Ye Hongtian has been psychologically prepared for this. After all, if the action fails, ye Hongtian will fail to fulfill his promise.

After the action plan is finished, ye Hongtian has returned to the peak state, and the next step is to start the action.

When you leave Ye Hongtian's room to find Gang Heyan, Shanwei appears again to remind Ye Hongtian of his physical problems.

"Lord, you just activated the blood moon order in the morning, which is very harmful to your health. For your health's sake, I suggest you cancel this plan!"

Shanwei is worried about ye Hongtian's physical condition, which ye Hongtian understands.

But ye Hongtian's physical condition is only known by Ye Hongtian himself. Although his body function weakened a lot when he first activated xueyueling, he has been fully recovered with the help of Gufeng Nirvana formula.

In order to reassure Shanwei, ye Hongtian said: "senior Shanwei, I'm not as fragile as you think. My recovery ability is very strong. You should also know that I have recovered well."

With that, ye Hongtian opened his arms and was ready to be inspected by Shanwei.

Shanwei takes a deep look at Ye Hongtian and disappears in front of Ye Hongtian without checking his body.

Shanwei hides in the dark again, which can be regarded as tacit approval of Ye Hongtian's action.

From the room out, came to the first floor of the inn, the first floor is very busy, many diners sitting on the first floor are talking about the cold Xuan gold vein.

This inn is a famous one in the dark city. It's not unusual for ye Hongtian to have so many people. He just found a table and sat down.

He ordered several dishes with monster as the food material, and prepared to satisfy the taste buds first.

In the process of waiting for the dishes, ye Hongtian releases his soul power, and the voice on the first floor of the inn will be transformed into information and transmitted into Ye Hongtian's brain.

"Have you heard? Many people died in the opening of hanxuan gold vein this time! It seems that someone hired a killer to enter the gold vein

"Ah? I didn't expect that someone would kill people blatantly in the opening of the hanxuan gold vein. Fortunately, I didn't go in. "

"When it comes to hired killers, I remember that there was a demon in the cold Xuan gold mine! Many of those who offended him died. Even Zhang Dao, the famous Dao in our dark city, died in his hand. "

"Zhang Dao is dead!"?! Is that demon half holy land

"No, it's said that he is just a dual warrior in the awakening state, and not only kills the peak warrior in the awakening state, but also the man who gains the most from the snatching of Han Xuanjin."

"No! Is it really just the duality of awakening state...

all the things discussed by these warriors are known to Ye Hongtian, which is not helpful to Ye Hongtian.

It's good to hear how these people talk about themselves. Ye Hongtian continues to listen. At this time, he hears a topic that interests him.

They are two middle-aged men who seem to be very ordinary, but a little perception shows that both of them have the highest cultivation of awakening state.

On one of them, ye Hongtian found a badge representing the identity of Tianhuo aristocratic family, which is why Ye Hongtian first noticed the two men.

As for the identity of the other person, there is no special place for ye Hongtian to judge.

This topic was started by the Unknown Warrior. Before talking about this topic, the two men repeatedly confirmed whether sound insulation measures had been taken.

, Ye Hongtian wanted to make complaints about this point. Why do we have to choose what to talk in this place where the people do not want to be heard?

Leaving this question behind for a while, ye Hongtian listened to the Unknown Warrior saying, "the goods presented to the elder this time are absolutely excellent! And through the bone age test, at most in their early twenties! "

"Bone age test? Did you touch her? " The martial man of the Tianhuo family frowned at his words.

It seems that the warrior of Tianhuo family is not happy. The Unknown Warrior starts to explain immediately.

"No! It's just a simple bone age test! "

"I don't care if you touch it or not. You know the elder's request. If you find that person's goods are not clean, then I'm not here to pick up the goods!"

"What you know, what you know, the goods are in the Lord's mansion. When do you want to go..."

the conversation between the two makes Ye Hongtian smile. From the conversation between these two people, it's easy to guess that the goods they said should be living people.

"I didn't expect Tianhuo family to buy living people. It's estimated that it's women, eh."

Thinking of this in his mind, ye Hongtian sees that the second boy is coming towards this side with his dishes. After the second one has arranged the dishes, ye Hongtian holds the waiter with his hand.

There were so many people in the inn that he was suddenly stopped, which made the waiter's face a little bad.

Xiao Er just wanted to scold Ye Hongtian, but when he looked back, he saw that ye Hongtian was holding two pieces of Zhongpin Yuanjing in his hand, and immediately swallowed up the words."Sir, is there anything you want to know?" The waiter asked with a smile.

"You are smart, yes, I have something to ask. As long as your answer makes me satisfied, these two pieces of Zhongpin Yuanjing will be given to you."

Ye Hongtian put two pieces of Zhongpin Yuanjing on the table, and then began to communicate with Xiaoer with a microphone.

"Do you have any information about the transaction between the Tianhuo family and the dark city Lord's mansion?"

This problem is very direct, because ye Hongtian didn't beat around the Bush because he used the microphone.

However, after receiving the message from ye Hongtian, he didn't answer immediately. From his expression, ye Hongtian could see that he was frightened. It was obvious that he knew something, but he didn't dare to say it.

In this case, the key to get intelligence is to calm down the emotions of the sophomore.

Of course, only words can't calm down the emotion of sophomore, so once Ye Hongtian turns his hand, another piece of Shangpin Yuanjing appears in his hand.

"Tell me what you know. This top grade Yuanjing belongs to you." Ye Hongtian said.

After seeing ye Hongtian's Shangpin Yuanjing in his hand, Xiao Er fiercely swallows a mouthful of foam. After hesitating for a moment, he still loses to Shangpin Yuanjing.

After listening to the voice of the second child, he said: "we don't know much about the transaction between the city Lord's mansion and the Tianhuo aristocratic family. It seems that an elder of the Tianhuo aristocratic family needs a good female cauldron regularly, and it's not only our dark city and the Tianhuo aristocratic family that have such transactions, but also many towns in remote areas have such transactions."

After learning this from the sophomore, ye Hongtian confirms his idea. After giving Yuanjing to the sophomore, ye Hongtian thinks of the moon he is going to rescue next, and his face becomes dignified.

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