The inn, which has been running for such a long time, will be demolished suddenly, which makes no one know why.

But as ye Hongtian took out a large number of Yuanjing, in less than a quarter of an hour, the Yuanjing Ye Hongtian took out could already buy two or three similar inns.

Under the pressure of innumerable Yuanjing, the innkeeper finally gave in, apologized to the current residents, and gave them some Yuanjing compensation. Of course, ye Hongtian was responsible for the compensation.

As not all the residents will accept Yuan Jing's compensation to leave, it is difficult for some residents to communicate with each other. It took more than an hour to empty the inn.

Ye Hongtian and the innkeeper walked out of the inn, and the innkeeper looked at the inn with obvious reluctance.

"Shopkeeper, you have also accepted the Yuan Jing I gave you. Don't regret it. It's no problem for those Yuan Jing to buy two or three inns. It's a steady business." Ye Hongtian said, blocking the line of sight of the innkeeper.

The innkeeper sighed after hearing the speech and nodded to leave here. The previous reluctance seemed to be pretended. When he left, he walked very fast, and even felt afraid of Ye Hongtian's repentance.

Seeing the innkeeper leave, ye Hongtian is ready to demolish the building. The inn has three floors, but the materials used to build the inn are not good. Only a little bit of law power is used, and the building falls apart.

The boards and stones on the ground are laid out one by one. They are not damaged. They can still be used. It's just that the materials used to build the XueYue Pavilion will not use these materials. He will buy good materials from other places to build it again.

as like as two peas in the three days, Ye Hongtian bought a good material from a large exchange of Yuan crystal in a stock exchange in the dark city, and asked people to build a identical pattern in accordance with the style of the Dongyang City's blood moon Pavilion.

After the completion of XueYue Pavilion, ye Hongtian and the disciples of XueYue sect live in it. Ye Hongtian lives in the only room on the top floor, where crystal balls are placed to monitor the whole situation of XueYue Pavilion, and it is also a top practice room.

Ye Hongtian was ready to stay here to practice before the rain god's secret place was opened. He didn't know how those who participated in the Shenjian array reacted to their respective sects. However, Chu Shikun's appearance must have attracted the attention of the jun family and improved his strength as soon as possible. At that time, if the jun family came to xueyuezong, he should not delay Chu Shikun.

But what ye Hongtian didn't expect was that the people of jun family didn't come to the door. Instead, the first one who came to the door was the representative of Yu family.

The representative of the Yu family came back to the underground arena of the dark city with the teleportation array near the Jianshen array, so he was much faster than ye Hongtian.

He searched for ye Hongtian in the dark city for a whole day. He went to the Lord's mansion of the dark city. After inquiring about the news, he looked for the place Ye Hongtian had been to. Finally, he heard that the inn in the center of the dark city today was renamed XueYue Pavilion, so he found it.

It's not a secret that ye Hongtian, as the representative of Shengdu sect, competes for the number of seats. All the major sects have already learned about the situation, and so have the Yu family.

There is no hatred between the Yu family and ye Hongtian. The reason why the representatives of the Yu family want to find Ye Hongtian is that after ye Hongtian left, the Jianshen array can no longer be used.

Jianshen array is called insight ancient array by people in Shenwu continent. They have not experienced what ye Hongtian experienced in the array, so they do not know the danger of insight ancient array. Representatives of Yu family, including senior members of Yu family, think that ye Hongtian has damaged insight ancient array and should bear the responsibility.

"What about ye? Have you ruined my family's insight into the ancient array, and have you set up an inn in the dark city? You guys hurry up and call ye Hongtian to me! "

Representatives of the Yu family roared at the first floor of the XueYue Pavilion, and instructed the XueYue Zongwu who was putting vases on one side to call ye Hongtian.

For a time, the representative of the Yu family was a madman in the eyes of these xueyuezong disciples. However, the breath of the representative of the Yu family, which belonged to the semi holy land, made them dare not resist. They had to go upstairs to report the situation to Ye Hongtian.

Although Ye Hongtian was practicing on the top floor of his room, he also saw what happened on the first floor because of the crystal ball in front of him.

Without waiting for the xueyuezong disciple to reach the top floor, ye Hongtian got up and walked down the stairs.

On the first floor, he walked to the representative of the Yu family, who was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed. At this time, the representative of the Yu family found Ye Hongtian and assumed the posture of a superior.

"Ye Hongtian, you should know what I'm looking for you for? You need to give an explanation to understand the ancient array. " Representative Yu said so.

Hearing this, ye Hongtian chuckled and asked suspiciously, "what's the saying? Don't you know that the ancient array is endangering my life, and the rest of you need to give me an explanation? "

At the beginning of the dialogue, the two fell into a strange atmosphere. The representative of the Yu family narrowed his eyes and stared at Ye Hongtian. He began to emit a dangerous smell. The green fire in Ye Hongtian's body did not need to be over suppressed. In addition, he broke through the nine fold Awakening state. He was not afraid of the representative of the Yu family and also released his breath.

The two breath collide. In the breath of cultivation, the breath of cultivation of the Yu family is stronger than that of the semi holy land. However, the representative of the Yu family did not directly attack Ye Hongtian because of his own breath.After a moment of confrontation, the representative of the Yu family asked again, "are you sure you want to ask for an explanation from our Yu family?"

There is a sense of threat in this sentence, which seems to Tell ye Hongtian that if he wants to ask the Yu family for an explanation, the Yu family is likely to take some special actions.

Ye Hongtian was able to understand this threat, so he didn't answer directly. Instead, he said, "I don't want to ask the Yu family for an explanation, but after all, it's because I know that the ancient array crisis has affected my life. I think we can take a step back."

"How to retreat?"

"Well, I remember some Phoenix blood of the Yu family, right? I have a skill that can only be cultivated by Phoenix blood. Even if it is my compensation for destroying the insight into the ancient array, how precious a skill that can only be cultivated by Phoenix blood is, I don't have to say much about it? "

What ye Hongtian said made representative Yu's eyes wide open. He glanced at the disciples of xueyuezong who were working around him and created a sound barrier with a wave of his hand. He was obviously very interested in the skill that the Phoenix blood could cultivate.

"What you say is true?" Representative Yu confirmed to Ye Hongtian.

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, ye Hongtian sneered in his heart and said solemnly: "of course, it's true. I can't get this skill easily. Here!"

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