appeared. With Ye Hongtian's eyesight, he could not catch the figure when he left.

He couldn't help but spit. Seeing that he could not easily leave the tidal chamber of Commerce today, ye Hongtian braved Chengcheng with a smile and entered the room again.

Sitting down at the wooden table, Maocheng doesn't know when he has returned to his position. Ye Hongtian is afraid of Maocheng's strength.

"The tide chamber of commerce is not alert to the fact that all the people who appear inexplicably may be ye Hongtian. The face changing of the breath collecting skill should be perfect. I have to calm down." Ye Hongtian said to himself in his heart.

Looking at Maocheng, ye Hongtian breathed deeply and asked, "I don't know if you want me to answer your doubts? I don't think I can figure out what I don't understand even when I'm old. "

"I want to ask about yexiaoyou, so only you will understand. I hope yexiaoyou can answer me truthfully. After all, yexiaoyou may become a regular customer of our tidal chamber of Commerce in the future. I just want to know yexiaoyou's identity."

Hearing this, ye Hongwei frowned? Well, actually, I came from the lower world. When I first came to the upper world, I went into a cave and got a lot of resources. After a period of practice in Zhongzhou, I realized that the resources in the cave would be used up sooner or later, so I brought my two brothers to Hongzhou for development. "

Ye Hongtian's impromptu explanation sounds reasonable to Maocheng. However, Maocheng still doesn't believe Ye Hongtian and asks, "why do you want to come to Hongzhou for development? Zhongzhou is much richer than Hongzhou. If ye Xiaoyou develops in Zhongzhou, it should be much better than that in Hongzhou. "

"Don't try, Mr. Mao. You don't know the situation in Zhongzhou. There are several powerful forces. If I just open a small shop in a small city, it may be able to support my life, but my ambition is not so. I have ambition. I want to open my shop big, and my goal is to find a powerful force like Zhenge!"

After listening to Ye Hongtian's "ambition", Mao Cheng showed an interesting look on his face and said with a smile: "Oh? Where's the ambition? Ha ha, although I can't help you to become a power of looking for treasure Pavilion, it's OK for your shop to open steadily in this tidal City, so you can set up your shop at ease. "

Now that Maocheng has said this, it shows that he has believed what ye Hongtian said. Ye Hongtian is also aware of this. He is relieved, and his face still keeps the excitement of telling others about his ambition.

Because of Ye Hongtian's superb acting skills, ye Hongtian and Maocheng completely cheated Maocheng after chatting in the room for half an hour.

And this half-hour chat is not a simple way to make Maocheng believe his identity. Ye Hongtian also gets the right to manage the slum from Maocheng, which makes Ye Hongtian very happy.

After leaving the tide chamber of Commerce, ye Hongtian went directly to the slum, untied the seals of the three houses he got at the entrance of the slum, and then came to the location of the land he bought as soon as possible.

Just before receiving the order, ou and Simao are standing in the middle of the place.

Next to the man, a half old man was persuading the man, as if to persuade him to leave.

Situ Hao and Ou linmiao find Ye Hongtian when ye Hongtian is close, and they immediately come to Ye Hongtian.

"You're here at last. That guy has been occupying our land. He doesn't let us build the house we need to open a shop. He also said that you let him. Most of all, I can't beat him. I can't get rid of him! I am so angry You linmiao said so.

Ye Hongmiao asked with a smile, "is that Ou Qiangmiao

"That's the man I got. He's proficient in the laws of earth and wood. He's in charge of the construction and repair of tidal city. He's here to build a house for us." On the other side, situ Hao returned.

Ye Hongtian showed a clear look, and then came to the half old man with a smile on his face. He meant that the half old man would wait aside first, and he communicated with the man sent by Maocheng.

A moment later, the man stood up and disappeared in the same place. Ye Hongtian turned his head and made a gesture to the half old man. He jumped out of the field and fell next to situ Hao and Ou linmiao.

After landing, ye Hongtian kept a close eye on the old man. Although he was also proficient in the laws of earth and wood, he didn't know much about building houses, mainly because he didn't study the structure of houses.

If we let him build a house with the law of soil and the law of wood, we can build it, but when the wind blows, it may fall down and can't support it.Now he wants to see how the half old man built the house, so that if he wants to build the house later, he can build it himself.

An hour passed before he knew it. At this time, a shop had been built on the vacant land bought by Ye Hongtian. Although the area was small, it looked very beautiful.

"It's a great job building a house." Ye Hongtian said wearily.

At that moment, he had been staring at the half elder without blinking an eye. Through the half elder's control of the law, he could feel the power needed to build the house.

Because he wanted to adapt to the power needed to build a house, ye Hongtian has been releasing his strength. The proportion of releasing power is the same as that of the half old man. So he would like to find a bed to lie down and sleep.

If you look at the half elder, you don't know what kind of cultivation that half elder is. After building the house without rest, you can't even breathe, just sweat a little.

This may be one of the reasons why the half old man was used to building houses, but it also shows that the semi old man's cultivation is not low, at least he is a warrior in the half step awakening state.

Seeing situ Hao take out ten pieces of Zhongpin Yuanjing and give it to the half old man. Then the half old man left and turned his head around to look at the newly built house again. His fatigue gradually disappeared.

"I didn't expect it to be finished in an hour. This is our store!"

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