Four days later, ye Hongtian and Ziming had enough time in Tianhuo City, and decided to leave Tianhuo city and travel to other places.

In the past few days in Tianhuo City, apart from being assassinated by the four sneakers on the first day, nothing special happened. Every day I accompanied Ziming to try all kinds of things, which was also full.

He didn't say goodbye to Jiyuan face to face, but just told him to leave with notes, and then left the city of heavenly fire with Ziming.

Next, ye Hongtian wants to visit the main city of Jun's family. It is said that it is the most prosperous city in Zhongzhou. He wanted to visit it a long time ago.

Although someone in your family is aiming at you, you Qiongyao will be a VIP when you enter the main city of your family. As long as the people behind the scenes are not in your family, they will not attack him in the main city of your family. At that moment, the most dangerous place will become the safest place.

The location of Jun's main city is not a secret for the warriors in Shenwu. There should be map sellers in every place. You can clearly see the location of the city from the map.

Tianhuo city is very close to the main city of Jun's family. There is only Yu family closer than Tianhuo city.

With the speed of sword level flying tools, they only need less than two days to get to Jun's main city. Of course, if they rest on the way, the time will be longer.

That night, ye Hongtian and Ziming passed by a small town. They were not ready to drive at night, so they had a rest in the town.

There are not many visitors in the inn. Ye Hongtian and Ziming choose their better rooms. They were assassinated in the middle of the night before. Before the break, ye Hongtian set up powerful attack and defense arrays in Ziming and his room.

If you're not a warrior above the semi holy land, you can't break the array. Even if you're a warrior above the semi holy land, ye Hongtian woke up long ago.

The night is very quiet, because it is a small town, the night is not as bright as Tianhuo City, only part of the shops are open and the lights are on.

There are very few pedestrians on the street, and very few of them are on their way home.

In the alley near the inn, about ten soldiers changed into black clothes and quickly jumped onto the roof of the inn.

Right below them is the direction where ye Hongtian is, obviously with a clear goal.

A warrior was about to rush into the room from the window, but as soon as he touched the window, an electric current flowed into his body, paralyzing him and rolling to the ground.

At the same time, ye Hongtian in the room also wakes up. The array just arranged today is useful, which makes him a little surprised.

"Are you in such a hurry to kill me? Since I left Chuncheng, I have met many assassins. How much juntianyao wants to kill me. " Ye Hongtian sat up and said with a bitter smile.

Using mirror Yin and Yang eyes to look out of the window, the soul power spreads out, instantly perceiving those people on the roof.

The situation outside the window has also been seen clearly with the mirror Yin and Yang eyes. After confirming that there is no one, ye Hongtian takes the initiative to open several other attack arrays.

On the roof, the warriors were still wondering how there was electric current on the windows of Ye Hongtian's room. Just as they were about to discuss how to solve the electric current on the windows, the tiles under their feet suddenly began to vibrate, and then beams of light shot from their feet. Their power could not be underestimated.

A warrior's leg was pierced by light beams, and then countless light beams pierced his body. Under the attack of these beams, the warrior in the middle of the semi holy land became a sieve. Fortunately, the power of those beams was not enough to kill him, which made them very happy.

But as soon as they got out of the range of the beam, something like a cage enveloped them.

The cage released its power and pushed them back to the roof. They were about to enter the shooting range of the beam again. One of the warriors yelled: "use the strongest attack, attack that cage! As long as the pressure is not there, we can be suspended in mid air! "

With the shouting of this man, all the warriors mobilized their strength to attack the array cage set by Ye Hongtian. The combined attack of several warriors, which ye Hongtian did not take seriously, failed to resist, and the cage was thus broken.

The attack array on the roof was broken because the cage was broken, and there was no way to attack those warriors. In this way, all the array set by Ye Hongtian was cracked.

However, those arrays can only cover the outside. None of the arrays inside the room have been activated. Ye Hongtian doesn't go out of the room either. He stands up and goes to the wooden table to sit down and drinks tea leisurely.

"Jun TIANYAO has a lot of contacts. How many semi holy places have you sent to die?" Ye Hongtian murmured as he drank tea.The warriors outside are suspended in mid air, staring at the window of Ye Hongtian's room. Now no one dares to approach them without permission.

A warrior approached the former commander and whispered, "brother, didn't that adult give you a treasure to deal with special situations? There's no need to wait any longer now! "

"Tut, long winded! After that thing is used, it is equivalent to the full force of the strong at the beginning of the holy land. If ye Hongtian can't be killed, this thing is mine. Then I have an extra means to protect my life? In order to break a few arrays and waste such valuable things, isn't it outrageous? " The warrior, known as the boss, yelled.

With that, he rushed to the window of Ye Hongtian's room, holding a big axe from the heaven and earth bag in his hand and chopping it on the window.

The window of the room broke instantly after being hit by the axe, and the current of the paralyzed warrior seemed to have disappeared.

Everyone rushed into the room when their windows were broken and looked around. Then in front of the wooden table not far away, they saw Ye Hongtian drinking tea.

"I thought I had to wait a little longer, but I didn't expect that you would come in before the tea was finished. Then this tea... I'll wait for you to drink it." Ye Hongtian glanced at the soldiers in black and said.

Will just pour the full cup on the wooden table, a wave of hands, a shield in the wooden table, protect the wooden table.

The sky change sword appears in the hand, holding the front finger of the sword, a sword Qi is released, and the target is the first one who rushes in, who is called the "eldest brother".

This sword Qi is just ordinary sword Qi, but from it, we can feel that it is much stronger than ordinary sword Qi, which makes people dare not resist.

The warrior, known as the "eldest brother", quickly dodged and let the sword cut on the wall.

Looking back, I want to see how the sword mark on the wall is, but I find that there is no mark on the wall. It seems that the sword Qi is just stronger.

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