After a quarter of an hour, yingsi did not wake up, which surprised Ye Hongtian. The needle on yingsi's forehead had already been pulled out, and it would not take long to wake up. But now it seems that ye Hongtian has made a mistake.

He thought that it might be because his constitution was different from that of yingsi, so yingsi didn't wake up. As soon as ye Hongtian patted yingsi's back, all the gold needles popped up at the same time and dissipated in the air.

He has already completed the treatment for yingsi in the way he remembers. Although there is some deviation, he can feel that the injury in yingsi is recovering at a faster speed. Baiyu pill may also be able to achieve this recovery speed, but for some special injuries, the acupuncture technique is still very good.

"The next time you see Master Louis, you must ask him for advice on acupuncture and moxibustion. Learning medicine is also very important for future survival."

With this murmur, ye Hongtian went back to the table where Yusen and his wife Sat. after finishing the job, he glanced at the four people. Seeing that all four people were just drinking tea, he closed his eyes and began to recover.

It's still a big expense for him to condense hundreds of gold needles by the golden way. Although it's small in size, it costs more than that of hundreds of swords. After all, the condensed sword is just a copy without paying attention to its shape. However, each of the hundreds of gold needles condensed this time is different, with different thickness and length. Each gold needle has a lot to say Research.

As he regained his physical strength, he pondered over the different meanings of the thickness and length of the gold needles in his mind. Just after these thoughts, he was awakened by the sound of a door opening.

"Suwu, welcome back. What do you find?" One side of the rain Sen mouth way.

When ye Hongtian hears the speech and looks back, he sees Shu Wu backhand closing the door and coming towards them.

Standing in front of Ye Hongtian, he looked at Ye Hongtian, then looked back at Yusen and said, "there is no special discovery, but there seems to be a mess in the brandy club. In one night, more than 800 grass-roots personnel were killed, and a four heavy warrior in the awakening state was killed. All of them died in a magical way. All of them were killed with one stroke of a second In the brandy club, we are looking for the assassin in quanyuanhai city. "

Hongshu said: "at this point in one fell swoop on the tea table, it seems that ye Duotian's eyes are very good

Ye Hongtian confirmed the incident himself, which shocked all the people present. They could perceive that ye Hong's naive and real cultivation was only in the early stage of half step awakening state, and it was the kind that had just broken through soon. Even if the cultivation level was completely stable, it should not be able to win the martial arts with four levels of awakening state.

But ye Hongtian can not only win a wuzhe in the awakening state, but also kill that wuzhe in the awakening state! It also reaches the level of one shot and second kill, which makes people think about it carefully.

"You have really done a very pleasant thing, but you should be more careful in the future. The birch you mentioned last time is against us again. I drew with him, but I know very well that the birch didn't exert all his strength. As for the injury that has been caused by Bai shuoyu, President of the brandy society." Rain Sen showed a smile way.

"Yusen, don't mention these things any more. Have you figured out what to do next?"

As soon as the words fell, yingsi's voice came over. People turned around and saw that yingsi had already sat up. At this time, he did not have the feeling of sickness and lethargy when ye Hongtian had just arrived. His pale face was flushed, and he seemed to have recovered a lot.

Ye Hongtian was going to see yingsi's physical condition, but as soon as he got up, yingsi turned over and got out of bed. As soon as he got out of bed, he was a little unstable. However, after a few moments, he stabilized himself and walked to the side of suwuwu.

"As for the previous time, I have already owed you two. If I don't thank you, I will find a chance to return the favor." Yingsi looks at Ye Hongtian and says.

The last time that yingsi mentioned was the time when he went to rescue Su Mei and Su Tao. At that time, yingsi was in a very poor condition. He had to rely on Ye Hongtian's Baiyu pill to hang his life. However, ye Hongtian did not think that Ying Si would hide his serious injury by means of means. Even his soul power exploration was unable to solve the means, and ye Hongtian had no emergency this time We have to do it, so we have time. We can't support the method of hiding the injury.

Ye Hongtian is very happy to let yingsi owe him two favors. After all, yingsi's strength has been able to compare with the six heavy warriors in the awakening state. In Yuanhai City, there are not many martial artists who have achieved higher accomplishments than those in the awakening state. If there is shadow, he will have two more lives.

"You come here and sit down. I'll help you with the treatment. By the way, you can talk about Bai shuoyu's strength and understand his strength, so as not to do anything in case of encountering him in the future." Ye Hongtian let the chair out and said.

After hearing the speech, Ying Si sat down directly on the chair, and then several gold needles stabbed him in the back of his neck, which made him widen his eyes."Hiss! Pain, pain, pain! Wing ah, otherwise the matter of Bai shuoyu will not be mentioned for the time being. You can make me dizzy with a few needles as you just did, and wake me up after you have tossed around. "

When yingsi said this, all the people present were surprised. They didn't expect that yingsi, who always had a serious and calm influence, would ask Ye Hongtian to make him dizzy because of the pain.

Ye Hongtian didn't find it strange, because he also felt the pain of acupuncture on his body. When he used acupuncture according to Louis's method, the pain was hundreds or even thousands of times higher than that of ordinary acupuncture. The pain was really unbearable.

However, understanding the pain of yingsi does not mean that ye Hongtian will help yingsi faint again. His face shows a smile similar to that of a devil. After that, the speed of the gold needle on yingsi is much faster.

This time, the gold needle didn't stick all over yingsi's back, but inserted the back of his head, head and neck. The expression of yingsi at this time was very distorted, and his face was already flushed and turned pale because of the pain. However, along with the pain, there was also the comfort of healing the whole body.

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