Inside the ship, ye Hongtian and others walk in an aisle. There are many rooms on both sides of the aisle. These rooms are for passengers to live in temporarily.

The red maple warrior who entered the ship from the entrance of the ship trotted to Ye Hongtian and others, and then immediately began to introduce the things on the ship to Ye Hongtian and others.

"This medium-sized ship built by the tidal chamber of Commerce has three floors in addition to the deck. Our floor belongs to the first floor. It is a floor for passengers to have a rest. There are 500 rooms in total. Since several people have contracted the ship this time, you can choose the 500 rooms."

"At the bottom of this floor, there are large restaurants. Generally, there will be all kinds of delicious food 24 hours a day. However, as Hong Feng chamber of Commerce has just taken over the tidal chamber of Commerce, I have not been able to find a suitable chef, so that floor can not be used for the time being."

"The third floor is the warehouse. Generally, if you need to transport any goods to Yuanhai City, it will be used. Usually, passengers are not allowed to go there. This time, there is nothing there. You can just carry out activities on the first floor."

After introducing the ship to Ye Hongtian and others, the warrior of Hongfeng chamber of Commerce left here, saying that if there were any problems, he would go to the ship control room at the end of the aisle to find him.

Ye Hongtian and they didn't have anything special to ask, so they chose their own rooms. Situ Hao and Ou linmiao said it would be better to get closer to the ship control room, so they chose the room next to the ship control room, while Yu fengxiao chose the room closest to the entrance.

Yu fengxiao and they all chose the room. Ye Hongtian did not hesitate too much. He chose the room opposite Yu fengxiao. But when he opened the door of the room, he was stunned.

In the room, Xiaochen is sitting on the bed, wiping a broad sword with a cloth. When ye Hongtian opens the door, he notices Ye Hongtian and shows a look of doubt towards him.

"What do you question? Don't make it look like you should be here. " Ye Hongtian looks at Xiaochen and says with black lines all over his face.

Xiaochen smell speech put up the look of doubt and said with a smile: "I was ready to solve the tide chamber of Commerce, so I went to Yuanhai city for a visit. After I learned that the tide chamber of Commerce was taken over by the red maple chamber of Commerce, I went to find brother Zheng, and then he arranged me on this ship. I also learned today that I was going to Yuanhai city with you."

After learning about Xiaochen's presence here, ye Hongtian draws his mouth and scolds Zheng Xie in his heart. However, he specially reminds Zheng Xie not to reveal their whereabouts, but now Zheng Xie even lets other people get on the ship. Fortunately, Xiaochen, who is on the ship, should be OK.

"Since you are going to Yuanhai City, then you can live with us in Yuanhai city. It can also be regarded as mutual care. I will go to other rooms without disturbing you."

So Xiaochen said a word, ye Hongtian closed the door, went to the door of the room next door to Yu fengxiao, opened the door and walked in.

Just because for Xiaochen also feel surprised in the boat, did not notice the room here, now into the room, after Ye Hong genius carefully looked at the room.

As the room is used as a guest room, so the items here are very clean and tidy. There are all kinds of things needed in daily life. It can be regarded as a very good room.

Remember the location of the objects in the room, ye Hongtian is ready to put Ziming on the bed, but when he came to the bed, he noticed an embarrassing problem.

"Well, the beds here... Are so small."

Ye Hongtian said this melancholy. Then he took a look at Ziming in his arms and sighed. He was ready to put Ziming in his next room.

But he just took a step towards the door and stopped. He thought that if Ziming was settled next door, he would not be able to sleep with Ziming in his arms. His face became very dignified. He immediately put Ziming on the bed in his room.

Let Ziming lie in a comfortable position, and ye Hongtian is ready to rest. He takes off his shoes and lies beside Ziming. Looking at Ziming's closed eyes, ye Hongtian feels inexplicable pain.

"Wake up, purple hell."

With these words, ye Hongtian also closed his eyes. Although he had a long rest in the four days when Hongfeng chamber of Commerce accepted tide chamber of commerce completely, taking a nap is good for people's spirit.

At the same time when ye Hongtian fell asleep, in a pure white palace in Yuanhai city hundreds of thousands of miles away from the tidal City, a man with white pupil sat on a chair and looked at the two disciples of xueyuezong who were bound with their hands and knelt on the ground in front of him with a look of mole ants. There was a little banter in his eyes.

"Well, under my pursuit, you two can hide for nearly a month. You are the two most able to hide among all the blood moon worshippers in Yuanhai city! Do you have any last words? I'd like to hear your last words. " The white pupil man said to the two xueyuezong disciples.

The two xueyuezong disciples did not reply. They were staring at the white Tong man with hatred in their eyes. It seemed that they wanted to cut the white Tong man into pieces.However, under the gaze of this kind of eyes, the white pupil man even showed an intoxicated look, and his face showed a disgusting smile. His left hand held the right arm tightly, and the right hand held the left arm tightly, just as if he wanted to hold himself tightly. His body began to twist.

"Ah! That's the look, how intoxicating! You can't stop! A little more! I want more! "

The white pupil man said these words, and his face appeared to blush inexplicably. This scene shocked the two xueyuezong disciples, and then disgusted. One of them even made a retching action.

After this action, the whole body of this person was broken, and the meat was splashed everywhere. The person next to him immediately widened his eyes and his pupils trembled wildly.

Just as the frightened disciple of xueyuezong was about to say something, the same fate came to him, turning into a pile of meat in an instant.

"Ha ha! What a beautiful color of blood. It's really interesting. It's a pity that there are no disciples of xueyuezong in Yuanhai city. Hey, why don't I go back to Hongzhou to play This white pupil man still a face intoxicated look said.

At this time, a slight hum came out from his chest position, which made him restrain his intoxicated expression. He put his hand to touch the chest pocket of his clothes, and then took out a jade pendant.

"Elder Bai shuoyu, after investigation, it is suspected that the young master of XueYue sect and his party have gone to Yuanhai city by the ship of tide chamber of Commerce. Please be sure to kill Ye Hongtian, the young master of XueYue sect, in Yuanhai city!"

A voice came from the jade pendant. The white pupil man who heard the voice once again looked intoxicated. He said, "is the little master of XueYue sect? Just ordinary disciples can make me so happy, so what about you? What kind of pleasure can you make me feel? I'm looking forward to it. "

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