All the things wrapped by the red fog will be corroded. Ye Hongtian constantly changes his direction in the fog. After walking for a quarter of an hour, ye Hongtian calculates his position, and then finds that he has only moved dozens of Zhang.

"It is estimated that the area covered by the blood red fog has become a natural labyrinth. There are only a few paths for people to follow. Once they go wrong, they will either return the same way or be corroded by the corrosive red fog." Ye Hongtian murmured as he walked slowly.

Walking along, ye Hongtian found a few skeletons in front of him, which seemed to be the person who had entered this area first.

"If you can't go so far without strong soul power, you are really powerful." Ye Hongtian said to the bones on the ground with some sarcastic tone.

After that, he continued to walk forward, not in the direction where the bones were. According to his soul power perception, the corrosiveness of that area can instantly corrode the Zhenyuan shield of a second or third warrior in the awakening realm.

From this point of view, there is a great advantage to have a strong soul power. As long as you find out the road you can walk on, you can keep moving forward and finally go into the central area where the human mirror is located.

However, ye Hongtian soon knew that he was wrong. At this time, he was only about 100 meters away from the central area where the Wuren mirror was located. However, ye Hongtian did not perceive that the fog Corrosivity in that area was weak. It was impossible to use soul power to find the route with the weakest corrosivity to enter the central area Yes.

"I didn't expect to finally break through. I can still resist the fog in front of me. But I can't resist the fog within a distance of 10 Zhang around Wuren mirror. It's estimated that no one can enter the area before. Can we only drag it to the high level of Bai family? Tut Ye Hongtian stares at the mirror that can be seen with naked eyes and says seriously.

While staring at the Wuren mirror, ye Hongtian's eye just glanced at a place 10 Zhang away from the Wu Ren mirror. There were several martial arts men sitting there. They seemed to be preparing for something. There was fog between them. Ye Hongtian could also feel the power of those people.

"Is this... To break up the fog? Can this be done? "

Ye Hongtian has doubts about those people's ideas, but so far it seems that only this method can be tried, so ye Hongtian himself began to mobilize his strength.

If you want to dispel the fog, the law of wind is the most appropriate. Ye Hongtian pushes his own understanding of the origin of wind to the extreme. The terrible wind law sweeps out of him, and the weaker fog around him is soon blown away under Ye Hongtian's wind law.

Aware of this situation, ye Hongtian looks surprised. He maximizes the law of wind and condenses the law of his own wind into a tornado to wrap himself, thus forming a vacuum zone in his central area.

"Tornado of wind! Get up

Ye Hongtian drinks softly in the tornado, and then the whole tornado begins to move towards the central area. The blood red fog near the tornado will be blown away by the tornado after contacting the tornado.

The method of dispelling the blood red fog with the law of wind is useful. Ye Hongtian immediately starts to approach the Wuren mirror.

However, the sudden appearance of such a powerful tornado will naturally attract the attention of those martial arts sitting nearby. In addition, the blood red fog blown away by Ye Hongtian is basically blown to their side, which leads to the limitation of their activity space. They immediately have hostility to Ye Hongtian.

"How dare you get close to the treasure before us! Let's attack the tornado together! Let him die in the fog A warrior in the awakening state yelled so loudly.

After listening to this warrior's words, the warriors around him immediately began to gather and attack Ye Hongtian. At this time, ye Hongtian, who was approaching the Wuren mirror, did not know that he was about to be attacked. His attention was focused on dispelling the fog and on the Wuren mirror not far away.


The first attack bombarded Ye Hongtian's tornado. Ye Hongtian was startled by the noise of the attack.

"What's going on?"

Ye Hongtian hastens to release the soul power against the danger of being eroded, and soon discovers that those warriors are gathering their strength to attack themselves.

He wanted to ignore those people's attacks, but the situation did not allow him to do so. Using the law of wind to gather this wind tornado has already used a lot of his strength. Now, if he is hit by a large number of attacks by those warriors, his wind tornado will probably dissipate. By then, the blood red fog will cover him, and he will become a dead bone instantly.

Because of the danger of death, ye Hongtian did not show mercy to those warriors. Since these people used their own Zhenyuan to resist the corrosion of blood red fog, ye Hongtian had the idea of letting those people's Zhenyuan dry up.

Take a deep breath and gather the Zhenyuan sphere on his body. His Zhenyuan has strong corrosiveness to Zhenyuan because of the changes in the elixir field and the refining of a large amount of putrefactive liquid. If the Zhenyuan sphere is right in the Zhenyuan shield of those people, ye hongtianguang will find it interesting to imagine."Since you want to disperse my tornado of wind, I'll defeat your Zhenyuan shield first. I'll see how you guys will face the corrosive fog without the protection of Zhenyuan shield!"

After ye Hongtian said this, he controlled Zhenyuan sphere to fly towards those people. Zhenyuan sphere made a "hiss hiss" sound when it came into contact with the blood red fog. After a burst of corrosion of the blood red fog, the Zhenyuan sphere that flew in front of those warriors was only the size of the head.

Those warriors were prepared to resist Ye Hongtian's attack, but they laughed when they saw that ye Hongtian's attack became small and slow under the corrosion of blood red fog.

"Ha ha! Is this your counterattack? Too bad! I can't even crack the shield A warrior who is closest to Ye Hongtian's Zhenyuan sphere said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, ye Hongtian's Zhenyuan sphere exploded, and the big head Zhenyuan sphere turned into a large amount of Zhenyuan water dripping on the guard of those people's Zhenyuan. As long as it was touched by those Zhenyuan water drops, a big hole would be eroded. One of the Zhenyuan water drops just eroded the Zhenyuan shield of the warrior who ridiculed Ye Hongtian and dropped into the warrior's mouth.

Taking Fuyuan liquid directly will make people's elixir unable to use Zhenyuan for the time being. Taking Ye Hongtian's Zhenyuan directly is also a truth. The Zhenyuan shield around the person will disappear directly.

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