Under the two people's eyes, Yu Feng Xiao frowned tightly and roared at them: "what are you looking at?"

The two were awakened by Yu fengxiao's roar, and then they recognized Yu fengxiao's voice and showed a more surprised look on their faces.

"Are you... Ye Hongtian's bird?" She asked.

As soon as he asked about the exit, a flame rose from under his feet. Fortunately, he responded in time to avoid the flame, and was almost enveloped by the whole flame.

Yu fengxiao stares at Ou linmiao with a gloomy face. The fire is constantly shining in his eyes. Behind him, there is a pair of wings composed of flames.

"What is ye hongniao called? I have a name! My name is Yu fengxiao Yu fengxiao said angrily.

Ye Hongtian is aware that Yu fengxiao can't control his emotions. When he sees the fuzzy wings behind Yu fengxiao, ye Hongtian quickly controls Yu fengxiao.

"Calm down and don't expose yourself." Ye Hongtian said to Yu fengxiao with a microphone.

After receiving Ye Hongtian's message, Yu fengxiao realized that he had just mobilized too much power and quickly put the flame back.

When Yu fengxiao is honest, ye Hongtian releases his hand, indicating that Yu fengxiao can control his emotions. Then he smiles at Ou linmiao with an apologetic smile.

"Feng Xiao has just been able to take shape these days. He can't control his mood. Don't mind, elder martial brother ou."

When he said this to ou linmiao, ye Hongtian took out the invitation that Maocheng had given him, opened it, looked at the contents, and then indicated that they could start.

Ou linmiao and situ haofei are in front, while ye Hongtian and Yu fengxiao are one body behind, flying towards the tide chamber of Commerce.

The four fell at the entrance of the tide chamber of commerce almost at the same time. After entering the tide chamber of Commerce, they found a staff member who told them the origin of the people and gave the invitation to the man. Then the man led the four to a transmission array.

"I wish you a happy party in this place."

The staff member of the tidal chamber of Commerce who brought Ye Hongtian and them here said this and left. Ou linmiao and Yu fengxiao didn't care about the staff member's leaving, so they directly prepared to enter the space array.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Hongtian and situ Hao yelled together.

Yu fengxiao and Ou linmiao stop at the same time and look back at Ye Hongtian and situ Hao. They look puzzled. They don't understand why they want them to wait.

Just when they were confused, situ Hao and Ou linmiao had already stood at the edge of the transmission array and slowly extended their hands. Then a barrier appeared to block them out.

"I see. Do you want to test our strength?" Ye Hongtian knocked at the barrier in front of him with his finger.

Voice just fell, he hit the barrier that finger suddenly burst out of a powerful force, the barrier in front of him to knock smash.

And situ Hao. Situ Hao just stroked the front barrier with his hand, and the barrier turned into light particles and dissipated.

Ou linmiao and Yu fengxiao, who were going to enter the teleportation array directly, showed a clear look on their faces. As soon as they wanted to break through the barrier, ye Hongtian and situ Hao had a very strong air.

In front of Ye Hongtian and situ Hao, a somewhat illusory wolf head is trying to hit them. This is the real obstacle Di Yan set to test their strength.

"Is it the same as the wolf head that the warrior attacks with all his strength at the beginning of half step awakening? Hum! How can an attack without any skill stop us? " Ye Hong said to himself with a cold hum.

Boom! Boom!

Two sounds similar to explosions were heard, and then the two wolves in front of Ye Hongtian and situ Hao exploded at the same time.

They looked at each other and stepped into the teleportation array. After three breaths, a light column covered them. After the light column disappeared, they disappeared.

Yu fengxiao and Ou linmiao, who were still in front of the space array, saw that situ Hao and ye Hongtian had already left. They immediately broke the barrier in front of them, and then some wolf heads attacked them. After they were scattered by them, they left here through the teleportation array.

In a palace tens of miles away from the tidal chamber of Commerce, ye Hongtian and situ Hao took the lead in arriving at the palace through the transmission array. This area still belongs to the tidal city and is a special area of the tidal chamber of Commerce.

They stayed at the gate of the palace for a while, and then they slowly entered. Yu fengxiao and situ Hao, who were sending the array, also came here.

"You're not in yet?" Yu fengxiao asked as soon as he appeared.

When ye Hongtian heard the speech, he turned back and said, "it's not to wait for you here."

After saying this, ye Hongtian doesn't care about Yu Feng Xiao. He pushes the gate of the palace in front of him and goes into the palace.

At this time, the sky outside belongs to dusk. After opening the palace gate, ye Hongtian only feels that he has entered a world of day.In this palace, countless expensive gems are used as lighting supplies, inlaid in the wall, and many chandeliers are hung above with night pearls.

Looking at the chandelier above his head with his mouth wide open, ye Hongtian shows an expression that he has never seen in the world. In this way, both situ Hao and Ou linmiao have a bitter smile on their faces.

"There are so many night pearls. How much is it worth?" Ye Hongtian sighed.

In order to make ye Hongtian feel that this place is not so luxurious, ou linmiao whispered to Ye Hongtian: "all the night pearls above are not worth as much as one of the night pearls in the secret place of XueYue sect."

Hearing this from Ou linmiao, ye Hongtian's eyebrows pricked fiercely. He thought of his token of controlling the blood moon sect in the secret place of blood moon in the sea, and his mouth raised a smile.

No longer surprised by the luxurious decoration here, ye Hongtian walked towards the depth of the palace, and soon he saw a warrior at the end of the hall.

When he came to this man, he opened his mouth and asked him something. The man said, "please come this way."

The man made a gesture of invitation to the corridor beside him, indicating that ye Hongtian and his family were walking along the corridor.

Ye Hongtian and his four people walked into the corridor side by side. The more they walked in, the darker they thought. Finally, there were no stones on both sides of the corridor.

When the four were completely in a dark environment, a bright light came from the distance, and they walked towards the light. A moment later, they came to a very wide arena.

They are in the audience. On the battlefield below, there are two warriors in the middle of half step awakening state fighting. It seems that they are fighting with each other.

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