"Well, I've said it. I don't know where it is. I want to give it to you. If I know where it is, I'll give it to you."

Ye Hongtian looks a little anxious, and his acting is impeccable. The old man in grey clothes also frowns slightly.

Seeing that the other party was moved, ye Hongtian continued: "otherwise, since you know that the boundary core is on me, you must find out the position of the boundary core in some way. Why don't you try to find out which position the boundary core is hiding on me carefully?"

"I can only judge the general location, but I can't confirm the specific location. Anyway, the boundary core is on you. If I kill you, it will definitely come out!"

The old man in gray clothes was about to believe Ye Hongtian, but suddenly he was in trouble, which made Ye Hongtian startled. He quickly stepped back to distance himself from the old man in gray clothes.

But the speed of the other side can be described as fast to terror. Ye Hongtian spreads his wings, uses the divine carving line, and opens the secret of the elixir field and the five elements in one, but he is still not as fast as the other side.

In the blink of an eye, ye Hongtian was caught up. When he was ready to fight back, a fist had already hit him on the chest, making him fall to the ground.

The speed of falling is very fast, more than ten feet high. In an instant, he reached the ground, but he fell heavily on the ground. The anti earthquake force also made Ye Hongtian bounce a few feet high again.

His chest is stuffy, and his congestion gets stuck in his chest. Ye Hongtian coughs twice, but it doesn't work. As soon as he wants to sit up, the old man in grey steps on his chest and makes him vomit the congestion, but it's not easy.

"Old man... Cough! I can't hand over the core, you don't believe me, OK! Then fight to the end! " Ye Hongtian said coldly.

The old man in grey scoffs at Ye Hongtian's words. He was going to satirize Ye Hongtian, a warrior in the awakening world, about how he could fight with himself. But before he spoke, his expression became dignified.

With Ye Hongtian's burning of Gufeng's essence and blood, ye Hongtian's breath began to expand rapidly.

Next second, a sword made of black iron seems to be held by Ye Hongtian. It's the change of heaven!

A sword! The mirage array in the sky change didn't dissipate, and the speed was very fast. The action of wielding the sword turned into the shadow of Tao.

The terrible sword Qi cuts out and points directly at the old man's neck, which makes the old man's eyes shrink. He has to open the distance between him and ye Hongtian, and starts to look at this seven fold warrior in the awakening state.

"Did you hide your accomplishments?"

This is the old man's first thought, but he shook his head and denied it. Judging from his perception, ye Hongtian's cultivation breath is real.

"Since it's not hidden cultivation, it's that you have the ability to cross the level of challenge. The seven warriors in the awakening realm can cut a sword that I, the semi holy realm peak warrior, taboo! You will die today

The old man in grey narrowed his eyes and stared at Ye Hongtian. The more he said, the more shocked he was. Finally, these shocks turned into a strong sense of killing. He said that ye Hongtian would die today. In fact, he did not dare to let Ye Hongtian leave here and continue to grow up. He had to kill Ye Hongtian today!

Ye Hongtian only sneered at the old man's words, and then his face sank.

With a snap of the fingers, the power of the small world began to gather on the old man in grey clothes, and the gathering speed was very fast.

As a warrior at the peak of the semi holy land, the old man in grey has been able to initially perceive the existence of the power of heaven and earth. He was shocked at first, and then he began to dodge to prevent the power of heaven and earth from touching here.

But after all, this is the power of heaven and earth in this small world. As long as the old man in grey is in this small world, he is destined to be touched. He only dodges for a few breath, and the old man in grey is covered by the power of heaven and earth.

Ordinary Zhenyuan and soul power can't shake the power of heaven and earth. The old man in grey chose to attack Ye Hongtian directly after being enveloped by the power of heaven and earth.

On the way to Ye Hongtian, he could clearly feel that his cultivation was being suppressed by the power of heaven and earth. He soon suppressed to the late stage of the semi holy land, and finally suppressed to the degree of entering the late stage of the semi holy land.

At this time, he has come to Ye Hongtian. Looking at the hairy smile on Ye Hongtian's face, the old man in grey tried to retreat, but he didn't have time.


I don't know when the two well agglomerated annihilation thunder pearls fly out from behind Ye Hongtian. They smash on the old man in gray clothes and explode.

The whirlpool of the law envelops the old man in grey, while ye Hongtian rushes directly into the whirlpool of the law. Holding up the Tianbian in his hand is a sword of space extinction!

After the sword was cut out, ye Hongtian's action was not over. His mind moved. He just realized the time rule and used two one inch long milky white fine needles to the old man in grey.

Although the two milky white needles were released behind the space extinction sword, their speed was faster than the sword spirit of the space extinction sword, and they instantly hit the old man in grey who was being restrained by the vortex of the law.

One stabbed into the old man's left eye, and the other stabbed in his eyebrow.At the moment when the needle was inserted into the left eye of the old man in grey clothes, the old man only felt that the picture he saw in his left eye seemed to have changed a little.

From the right eye, you can see that the sword Qi of the space extinction sword is less than ten feet away from you. From the left eye, ye Hongcai has just cut out the space extinction sword!

"What kind of heresy is this?" The old man in grey panicked.

He wanted to burn his blood essence to break through the restriction of the law vortex, but he found that his body movement seemed to be a beat slower. He didn't start to burn his blood essence until the space extinction sword cut him.

"Ah, ah

The scream comes from the vortex of law. Ye Hongtian is at the edge of the vortex of law. He doesn't relax when he hears the scream, because he can still feel the smell of the old man in grey.

When the law vortex dissipates and the center of the vortex, the old man in grey is floating there. His left arm is cut off from his shoulder, and the wound is gushing with blood. However, he doesn't care and stares at Ye Hongtian.

"No! You have refined the world nuclear! It's almost impossible! I don't believe it! I don't believe it! That's what all our geniuses didn't do back then! " The old man in grey looked a little crazy and roared.

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean that others can't do it. There are mountains outside the mountains and there are people outside the people. Don't you understand that after living so long?" Ye Hongtian's expression is very flat. He once again uses the power of heaven and earth to suppress the cultivation of the old man in grey clothes. He wants to suppress the cultivation of the old man in grey clothes to a lower level while he is seriously injured, so as to prevent him from fighting back when he is dying.

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