After more than ten minutes, ye Hongtian's space law did not last for a day as the tall man expected. Those cracks in the air soon healed.

Aware of the disappearance of the space crack, the tall man who just closed his eyes opened his eyes and looked forward to see ye Hongtian standing five feet away.

Not far in front of Ye Hongtian, Jin long, who had entered the space field before, was lying there. His cultivation fell to the point where the breath of Jin long in the eight fold awakening realm was so weak that it was hard to detect. An ordinary person might be able to kill this once semi holy realm warrior.

"Great, great! I can feel that you are very weak now. You are not unscathed by my strengthened attack. Now you have no strength to fight back. " Said the tall man with a smile on his face.

Ye Hongtian did not speak. He raised his heavy eyelids and looked at the tall man. Then he stretched his hand forward, and the white ball on his head floated into his hand.

This white ball is made up of all kinds of rules understood by Ye Hongtian. It is exactly Ye Hongtian's strongest martial art - wandaomie!

At the moment, the wandaomie is already in the form of condensation. Ye Hongtian seldom has the opportunity to integrate the wandaomie. The complete wandaomie is not only astringent in breath, but also terrifying in power. How terrifying the wandaomie is, even ye Hongtian, who condenses the wandaomie, is not clear to us.

The tall man saw Ye Hongtian holding Wan daomie in front of his hand. He didn't know what special place there was in the white ball which seemed to have no breath.

Thinking that he was almost in the peak state, and ye Hongtian was running out of oil, he could not help satirizing Ye Hongtian.

"No, ye Hongtian, what do you want to do with a child's toy? Think floating is a killer? There are so many floating things on the mainland

"You can't beat me now! I think it's a very good choice for you to commit suicide, because you don't have to be tortured by me. You don't want to experience the feeling that life is not like death. "

"As long as I heard about the devil Hongzhou, it's really interesting that ye Hongzhou is dead."


the tall man seems to have endless words. He wants to see the special expression change on Ye Hongtian's face, but ye Hongtian has always been expressionless, which makes the tall man feel uncomfortable.

"You are really boring, ye Hongtian. If you solve the problem, xueyuezong will be destroyed by our yunhaimen in an instant. At that time, no one in xueyuezong will live, and they will die. It is all because of you, the patriarch. I will send you down first. Before they go down to accompany you, you should think about how to apologize to them." The tall man said with a cold face.

With his feet on the ground, the tall man rushed to Ye Hongtian like a cannon ball. Almost instantly, he crossed a distance of five Zhang and came to Ye Hongtian.


With a big drink, the tall man punched Ye Hongtian's head. In this boxing, ye Hongtian's head would be broken like a watermelon.

However, when the big man's fist was still a foot away from ye Hongtian's head, Wan daomie in Ye Hongtian's hand burst out a dazzling white light, flew out faster and hit the big man's chest.

The impact of wandaomie made the tall man vomit a mouthful of blood, and then the law of terror began to attack his body, inhibiting his recovery ability.

"What power is this?"?! Why is it so weird? So many rules! How can we get together! What magic weapon is this Tall man panic way.

He didn't know that wandaomie was a martial art used by Ye Hongtian, but thought that ye Hongtian used some powerful magic weapon to attack.

Ye Hongtian didn't answer the tall man. The reason why he could still stand well because he was holding his body through the power of wandaomie.

At the moment of wandaomie's release, without the power supply of wandaomie, he directly lay on the ground.

His eyelids are very heavy, but now is not the time to close his eyes and rest. He is staring at the tall man who was hit by Wan daomie in the front, hoping to witness the scene of the tall man being killed by Wan daomie.

The light of wandaomie is in full swing, the law of terror breaks out and spreads around like a tide. Everything passing by will be powdered by the power of the law of terror.

At this time, the position of the tall man has been completely covered by the dazzling white light of wandaomie. Through the mirror image of yin and Yang eyes, ye Hongtian can see that the tall man is struggling under the power of the law.

Previously, the terrifying resilience was shrouded in the law of wandaomie, and the effect was suppressed to the lowest level. The flesh on the body fell one by one, and many wounds had exposed the forest bones.

The tall man is shouting, but the power of Wan daomie completely blocks his voice. Ye Hongtian can only rely on his lips to see that there are three words "impossible" in the words of the tall man's cry. It must be that he is surprised by the power of Wan daomie.

The law of wandaomie broke out for a quarter of an hour. In the area covered by wandaomie, except that ye Hongtian was immune to his own moves, other things became ashes, and tall men were no exception.From fighting the tall man to now, the only means that the tall man has shown is his terrible resilience and the ability to turn his own hurt into strength.

He must still have his cards. Unfortunately, ye Hongtian has used the card of wandaomie first. He has no chance to play those cards again.

This time, the death of the tall man was completely confirmed. Ye Hongtian was relieved. Tired and sleepy, ye Hongtian fell asleep.

About an hour later, the leader of Qiushui mountain villa who received a message from ye Hongtian and song Linluo and song Yin left Shuanglong Village returned here.

He flew in the sky with Zhenyuan and looked at the scene below. His old face was shocked.

Shuanglong Village is located in a large forest, covering a very large area, which is equivalent to half a year of xueyuezong.

But now the forest where Shuanglong Village is located has turned into a no green open space. The Shuanglong Village in this area has naturally disappeared.

"I remember that Shuanglong Village is in this position. Am I really old? Can you even recognize the way? " The master of Qiushui villa wiped his forehead and said.

As soon as he finished, the leader of Qiushui mountain villa saw a very embarrassed warrior of Shuanglong Village. This is the only living person he saw after he came back here!

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